
In the Devil's Arms

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Beatrice Devonshire is a successful erotic novelist, drawing inspiration from her vivid dreams of a mysterious and seductive man. But when she discovers that her dream lover is none other than the Devil himself, seeking to claim her as his bride, her life takes a dark turn. Desperate for guidance, Beatrice turns to a kind priest, and their forbidden love affair further complicates her situation. Meanwhile, her family begins to act strangely, consumed with their desire to possess her or betray her. She finally found out that she has been cursed. As Beatrice delves deeper into the mystery surrounding her cursed fate, she must make a difficult choice: give in to the Devil's temptations and accept her fate, or risk everything to break the curse and free herself from his grasp. With each decision, she is faced with temptation and danger, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Will she succumb to the Devil's promises of power and freedom, or find the strength to resist and save herself?

Suzu_Rim · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Nightmare in Broad Daylight

"Gilbert," she said softly. Her voice tinged with disappointment. "Why did you avoid me at city hall yesterday?"

Gilbert's hand gently caressed her face, and he leaned in to kiss her tenderly, his face was hard to read. But, Beatrice could see a little bit of sadness in his eyes, and it made her heart ache with guilt.

"Please rest first, my love," he said, changing the topic of conversation

Beatrice's heart sank after hearing that, and her mind raced with different scenarios. She wondered if she had done something wrong or if he had grown bored of her. The uncertainty made her anxious.

"Why are you avoiding my question?" she protested, her eyebrows furrowed.

Gilbert smiled and placed a finger over her lips, silencing her. "Not now, my love," he said. "Let's discuss that later."