
Chapter 18: ....I think I found peace in the clouds!

Time flew....

  "Babe!!!! You suck! Like what the hell? He's madly in love with you bissh!" Ada sounded undeniably excited

  ".....oh c'mon! Its a girl magic..." I teased

  "Silly....I knew he was going to take a step further....He's been looking at you from a distance. Good thing your marriage collided...." Ada teased

  "...Addy, that's not funny!" I snapped frowning

  "...just kidding! It meant a lot to you, I know that! Come off it Danielle, you deserve better....chill out" 

  "I heard ya. I got to unpack as soon as possible, coz I got work tomorrow remember?" I concluded

  "A'ight! Call me tomorrow, after your.....date?" Ada insisted

  "Yes. I got you!" I hung up, not waiting a minute

I dropped my phone on the bed laying on my back, I lost track of everything immediately, my thoughts, emotions....everything seemed numb and just not enough. It suddenly dawned on me when Lola called from prison.

Firstly, I was skeptical and confused, why'd she need my help in the end of it, after spending several cold nights in jail.

Secondly, I reasoned, why'd i Want to see her? She did the unexplainable but I kinda pushed her down the stairs too yet it don't matter, I'm still on the fact that I was defending myself nothing else. I braced up to see pathetic Lola who needed my help all of a sudden.

I did my usual night routine sinking on my bed while Jamal's thought swept through my mind, I'm not going to lie I really cared about his whereabouts but it is what it is.

Silly Hunter buzzed my phone

  "Hey babe!" He sounded jovial as always

  "Yeah Hunter, what're you doing?"

  "Just not finding it easy.....missing someone terribly....its a lot to handle" he stopped

  "....you care about someone, don't you" I teased

I heard him chuckle

  "There she goes, Danni. Can you stop doing that, it makes me want you more...."

  "That's what I'm about....you got work right?" I asked throwing strawberries into my mouth

  "Yes babe.....I got a flight to catch up with in a months' time.." He added

My mind sank, It felt obnoxious

  "That's shit....you leaving again?"

  "I'm so sorry babe, its work I promise..."

  "....I'm not disputing that, man. It don't feel right, not at all. Hunter...." I flared

  "....babe...babe, could you hear me out first?....thank you! We got summit, its important I be there. I'm going to make it up to you. After this, its Vac for us I promise" he pleaded, trying to persuade

I sighed and continued

  "Honey it don't feel right I swear. I feel-el some type of way....its just not ok, Hunter...." I said defiantly

  "....I know. I'll come over so we talk?" He opted

  "Yes Hunter, get your ass over here" I commanded then hung up

  "God! What the hell!" I went over to the living waiting for his arrival

Twenty minutes later, my door bell rang, I knew it was Hunter

  "Can you start explaining?" I stood folding my arms, after I opened the door

  "Can I come in first, its freezing out here?" He politely asked with a slight grin on his face

 "Why not...." I walked to the couch, sinking on it in my robes

He followed from behind and sat taking off his jacket

We stared at each other for like 6 seconds then continued the main deal, discussing

  "Danielle, its work! I really dunno why you're worked up....you missed me that bad?" He teased with a serious look

  "To hell! (I yelled) you know, i wouldn't react if I felt good about it. You barely come around, we don't spend good time together..... I'm not trying to get silly but this one is really a NO for me. You won't understand, bro! My instincts...." I turned away

He rubbed his silky black hair backwards which was shiny even at dusk. He held my knuckles drawing close. He sighed heavily, then I placed my right index finger across his darkish red lips

  ".....I'm not trying to be like her, I'm not.....I'm not complaining coz I knew what I was getting into not for the culture but for feels, I don't know what it is--i feel insecure!" I said coldly

  "I really wish I could take you to the heavens, stand before God for a heart opening, for confirmations....." He began

Then I interrupted

  "....its no joke, c'mon Man!" I frowned

  "....to prove to you how insanely important this is at work!" He ended regardless

  "I guess there's nothing I can do to stop you, trust me I won't let it slip ok?" I smirked

  "Ok that's scary ma'am!" He teased

Hunter took things mostly unserious around me. Out there, his chocolate complexion would scare you, it carried this hard face all times.

  "Hunter?" I called innocently

  "...Babe! Its vacation unlimited for us, I got it all planned out, trust me! Is it ibiza, miami, paris.....name it....i got you! I'll be back in no time" he persuaded

  "For how long? Like how long?" I asked curiously

  "3 days! No more no less!" He snapped

  "Maybe, I can handle that. Just maybe!" I added

  "Give me that magic again?!" He smirked

I blushed then I wrapped my arms around him suddenly grabbing on my lips laying a very heated kiss, touching and smooching felt intensive.

Hunter passed the night at my house, trust me we didn't cross the thin line between 9.5 and 10. I jumped on my feet realizing I was about thirty minutes late to work. Hunter lied on his stomach comfortably looking sound even in the sleep.

I prepared some tea and toasted some bread coz that was the quickest thing I could fix and think of. I turned to serve on a tea cup then I found Hunter leaning against the wall crossing his legs folding his arms

  "Morning darling! Did you even sleep?" 

  "Why not! And I am forty minutes late, thanks to you" I continued serving the tea cups Carol got for me from India, its lovely.

He came from behind holding my waist then placing a divine kiss on my neck, side to side.

  "Breakfast first!" I shrugged

  "...I don't mind having you as breakfast, I don't feel like going to work today. I can just take a day off, you should too."  suggested

Yes, I didn't have much work today but I hated compromising work for nothing, since it was Hunter, I think I might just reconsider his request

  "I can't compromise work for no one...."

  "Ouch! That's rude but you should. C'mon Danni, you are boss!"  he reminded

Hl)m1qe was right, I did not have a deadline to catch up with either.

We headed to the counter to eat, when he got a call

  "Excuse babe!" He swiftly kissed my forehead then walked away

  "Alright" I said beneath my breath

Then I remembered some months earlier when Jamal answered that call that started our commotion. When it came to comparison, I wouldn't and could never compare these men coz they are special every which way. He came back hastily like he was chased from behind

  "Did you miss me!" He joked pouncing on this bread.

I only smiled and continued eating with my eyes fixed on his biceps and abs, they were incredibly worked out. 

  "I'd be out for some errands and shopping" he said concentrating on his food

  "Ok! But we agreed on being home althrough..." I pointed

  "It's actually a surprise for you" he snapped simply

  "Hmm! I love it already.....I'd be seeing Lola today, she called sometime ago" I blurted out

He raised his brows

  "Are you sure you don't want me close or something..." He looked pretty worried

  "I can handle it" I rubbed his meatloaf shaved beard

  "I knew you'd say that! Call me though. I'd drop you off then pick you up myself" He insisted

  "I'm-not-a baby!" I scoffed

  "You are, Danni. I take care of you as much as I can and I could do more...." He added

  "Yes...You win! Yay!" I teased

 As soon as Hunter dropped me off at the prison's gate I felt sore and worn. I felt like I was walking into a hall of pain and anguish.

I waited for Lola, fixing my eyes on the path way that led to the entrance where prisoners matched from.

Lola looked pathetic and not healthy, she was someone that took diets seriously unlike myself who appreciates junk foods. Her hair was wrapped in a ponytail and her face was covered in dark spots and burns.

  "Hi Danni!" She innocently called

My face hardened with a frown

  "....hit the point" I couldn't let her waste my time

  "I know exactly how you feel about this, the uproar......" She started explaining

  "Jeez, Why did you call me?" I asked firmly

  "Could you bail me out...it sounds unfortunate but you are the only family I could think of...." 

I slapped her not minding the security's opposition

  "I sure deserved it" she swallowed her tears

  "I'm not family." I warned

  "I understand! I'm really sorry for everything I did to you, for the pain, the separation between Jamal...." She pleaded

  "As for separation? It led me to the most incredible man i could ever ask for!" I smirked "the apologies? That's not enough, not even a life could pay for it" I added

  "Can I have this last chance to prove myself? I'd confess...." She requested

  ".....Lola? I'm not willing to negotiate, I'm gone past that now. Talk to your lawyer, I'd handle it, name the price" 

  "Thank you so much.....i promise..." She appreciated

  "....do not make promises you can't keep. I've heard it once and not ready to hear another..." I stood up walking out briskly in heels that actually got everyone looking and thinking.

I took a cab to the nearest grocery store and texted Hunter. We pulled over 

  "We're Here, ma'am!" 

The man around his forties blurted In a very sad tone.

 I stopped staring at him from behind wondering

  "..could you just bounce!" Now rudely he replied

  "No!" I simply said 

He looked surprised and continued

  "....I'm sorry" he turned to me finally "You mean?" He wondered

  "What's the problem? You could share...like anything could happen." I suggested with a slight smile

  "Uhm....urh....its just that I really need assistance with my children's tuition. I can't  stack enough, I really dunno what to do. I wish I could blow my brain up.....my wife is sick yet I can't afford hospital bills....really sorry feeding you with my issues. I just needed to say something like you demanded" he sighed

  "I like you. I like the fact you didn't press the pressure, you passed my test, man" 

He scoffed then continued

  "...what test? Is this a prank..." He started to flare up

  "Not at all. You see we don't always get what we want and about being suicidal is crazy, who'd see the kids through and your wife?" 

  "That's true!" He nodded in accordance

  "Exactly! Be thankful that you have a pretty  wife and adorable kids, people who still call you 'honey and daddy'. I got everything but I don't have a husband to call me 'honey nor kids to call me Mom', it's frustrating...." I explained

  "Thanks a lot ma'am, that was explicit And helpful" he appreciated with a smile

  "Its nothing! What exactly would you want for stability?" I asked again

  "Uhmmm, anything at all. A reputable job will do..." He simply said

  "You have to earn it. What was your major back then?"

  "I studied Land Survey...." He replied still wondering

  "That's what I need. Here's my card (I handed it over) I'd like you to honor it"

He was excited and overwhelmed

  "Ma'am I don't know how to thank you..."

  "You stand a Chance! How much do I owe you...." 

  "No, I can't accept no money from you. Not because of the card but your words were heavenly..."

  "Oh no, my bad. I don't accept freelances, let me pay it.....since you ain't telling me I'd just pay you anything, agreed?" I Asked

  "Agreed!" He smiled

  "Here!" I took a handful and handed it over

  "Ma'am!" He stood shocked

What I offered could settle an average rent or more, I left him overwhelmed and lost of words.

I sighted Hunter's car from a little distance, I forfeited the groceries not to keep him waiting, then I walked to him as he hopped down to meet me. We hugged

  "Hey Mr? Did I waste your time?"

  "I saw her from a distance, wondering what motivation she maybe rendering to someone?" He smiled as we walked into the store instead. We picked what we needed for dinner and the time being

  "Are things that difficult out there?"

  "You didn't know? More than you could imagine babe" he sighed

  "This man took my eyes, I couldn't walk out but stop to ask what the problem is...He's got a sick wife and unpaid tuition for his kids.." 

  "Really? Y'all had a time out. Is he ok?"

  "Of course, I guess! I had to help, man"

  "You always do that Danni, I'm proud of you!" Hunter said smiling at me like a child who won first place at school

We shopped then headed home, made lunch.

  "Tell me how it went with Lola?"

I knew he'd ask that

  "She's good. She apologized...." I said simply

  "Woah! That's the reason she called you over?"

  "Yeah! She was remorseful" I added

I felt talking about the bail was really not important

  "Did you forgive her?" He stopped eating

  "Uhm...." I stuttered to find words soothing

  "I think you should, it doesn't matter what she did, give her a chance to move freely...." He started

  "C'mon, she destroyed my marriage and made nothing...." I got pissed

Why was he suggesting I forgive her that easily

  "I know. That same marriage did you no good, Danielle. Admit it! You always...." He got pissed too suddenly

  "Are you trying to say you're better than Jamal?" I tried to figure out

  "There! Who said that? That's simply not what I meant" he defended

  "Of course you meant it Hunter, do not lie." I insisted

  "I don't know why you took this so personal, I only suggested you forgive her that's it! I can't force you, can I?" He added

  "Just like not being able to force you to stay back?" I stared up again

  "Really Danni? We talked about this, didn't we?" He reminded with a hard face this time

   "Why are you even fuming....." I asked him instead

  "Who's fuming? You are! I'm not fuming you are, obviously?" he almost yelled

  "You just did!" I walked to my room

To be honest, I flared up not Hunter. He simply suggested something while I poured out my anger on him for no reason. He followed me to room sitting next to me with one leg folded on the bed while the other one the ground

  "Why are we doing this to us?" He said coldly looking into my eyes

  "Doing what?" My eyes widened

  "Really. Letting anger and pain come between us? I hate it when we do that, its eating me up. This is not what I want, I want us to be a perfect couple till the day we tie the knot, is it that bad?"

  "Tie the knot? Hunter there's no perfect couple out there" I reminded

  "There are! A lot out there including.....Ada and Eric are. We could be another. I don't care what your past was or mine was, I'm crazily focused on the present and future." He turned his face to the view outside the window

  "Hey! Don't look away, I'm in here!" I cupped his face  "I'm so sorry Hunter, I overreacted and i promise not to do that to you again, ok?" I assured

He ignored staring at me, with a frown

  "Hunter! Babe, I'm so sorry"

  "Gimme that magic else......" He finally blurted

I placed an apologizing kiss to kill the unpleasantries.

Within few days, I paid off Lola's bail just like Hunter suggested I forgive her. I did. I was at the office when the secretary ushered a man and his wife in. It was the man from that day at the grocery store.

  "I'm sorry ma'am he insisted that...." Mona apologized

  "Its ok Mona!"


Mona walked out leaving us three

  "To what do I owe this visit Mr....?"


We shook and I hugged the wife regardless, i felt warm inside

  "I'm Kim!" She added

  "...Danielle! Please sit!" I offered

They smiled looking humble actually. I made tea for us

  "That's what I can give for a start, we could eat out later on..." I suggested

  "Oh no! I don't think I've met a woman as kind as you..." Kim added sipping her tea

I smiled and continued

  "Oh c'mon! Y'all are! Seriously Jimmy why did you come, is there a problem?" I wondered

  "No Danielle. We can't express our gratitude enough!" He pointed

  "...when Jimmy came home with such money, I thought he stole it not until he narrated the whole story....." Kim narrated

  "C'mon y'all. When we have, I think its good we share at least" I added

  "Thank you! Now I got a job with a very good pay, what else can I say to you? My wife would carry on her business while Myer and Mia would go to school..." He nodded

  "Sure! Please come by for dinner. The kids would love you" Kim added

  "Oh really! By the weekend?" I asked to be sure

  "Why not! Please do, we don't have a luxurious place per say but we can share our love..I can't thank you enough, Danielle. Its no flattering but from a sincere heart we do, please trust us!" Her eyes watered

  "I don't want to be emotional in here, Kim" I added 

  "Thank you once more...." Jimmy said finally

  "Seriously, I'm honored thanks for dropping by" i simply said

They stood up to leave immediately to not interrupt work.

Omar came with some files for my approval, we discussed work then proceeded with another conversation

  "Ma'am that dude....." Omar started

  "That dude has a name, you interviewed him.." I added

I really preferred people to be looked at with respect, especially with names for good courtesy

  "Sorry! Jimmy! He's a hell of brain on there, where did you find him?"

  "At the grocery store. Actually from the prison's to the grocery. He was a cab driver"

  "Oh! Talents are really hidden out there. Promise me I won't be replaced Danni...." He teased

He was right. We started this enterprise together and today we've gone so far

  "Omar! Why would I? When you go wrong, I call your attention not chase you away, right?" I tilted my head

  "Of course, ma'am! That reminds me, I heard that Lola was out of prison few days ago.....she was granted bail. Who would paid off such huge amount?" He looked at me in the eye expecting my answer

  "Why are you staring at me? You think I'd pay off her bail? Hell nah!" I denied

  "...just wondering. Her accounts are frozen, her so called boyfriend Jamie fled, she got no family....." Omar listed

  "Omar? Can we not talk about Lola or prison? Its not official" I demanded

He stood up to leave

  "....yes, we won't. I knew you paid off her bills. I just want to say you got a big heart, she owes you her life. You saved a life!" He left finally

I did what I did for the little baby who died in the process of our mischief not for release or something. That was the main truth behind it but I'd rather keep it to myself.

I was home seeing a movie when door bell rang. I was actually in my comfy clothes coz I never expected any visitors. Then I scoffed


I walked to the door holding a burger on my right. It was despicable Lola in short flowered gown that was blue in color and heels

  "Hi Danielle, can we talk?"

I looked at her from her hair down to her shoes. I walked inside then she followed from behind. she stood beside me while I sat, turning off the TV

  "I came to apologize for everything I caused you, I started this whole thing from start to finish...."

   ".....I don't want hear it!" I turned to her finally

  "Danni, I beg you please forgive me..."

  "I forgive you" I turned away

  "Just like that? I'm sorry, I'm willing to do just anything you ask!"

I stared at her for some seconds

  "Sit" I motioned her to then I continued "Why did you do it? Why did you leave?"

  "I'm really sorry for everything... I was jealous! That child wasn't Jamal's, its Jamie's. I took it out on Jamal  because I felt he was rich enough to take care of me and my child. Jamie was quite violent yet I was scared to say something....." 

  "....did you screw Jamal?" 

This was the most important thing for me not the others, she failed to listen when I opted she  should break up with Jamie she virtually crowned it as love and forgiveness

She sighed not knowing how to admit

  "I did. I screwed him"

  "How many times...?"

  "Danielle....." She tried to calm me down

  "......just say the shit!" I yelled

  "....twi....twice!" She admitted

  "Where was I?" I stopped eating

  "You...you were in town. The time I spoke to him about our stuff, I was actually at his house. When he came into town I was happy he did and I couldn't tell you because I felt he'd tell you exactly how he felt about you. He secretly told me how madly in love he was with you....." She sighed again

I guess her heart was beating more than normal

  "And you never told me. So why did y'all keep it a secret, how y'all screwed each other? I was the puppet, I was the sheep you preyed on..." I flared up

  "I'm sorry. I'm quite ashamed of myself, I stooped so low....."

  "Absolutely! You did. That was the reason you got angry he chose me not you, we spent time together, we talked better.....(I rubbed my hair) wow! How did you meet West?"

  "....I met him earlier before you both met. I wanted him to distract you so I could have Jamal to myself....." She continued 

I smiled nodding my head

  "....you knew he was a hitman?"

  "Yes I knew. At that point I didn't mind if he'd kill you...I just wanted Jamal" 

  "Hmm. You're more interesting than I had thought. So, about his kidnap, you also had a hand in it?"

  "No. I had nothing to do with Vinnie....."

  "Are you going to lie again" I figured she was all about mischief

  "I think Vinnie knew I could help him somehow. I came up with a plan to take Jamal away so we could get Dr Khaleefa's wealth....the papers....he promised me my part of it coz I had a hunch that I was gonna be caught at work where I stole money from the company's account....I needed something to fall back on. I could only think of Jamal's wealth.....Danni I promise, I am so angry at myself...." She began to apologize

  "Bravo! You are really an artist. You played me up tight!" 

I didn't know if I was to slap or hit her or rip her hair off, i didn't know what to say, it was clear to me that I was the fool. Even if she was after Jamal's money he didn't say a word about their secrecy, twice they screwed.

I won't lie, I was disheartened and angry and i wanted to kill her again that Instant coz I wouldn't regret this action, at least no child to intervene.

  "Can you leave, I need to be alone! We got nothing to talk about. I think I've had enough shitty today" I concluded

My door bell rang again, I wondered who. I looked at her intensely that she had to talk

  "I swear, I wasn't followed!" 

I opened the door, it was Hunter. We hugged

  "I didn't know you'd come by!" I made up

  "Danni, I do this almost all the time" he smiled 

He saw Lola

  "Is she Lola?.....Hi!" He waved slowly

  "She was about to leave....." I answered looking at Lola

  "I'm sorry!" She apologized and left hastily

He hugged me immediately like he seemed to know what I felt that minute.

  "I should have been here earlier" he hugged me tightly again

  "Its not your fault! I handled it. I forgave her just like you suggested" I added

I felt secure and more safer around Hunter

He was heaven to me, everything about him felt surreal and too right. He respected all my decisions, scolded me where I was wrong, advised me when I needed one, protected me when I felt insecure, cared for me when I needed care and loved me more than I ever deserved. Hunter was not the flirty man I used to know, he flirted with just me and no one else. Everyone including his family, I felt love from all angles except Jamal's and it still hurts. 

Hunter passed the night again, in his terms, it was for my protection and I believed it. At this point I was in the verge of trusting Lola or not, trusting Jamal or not. Then I thought of visiting West at the rehab, at least he didn't push through even when he was forced to. 

Days on,

I visited West as promised, he was happy see me, he seemed to improve better than i expected just in a couple of months. We talked for a hour, he confessed to a his doctor which he secretly admired and I was pretty sure she liked him too. Undeniably, he was handsome and his physique was breath taking and of course a rich bachelor.

On my way to my house, Mustapha called my phone. I was surprised to see his call. At first, Dr Khaleefa was mad at the fact that I left his son and he believed that it was he reason why Jamal left town, leaving him behind.


  "Yes Danni. We got a problem over here?" He seemed restless

  "Is dad ok?" I was worried too

  "That's why i called. I'll come pick you up in thirty minutes......" He suggested

  "....No. I could drive down in minutes..." I objected

  "He wishes..." He hung up

I was disturbed, what could be the problem?