
In The Dark:The struggles of love

My eyes was heavy with tears,I walked down the street with no direction in mind like an arrow shot into the air just to test how strong the hands of a warrior is. My parents would be so disappointed especially if they found out the guy who impregnated had denied and rejected the pregnancy. I'm a fool for believing Kelvin really loves me. That bastard. Amelia is in her last year in the University and is getting ready for her internship in her boyfriend, Kelvin's place of work. She found out she is pregnant and Informed Kelvin about it in which he rejected vehemently. Will Amelia birth the child? Will Kelvin come back? Will she go for her internship in the company? Will she find love again? Read IN THE DARK to find out how Amelia journey ended.

Babatunde_Aminat · Urban
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7 Chs

Coming home

Victoria was asleep when her phone vibrated beside her, she rubbed the sleep off her eyes and turned to pick up her phone to check who was calling at that time of the night.

When she saw Amelia's name written boldly with a lot of lovey-dovey emojis, she hurriedly swiped the phone to the right side of the screen to pick up the call.

"Amelia baby, are you okay?", she replied sleepily, it was evident the call woke her up.

Amelia's heart sank at the voice of her mother.

" Mom, I'm outside, please come open up the door".

Victoria's mind reeled on hearing that, her mind going wild as to why her daughter came back late at night.

She groggily stood up, wrapped her robe tightly against her body, and headed for the bedroom door.

She hurriedly came down the hallway to the living room to open the door for her daughter.

She pulled the door open with a worried look and noticed her daughter's eyes were all red and puffy.

She was scared, she pulled her in and jammed the door behind her.

"Amelia, What's wrong?" She inquired as she pulled her to the sofa.

Amelia didn't know how to answer her mother's question.

"Mom," She said and choked on her tears.

Victoria was becoming impatient with the minute, she pulled her close-range and rubbed her on her back.

"Baby, you can talk to me".

" Why are you crying, you know I can't stand your tears".

Amelia couldn't find the word to use, something like an euphemism.

She wanted something that could lessen the harshness of the words she was going to say. Something mild.

But deep down she knows nothing can stop the harshness of the sentence she was going to tell her mom.

"I'm pregnant". She whispered.

" What?". Victoria asked her again.

"I didn't hear you".

" I am pregnant, mom"

"I'm with a child," She said again.

Victoria's hand that was around her daughter before slipped off Amelia's back immediately out of shock.

"Who?" Victoria asked.

"Who did that to you". She asked with a shaking voice.

Victoria is a single mother. She's been the only one taking care of her daughter since she was a child. Gabriel, Amelia's father abandoned them when she was a year old.

Victoria herself was twenty when she got pregnant with her daughter, Gabriel was a college student then while Victoria was still looking for admission into the same college as him.

When she found out she was pregnant, her parents rejected and abandoned her. She has to go and live with Gabriel in his hostel outside school. She was on her throughout her pregnancy phase, even Gabriel at the time always claimed he was busy and left her to herself.

On the night when her pregnancy was due, Gabriel was out drinking with friends.

She gave birth on her own in Gabriel's small bathroom as she had thought she wanted to ease herself, unknowingly to her, Amelia was coming.

It was a dark phase in her life and what completely stripped her of her light was when Gabriel sent her out of the house with Amelia when she was just a year old.

The thought of her daughter being in that same position terrified her and she burst into tears.

" Mom, I'm sorry". Amelia choked out.

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