
To The Sect

After the spar, Lin Fin and Sora went on to speak about the partnership between their two cities. It was a few days later that they came to an agreement, and Lin Fin gifted Sora a token. this token would allow Sora to enter a sect known as Blue Sky Sect, Lin Fin was an elder in that sect, so if Sora ever wants to join a sect, this token would help him enter.

After which they left, Lin Yu, ignored Sora after the spar. after her uncle told her she would have lost, she, of course, didn't want to believe it, but after replying to the battle over in her head, she realized that Sora did not only copy her combat skills but took them to the next level.

This left her with a bitter taste in her mouth, how could she be okay with this, moments ago Sora was a cripple, and in the blink of an eye he was stronger than her? She was a genius of her lifetime, born with the heavenly Frost Physique, one should know that ice was the strongest and rarest type of element for a person to have a natural element.

She was born with one of the rarest ice-type physiques, yet Sora outclassed her. it made her just want to go home and train harder,

once they left, Sora went on to see what he should do. he currently had 304 SP, to use the slot he needed 100 SP. To use the Summoning, he needed 10,000 SP.

Sora for now didn't need to summon anyone, he couldn't even bother to think of summoning someone until he gets some type of stable income from SP. As for the slot, he didn't need anything now, so he should put that to the side and spend all his time and attention on cultivating,

'The End Ability is impressive.' Sora thought with a sigh while sitting down, what was the End? This ability is what he got from the System Gift box, it allowed him to learn and master pretty much anything he sees.

It can be from something as simple as baseball to something as complex as martial arts. In his battle with Lin Yu, he mastered copied and mastered her combat style, but he also took it a step beyond 100%. he mastered it by 120%, not even the creator of this technique could compare to Sora

her physique? it was copied and mastered, swordsmanship, it was copied and mastered. all was mastered by 120%, extremely overpowered.

Name: Sora

Age: 17

Bloodlines: {Saiyan Bloodline}

Physique: {Saiyan Phsyque} {Heavenly Frost Physique}

Cultivation: level 4 Body tempering

Powerlevel: Level 9 Body Tempering


Cultivation Arts: [Golden Monkey Physique}

Technique: {8 Gates Technique}

Marital Arts: {Frost Heaven Sword Art}

Abilities: {The End}


Items: [The Totsuka blade]

SP: 309

Summons: {None}

'Someone is thinking of me.' Sora thought seeing that the amount of SP he got had increased, looking at the notification of SP he was getting, they were nothing new.

'What should I do? The quickest way to grow stronger right now is to master 8 Gate, but I can't copy myself. I could teach it to someone and learn it from them...' Sora thought while in deep thought,

Within the body, there were limiters placed all over to top a person from doing more than what the body and mind are capable of. without them, a person would not feel tired, or feel as if they can't go on anymore. this could lead to an easy death as far back as when they are born, so the 8 Gates allows a person to temporarily remove them in return for a power-up,

but to use them, a person must train their body, or else doing this could lead to their bones and muscles just shattering. but if Sora could see someone use this technique, he could master it. meaning when using it, it would have good control of the power brought upon such a powerful, limiting the damage caused to himself.

of course, that was just the theory of Sora, but it made sense. You can not say you have mastered something if you can't completely master it. So if he masters it, there is a chance it would not even cause backlash on him, but then again he didn't know for sure.

plus, the 8 gates were limited to cultivation, at the first stage of cultivation, he could only open the first gate, the second stage of cultivation allowed him to open 2 gates, and so on.

"Cherry," Sora called out softly, the maid who was watering the plants within his room froze slightly and quickly rushed over to his side. this was Sora's personal maid, from a young age she has always been by Sora's side. other than his father, she was the one who was the most joyful seeing he could cultivate.

"I'm going to teach you a technique, you ready?" Sora asked with a smile, stunning Cherry who quickly tried to fuse, how could she dare? but Sora ignored her refusal, Cherry was uneasy but she trusted her master didn't mean to harm her, so she listened carefully.

Sora went on to teach her how to open the first gate. Sora already comprehends the 8 gates, The End allowed him to comprehend it, but not master it. he was like a coach who knows the sport but tells him to play it, and it's another story.

Cherry after some time went on to attempt to one the first gate. the first limiter was located in the brain's left hemisphere, opening this gate removes the user's mental inhibitions. this would allow her mental capability to be far greater than before, from recalling past events, thinking clearly, and being more creative. it also removes the brain limiter on the body, allowing the body to use all of its power.

this Gate when opened increases one's power level by a shocking 2 times, in Cherry's case, it allowed her, who is at level 6 body tempering to fight those at level 10 body tempering. Cherry's eyes were wide as she looked at her palms, the power following through her, her mind which seemed to be opened, this feeling made her want to stay in this state forever.

But Sora flicked her head, leading to snapping out of that state and quickly closing the gate. although the side effect of opening the first gate was not huge, the body was no longer limiting her form from doing anything. A simple step could be her full strength, leading to her shattering the ground or her bones.

Her closing her head could be at full power, leading to her shattering all of her bones in said hand. So, before anything, he needed to learn to control her strength with the gate open, which was not hard for someone like her.

She was at level 6 body tempering, her overall body would be considered bulletproof back on earth, so long as she doesn't do something which could lead to her damaging herself from using too much power, she would be alright.

meanwhile, Sora had mastered the 8 Gates. What does it mean to master this technique by 120% you ask? it meant that the gates can remain open, with the side effect of a perfect mastery of himself. this means that Sora can have all limits off, yet fight with the right amount of force he wishes, not too much that he would burn himself dry and kill himself, yet not too little that he would have trouble crushing an egg if he so wishes.

it would be just right, the right amount he wishes to lash out with, perfect control of his force. No need for limiters when you have everything under your control, sadly Sora still needs to reach the required cultivation realm to open said gate.

Now, how strong is Sora with this gate opened? it meant that Sora could fight a level 1 Qi refiner, and have a good chance of winning. which was just impressive. He was already skipping 7 levels,

Looking at Cherry who was holding an egg and trying her best not to crush it, Sora smiled slightly before looking at the token which was given to him. Once he turns 18 years old, he shall leave to join the sect, but for now, he should try and at least reach level 6 Body refinement before then.

But before that, he needed to spread his image, he would get SP based on how people view him, but for that two works there were two requirements. the first was range, currently, the range for this effect to kick in was only a mile, and it shall increase by 10 times per realm.

second was that they needed to know what he looked like, if not then he could not gain a thing. they didn't need to be looking at Sora, or for Sora to even be in the room, so long as they were within range and knew how he looked, then he shall gain SP.

Sora's father kept his face and identity hidden from the outside world for Sora's safety, So although he was well known, only a few people his father trusted had ever seen him. Lin Fin's brother, the mayor of their city was a close friend of Sora's father back in the day.

Sora knew him to be righteous and someone who could be trusted, so he was more than willing to build a connection with them. other than that, Sora had rarely ever seen anyone else who could cause harm to him.

Sora planned to let the world know who he is, but it would be pointless for now, he should at least wait until the system can cover 10 or so miles. the more miles, the greater the SP he could gain. the shock of seeing him would bring forth a huge amount of SP, but after time it would die down, which in Sora's mind would be a waste, so he put this to the side for now.

Sighing softly, Sora went on to inform his father about his plans to leave the city once he turned 18. which his father agreed as Sora wouldn't get far if he stayed in this small 1-star city, plus for Sora's safety, he should join the sect.

If the wild beast were to attack, he wanted Sora to be under the protection of the sect. he was sure with Sora's talent, he should be viewed highly by the sect. So, he gave Sora man pills and resources and sent him off into a cultivation chamber.

A cultivation Chmaber was a room where someone can enter to cultivate. with a formation that draws in Qi, purifies, and strengthens the Qi, it was the best place possible to cultivate. the room was so dense with Qi, that it was like moving through the water when trying to move. but the room only had enough space to sit and cultivate, that's all.

Sora kept the next few months cultivating. Cultivators didn't need to eat much, some can go months without the need for food or water, this is because their body is filled with more than enough Qi. you eat for the sake of energy, the air here is filled with energy. but that doesn't mean one can ignore the concept of eating.

the Qi in the air can allow you to go some time without the need for food, but in the end, you would grow weaker and weaker over time. Sora of course had a huge meal before entering this chamber knowing that he might stay months within here, and with so much energy entering his body, and the pills with him, he could go 9 or so months without the need for food.

but he didn't need that many times, 3 months later, he turned 18 years old and stepped out of the cultivation chamber. with so much energy thrown at him, he had broken through to level 7 Body tempering, which was more than he honestly expected he would be able to reach.

"We put your work to the test, and this was the strongest ship we could create. It's capable of reaching speeds of 2.5 that of the speed of sound." Sora's father said in amazement while looking at the ship they had created, this ship was capable of lashing out with power equal to a level 10 Qi refiner,

it had enough power to last more than 1 year of none stop travel at full speed, it also had a formation that allows it to research its lost power, a defense allowing it to take attacks from a half-step Nascent soul realm expert, and so many other stuff.

normally ships like this would be considered a high Sky grade item, the resources that went to making such things are usually high and expensive, they cut the cost and grade needed to create such a thing down by a lot, yet they could still sell it for the same price as other High Sky grade items,

"I had 3 level 10 Qi refiners realm experts come with you, along with 5 maids, and butlers all with an alright level of strength. there is a storage ring, it holds anything you could need..." Sora's father spoke none stop, making Sora helpless with how worried the old man was for him.

"by the way, your hair." He said softly, making Sora sigh softly as he rubbed his hair, but he froze upon seeing the hair had changed once more. seeing his reaction, Sora's father was speechless, it was clear Sora didn't know the changes to his head.

Sora looked in the mirror and saw that his hair was no longer the same, it was pointing towards the sky, with some of it covering his face... how did he not notice it? Instead of having the Goku hairstyle, he now had the Gogeta hairstyle. His appearance also seemed to have changed, looking more handsome,

"Why does it keep changing?" Sora said as he tried to move around his hair, but it returned to the same shape each time. leaving him helpless,

{Host, the Golden Monkey Cultivation art changes your physique to that of a Saiyan. at first, you thought of Goku, so you were being built to be somewhat similar to Goku. but then you changed seeing how you looked and wanted to look like an ultimate Saiyan, a fusion between Gogeta and Vegito. so your physique is changing to be like that,} the system said leaving Sora speechless for a moment, before looking at himself once more. he suddenly didn't look so bad anymore.

"Well, we should get going, where is Cherry?" Sora asked calmly, how could he not bring the maid he grew up around, and always did those small tasks for him?

Sora's father smiled slightly before turning to look behind him, where Cherry was standing with a shocked look. In her mind, Sora didn't need her anymore so he was going to forget about her, it's not like she was strong or anything. She sacrificed all of her time which she should have been cultivating, to be by Sora's side, so she was far weaker than all the maids, so why would Sora want her to join him?

"Let's go," Sora said with a smile, to which Cherry couldn't say no, so she had no choice but to get onto the ship, under the envious looks of the other maids. Sora on the other hand went to explore the ship, looking at everything the ship had to offer before they took off.