
In the city of blood [BL]

In the city of blood, where shadows dance among the flickering lights and whispers echo through the labyrinthine streets, there exists a darkness that seeps into the very soul of the metropolis. It is a darkness born of forgotten dreams and shattered hopes, a palpable presence that hangs heavy in the air like a suffocating fog. In this city of blood, where the heartbeat of the urban sprawl pulses with a relentless rhythm, there are tales untold and secrets buried deep beneath the asphalt and concrete. It is a place where the sins of the past stain the present, where the lines between right and wrong blur in the dim glow of neon signs. Amidst the chaos and corruption, there are those who navigate the shadows with a grace born of necessity—a ragtag assembly of survivors and sinners, each with their own demons to wrestle and their own battles to fight. They move through the city like ghosts, slipping between the cracks of society, their footsteps muffled by the din of the streets. And yet, amidst the darkness, there are glimpses of light—a flicker of hope in the eyes of the downtrodden, a spark of defiance in the hearts of the oppressed. For even in the city of blood, where despair hangs heavy like a shroud, there are those who refuse to surrender to the darkness, who dare to dream of a better tomorrow. In the city of blood, where the sins of the past cast long shadows over the present, there are whispers of redemption—a chance for the lost and the broken to find their way home. It is a city of contradictions, where beauty and brutality collide in a symphony of chaos and despair. But amidst the darkness, there is always hope—a glimmer of light in the heart of the night, a beacon of promise amidst the ruins. For even in the city of blood, where shadows reign supreme, there are those who dare to defy the darkness and forge their own path to salvation.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
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32 Chs

The Haunting Aftermath of the Incident

 After 1 month,Amid a moonlit night, Nib and Win found themselves deep within a dense jungle. Swiftly, they traversed through the labyrinth of trees, their pace unyielding. Rain began to cascade around them, yet Nib held onto Win's hand, pressing forward with urgency. Abruptly, they halted, tension coursing through their veins. In an instant, an assailant emerged, thrusting a dagger toward Nib.Win's voice pierced the air, 'Nibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'...Startled from a haunting dream, Win jolted awake, his cries echoing in the stillness.His voice trailed off, 'Nibb...'Yet, no response. From below, Kimsy's concerned voice rang out, 'Win, are you alright?'Win reassured her, 'Yes, Kimsy. Just a troubling dream.'Reviewing his phone, he noted 250 missed calls and 500 texts from Nib, unanswered. Post-shower, he sat at the breakfast table, Kimsy serving rice, yellow curry, and juice. Win inquired, 'Anything special today?'His gaze shifted, noticing a wound on Kimsy's hand. Questioning her, he learned it was a month-old bathroom mishap. The answer felt incomplete, though he dismissed his unease.Win responded, 'Sure, let's eat.'Kimsy probed, 'When did you start attending university?'His shock was palpable, 'I don't know.'Kimsy empathized, 'The incident has left its mark, but life must go on.'Win reflected, 'Life's surprises can be good or cruel. Mine was cruel.'Kimsy murmured, 'I understand... No one understands better than me.''Were you saying something?' Win inquired.Kimsy deflected, 'No, let's finish before it gets cold.'Resuming his duties, Win's mind lingered on Nib. He'd tried to distance himself after the incident, fearing a fate akin to Pillow and Shine. Puzzled by his own emotions, Win grappled with his apprehensions. Mew, confined, continued to protest her innocence, fatigue etching her face.Outside the police station, an agitated mob had amassed, driven by fury to seek retribution from her. The weight of her actions and the lives disrupted hung heavy on her, fear evident in her eyes. Yet, Inspector Thai intervened, ensuring their escape.The clock read 1:35 am, and Win remained ensnared by wakefulness.An eerie sound reached his ears, unsettling him. Gripping a glass flower vase, he approached the balcony gate cautiously. As he swung the door open, poised to strike, Nib's sudden intervention caused him to stumble. His fall was halted by Nib's waiting embrace, their eyes locking in a shared gaze.After a beat, Win uttered, 'Why are you here? Just leave me...'Nib countered, 'Do you genuinely want me to leave?''Yes, I do,' Win affirmed, and Nib released his hold, causing Win to stumble. Win's yelp echoed, 'Ouchhh...uuu Nib.'Seating himself beside Win, Nib retorted, 'You asked me to leave, remember?'Standing up, Nib replied, 'Fine.' Win gazed at him, remarking, 'You've grown distant in a month.'Nib parried, 'Not more than you.'Win extended his hand, but Nib, effortlessly lifting him into his arms, gently placed him on the bed. Nib assumed a seat beside him, his eyes probing Win's face as he inquired, "What's troubling you?"Win, deflecting with a casual tone, replied, "Nothing much. And how are you?"Undeterred, Nib pressed, "You already know I'm not here for small talk."Attempting to evade the conversation, Win deftly replied, "My thoughts don't really matter."Nib teased, "Ah, the one who sent his best friend behind bars suddenly thinks his thoughts don't count. You amuse me, Win."A shift in Win's tone revealed a more serious undertone as he challenged, "Is it amusing to you?"Quickly clarifying, Nib said, "No, it's not."Refusing to dwell on the heavy atmosphere, Win deflected, "And how's Jian?"Unyielding, Nib returned to the core issue, cautioning, "Don't sidetrack. In a month, I've called and messaged you countless times. You never responded or returned my calls. I came here to talk, and yet, you seem to have nothing to say. Still, you're staring at me. Bye..."As Nib moved to depart, Win seized his hand...Nib, ''Leave my hand, you always wanted that same...''