
In the city of blood [BL]

In the city of blood, where shadows dance among the flickering lights and whispers echo through the labyrinthine streets, there exists a darkness that seeps into the very soul of the metropolis. It is a darkness born of forgotten dreams and shattered hopes, a palpable presence that hangs heavy in the air like a suffocating fog. In this city of blood, where the heartbeat of the urban sprawl pulses with a relentless rhythm, there are tales untold and secrets buried deep beneath the asphalt and concrete. It is a place where the sins of the past stain the present, where the lines between right and wrong blur in the dim glow of neon signs. Amidst the chaos and corruption, there are those who navigate the shadows with a grace born of necessity—a ragtag assembly of survivors and sinners, each with their own demons to wrestle and their own battles to fight. They move through the city like ghosts, slipping between the cracks of society, their footsteps muffled by the din of the streets. And yet, amidst the darkness, there are glimpses of light—a flicker of hope in the eyes of the downtrodden, a spark of defiance in the hearts of the oppressed. For even in the city of blood, where despair hangs heavy like a shroud, there are those who refuse to surrender to the darkness, who dare to dream of a better tomorrow. In the city of blood, where the sins of the past cast long shadows over the present, there are whispers of redemption—a chance for the lost and the broken to find their way home. It is a city of contradictions, where beauty and brutality collide in a symphony of chaos and despair. But amidst the darkness, there is always hope—a glimmer of light in the heart of the night, a beacon of promise amidst the ruins. For even in the city of blood, where shadows reign supreme, there are those who dare to defy the darkness and forge their own path to salvation.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
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32 Chs

Love in Hiding

With an unrestrained ardor, Win pressed his lips fervently against Nib's, their passion igniting an intense connection.In a tender embrace, Nib closed his eyes, savoring the sweetness of Win's lips as he gently drew them in, their connection deepening with every heartbeat. A soft sigh escaped Win as Nib's hand ventured beneath the waistband of his boxers, igniting a sensation that sent shivers of pleasure through his being. Succumbing to the intoxicating moment, Win's fingers deftly undid the buttons of Nib's shirt, their lips finding solace against the canvas of Nib's neck, each kiss a testament to their shared longing. A sigh of contentment resonated in the air as Nib guided Win with an intimate touch, the fabric of Win's shirt becoming a whispered memory as it was carefully discarded, the union of their souls deepening in the embrace of the night.Wrapped in a fervent embrace, Win pulled Nib into his arms, bestowing tender kisses upon every inch of his exposed skin, from the delicate curve of his armpit to the expanse of his chest and beyond. Passion hung in the air, their mingled breaths a testament to their shared desire. The heat of their connection became palpable, beads of sweat glistening on their skin as they surrendered to the consuming moment. Nib's touch traveled lower, his lips tracing the contours of Win's leg, his skilled hands coaxing off Win's boxer.Before them lay vulnerability and anticipation. Win's gaze bore a raw hunger, his thumb finding solace in his mouth, a silent plea for what was to come. With an urgency that spoke of their uncontainable longing, Nib pulled Win closer, guiding his legs upon his shoulders.Ecstasy mingled with a touch of apprehension as Win voiced his request, "Be gentle with me, for I am still untouched."Nib, his tone tinged with playful mischief, retorted, "Fear not, my love, let us uncover heavenly realms."As the moment intensified, Nib meticulously donned protection. Win's curiosity emerged amidst their shared intimacy, "Nib, did you prepare for this?"Without pause, Nib immersed himself in their connection. Win's initial discomfort gave way to a symphony of sensations as Nib's kisses and grip intertwined, igniting the fire of their union. Each movement etched a memory upon their souls, a dance of passion transcending the physical realm.Amidst their intimacy, Nib's voice softened, "If you find this overwhelming, we can halt."Determined and entranced, Win countered, "No, this pain reveals a heavenly ecstasy unknown to me. Push forward, even if my words suggest otherwise. Tonight, I long to experience this transformative connection."In their shared vulnerability, they bared their souls to each other, the embrace of their desires guiding them towards a realm where love and passion converged.They explored each other in various intimate positions—their bodies entwined in the fervent dance of passion. From the playful 69 pose to the languid embrace of the lazy boy pose, they delved into the depths of their desires, finding new ways to connect. The balcony's door remained ajar, the night breeze carrying their shared ardor throughout the room as they remained hidden beneath a blanket, their bodies enmeshed in a tapestry of affection.Moonlight streamed in, casting a gentle glow upon their sweat-kissed skin. Their love flowed freely as they surrendered to the timeless dance of intimacy. As the hours melded into one, Nib's ministrations reached their culmination, etching an indelible memory upon their hearts.Lying atop Nib's chest, they both savored the afterglow, their breaths mingling in the tranquil aftermath. Win's voice broke the silence, "Nib, you never shared what transpired between you and Mew. Since that day, she's vanished from my sight."Nib's response held a gentle introspection, "Indeed, I departed before Mew. Regrettably, my attempts to converse were met with resistance. She spurned my efforts, hastening to her abode before I could impart my words."Then, last night, Pit reached out to me, sharing that Mew had departed from the college. Despite my persistent attempts to connect through calls, each went unanswered.Win interjected thoughtfully, "Persist, Nib, with all your heart. Consider, Mew was your girlfriend; such situations tend to stoke jealousy. Visualize: soaked, sharing the same bathroom with both men and women. Can you sense my point?"Nib, his gaze reflective, replied, "I comprehend. But in honesty, my heart never truly embraced her. Mew stood as one among my past girlfriends—a chapter without possessiveness. Only you held significance, an exception to the norm."Win inquired, "So, how did affection for me evolve within you?"Nib hesitated, caution etched on his face. Reassured by Win's encouragement, he continued, "Forgive my candor. At first, my confession of love, when I pulled you into the taxi, was intended as jest. My spirits were low. Then, fate intervened—our car halted."Win, taken aback yet open to the revelation, urged him on."In that moment, my heart stirred, a sentiment foreign to my past relationships. Inspector Thai's eyes were drawn to you through the rearview mirror. A feeling, uncharted, coursed through me. As we alighted, and you invited him to join, an unexpected surge of emotion flared within me."Win's eyes held Nib's, the air thick with anticipation. Nib's voice grew earnest, "Witnessing you in camaraderie ignited a fire within me."And as you entered your penthouse, an unrelenting desire stirred within me. I yearned for time to stretch endlessly, with no bounds to our moments together. Throughout the night, your presence danced through my thoughts, unyielding.The following day, observing you by Inspector Thai's side, my emotions erupted, a tumultuous realization I could no longer deny. It was in that moment of confrontation, my outburst directed at you, that I conceded the truth—I am unequivocally in love with Win Vichayawannakul.Win: (Slumbering)...A tender smile graced Nib's lips as he gazed upon Win's peaceful slumber. However, an odd noise reached his ears, an enigma that he initially dismissed."Perhaps a figment of imagination..."Yet, the sound persisted, erasing doubt. Placing Win's head gently upon the pillow, Nib slipped into his pants, cautiously making his way to the balcony. He peered outside, greeted only by a solitary cat. A sense of unease lingered, shadowing his thoughts.Retreating to the warmth of the bed, he found solace beside Win.The morning sun began to cast its gentle embrace, signaling the start of a new day.Awakening, their eyes met in the soft morning light. Nib turned to Win, his voice carrying a gentle query, "Win, why not consider moving in with me?"Win responded, his words imbued with longing, "I truly wish I could."Curiosity threaded Nib's words, "Why hold back?"Win's admission carried a touch of vulnerability, "Kimsy required a month's advance payment. Until that elapses, I can't leave."Nib's concern flowed freely, "Money isn't an obstacle, Win."Win's reply was firm, laced with self-respect, "Please understand, Nib. I value your intentions, but I also cherish my financial standing. My roots are humble, my family middle-class. If you choose to love me, love the entirety of who I am."Before Nib could respond, Kimsy's approach punctuated their conversation. Quick thinking prevailed as Win discreetly directed Nib to conceal himself in the bathroom. Win, in haste, adjusted the bed's appearance.As the door opened, Win greeted Kimsy, the air charged with subtle secrets.Kimsy inquired, her concern evident, "Win, are you feeling alright? There were peculiar noises from your room last night."With an uneasy demeanor, Win replied, "Um, truth be told, I tumbled from the bed in my sleep. Hence, the slight discomfort."Nib, concealed in the bathroom, suppressed his laughter, hearing Win's unconvincing fabrication."And are you better now?" Kimsy persisted."Yes," Win affirmed.Kimsy's gaze fell upon an unfamiliar shoe near the bed, prompting another question, "Whose shoe is this? It doesn't match your size."Win hesitated, crafting his response with care, "Actually, I admired this pair, borrowed it from a friend temporarily. I intend to purchase a similar one."Kimsy appeared unconvinced, though she changed the subject, inviting Win for breakfast before departing.Resuming his presence in the room, Win made his way to the bathroom, where he found Nib showering unabashedly, a playful remark escaping his lips, "I never realized you were such a masterful storyteller."Caught in the midst of their exchange, Win's gaze met Nib's, who playfully continued, "Why the intense scrutiny? Despite our intimate night, you manage to make me blush."In response, Win uttered a simple phrase, heavy with suggestion, "Nib Darling, I am Horny."Their connection reignited, their bodies merging once more in a fervent embrace.