
9. The Dead Start To Walk(1)

Looking up at the large ship, Julia's mouth dropped open before she hurried to step out of the car. Staring up at the three funnels at the very top she then smiled before she turned to Mari who had hurried over to her. "She's here," she told her friend.

"Where?" Mari asked.

"Wherever we're going to start," Julia said after she frowned slightly.

"Julia, Mari," Beckett called to them. When the two girls hurried over to them she said, "Stay with us okay? Especially on the ship."

"We will," Julia said. "Sorry Mom, I…"

"What is it?" Beckett asked her. She wasn't surprised when her daughter shrugged and said, "Is it your grandmama?"

"Yeah," Julia said with a heavy sigh. "She wants to be here… for me."

"I'm glad to hear that," Beckett told her daughter firmly. When Julia looked at her with wide eyes she couldn't help smiling a little and said, "You're not going on the lockdown, but I still don't want anything to happen to you."

Nodding, Julia was about to speak when she saw a large car driving to where they were standing near the ship and she asked, "Is that them?"

"It is," Skye said, since they were close enough for her to hear. She walked over to the car, smiling when the first man to come out of it was Zak Bagans. "We're ready to go," she told him.

"Nice to see you again," Zak replied, sharing a quick hug with her. "Mary," he said to the doctor, hugging her as well. "Is this everyone?"

"Yeah, but you'll want to meet-" Skye started to say before Zak was interrupting her though she wasn't surprised when she heard the reason why.

"Who's the girl in the blue shirt?" the man asked.

"That's one of the two people I wanted you to meet," Skye said with a slight smile. "Julia," she called.

"Hi," the girl said a little shyly, amazed she was meeting the man she'd watched on the show.

"This is Julia Castle," Skye said. "These are her parents Rick Castle and Kate Beckett."

"Nice to meet you," Zak said, shaking all their hands. "I noticed something about you when we were out of the car. But I remember Skye's told me about you, what you're able to do."

Nodding, Julia was about to speak before she paused and then said, "I think you noticed my grandmama."

Glancing over at Martha, Zak said, "She's your grandmother?"

"Oh, yeah she is," Julia said as she realized who he was talking about. "But that's my gram. My grandmama is…" she started to say before pausing and looking at her mother.

"She was killed," Beckett said softly.

"She's here," Julia then quickly, hoping her mother wouldn't be sad at the reminder. "Well… she's over there now," she said, gesturing to the ship. "She wants to be here while we go through everything.""Will you lead us? You and Skye?" Zak asked her.

Smiling Julia was about to say yes when she paused and then looked at her parents who nodded to her. "Sure," she told him. "But… I've never been here before."

"I think that's where I come in," Skye said with a smile. "But I should introduce you to the others."

Julia smiled widely at Aaron Goodwin when she shook his hand and she suddenly blurted out, "The kids weren't making fun of you," though she wasn't sure why that had come to her as the others were looking at her questioningly.

"Are there kids here?" Aaron asked her.

"No, the place in Arizona where you were… all by yourself," Julia said, trying to remember the name.

"Vulture Mine?" Castle asked.

"Yeah," Julia said quickly. "It just came to me."

"That's a good sign for the tour," Zak said. "Speaking of which we better go, we have a couple people to talk to after we take a look at the boat again."

Skye hurriedly introduced Billy Tolley and Jay Wasley, along with some of the others of the crew before they entered the ship on the lowest level, the cameras filming behind them.

Turning around as she was walking with Skye and Zak, Julia looked at everything she could see of everything there was in the exhibit hall they'd come straight into. She looked at the investigator and said, "What's downstairs?"

"This way," Skye said after studying her for a moment.

"What're you thinking?" Zak asked the girl.

"There's something down there but I can't tell… I want to see," Julia said.

"What about your grandmother?" Zak said.

"Here," Julia said, walking down the ship suddenly when they'd reached some stairs. She went hurriedly over to a doorway and she froze there before she backed away slowly, gasping as she ran into someone.

"What is it?" Zak said as she'd run into him.

"There's something… not good there but something wrong…" Julia said slowly. "Is it because of the collision that happened before?"

"More than likely," Skye said as Zak turned to her. "But odd you wouldn't even go in. I did last time." She started to step forward but paused and then said, "Now I see."

"See what?" Castle couldn't help asking.

"It's her grandmother," Skye said. "She's blocking Julia but it's extending to me."

"So we can't go in at all?" Billy asked.

"No, Julia, do you mind heading back over to the entrance?" Skye asked her.

"Are you alright?" Beckett asked her daughter as soon as they were by the opening in the side of the ship.

"Yeah, are you?" Julia asked her.

"I'm fine," Beckett said. "I'll stop asking."

"No, it's okay, I'm glad you're here," Julia said with a smile up at her.

"We did want to see the ship," Castle commented.

"But it would be nice if we can continue," Martha said.

Beckett looked at her mother in law in surprise when she heard Josie starting to fuss in her carrier. She was about to grab the baby when Julia beat her over there and she watched as the girl took her sister out to carry her.

Pressing her forehead to Josie's, Julia said softly, "Don't worry, Gram is there." She looked down at Eliza as the little girl had rushed to them and wrapped her arms around her. She smiled when the baby then cooed, and she said, "I guess we have to stay together." She then frowned and looked up at their parents saying, "We have to go upstairs, outside. It's too much here with that room."

"I'll tell them," Castle told his wife.

"I don't get it, what's wrong with that room?" Derek asked.

"There was a collision with the ship Curacoa," Julia said. "It's okay," she told Josie quickly as the baby whimpered. "That was a long time ago. But it was cut in half and there are propellers in there," she said quickly, though the two halves didn't really fit together, as her father was coming back to them.

"We can keep going," Castle said. "Skye and Mary said there are exhibits as we go up and there's a timeline over here."

"We'll go fast," Beckett said as he looked at her. "Come on," she said to the other kids.

"Even us?" Marie asked.

"Yeah, your moms don't want you to stay down here," Castle told them. "So let's go."

The group walked through the timeline, Beckett and Castle conducting an impromptu history lesson about the eras the ship was active during.

"They really called it the Grey Ghost?" Peter asked.

"They did," Skye said, coming up as they had finished walking around the room.

"Where are you going now?" Julia asked, glancing at Josie who was in her carrier.

"Up three decks," Skye said.

"But we'll walk with you guys," Zak said.

"Are you filming still?" Clive asked.

"No, we're going to take a break," Aaron said. He saw the boy was watching him and he said, "Want to try?"

"Could I?" Clive asked eagerly.

"It's not too heavy for him?" Jim asked as they went up the stairs to the next deck.

"We'll see," Aaron replied as he took his camera off his shoulder. He helped Clive take it on his and laughed when the boy looked at him with wide eyes. "If you want to be a cameraman you gotta eat your Wheaties."

Laughing with the others Skye said as Zak was shaking his head, "He has to be able to work that in somehow."

Making their way up to A deck, they were met by Martha and Josie in the stroller before they made their way around until they came to the aft of the ship.

Beckett paused at a doorway before she looked at Julia and Mari, with the two girls and first in the group as Skye was talking to Jay behind them. "Sweetie…" she said to her daughter.

"I'm okay, it's not too bad here," Julia said slowly. She looked behind them at Skye, waiting for Zak to join them before the investigator was stepping into the room, taking her hand and pulling her after her while she spoke.

"There was a young man here," Skye was saying. "When we were last here you might remember Julia." Seeing the girl nodding her head she then told the others, "And I did my best to help him on. We burned sage and told him the war was over, but I haven't been back since then."

"Does anyone else smell lavender?" Aaron asked.

"I do," one of the other cameramen, Dakota, said.

"Yeah, I started smelling it once we came inside," Zak said. He looked at the women of their group and was about to ask if anyone had put on more perfume for some reason when he spotted the slight smile on Julia's face. "Your grandmother?" he asked.

Nodding slightly the girl said softly, "That's how I know she's near me. She's here to look to make sure the man you were talking about isn't here and he isn't. This room feels… normal."

"It worked," Skye said with a nod. "Okay, let's keep going."

"Wait," Peter said, raising his hand. "What is this room?"

"The Isolation Ward," Castle said. When he saw the others looking at him he said, "That's a guess but the beds and sinks kind of clued me in."

"Good guess," Aaron said.

"He's right," Skye said. "The man I was talking about was an American soldier who had to stay here because he fell ill and unfortunately he wasn't able to reach the Front."

"Did he die here on the ship?" Eliza asked.

"Yes but not at sea, they were docked he said," Skye replied. "And now we can go."

When they were up at the next deck Julia looked down the promenade they'd reached, and she smiled before she hurried to a window. When she found she was looking out on the parking lot she frowned a little before her mother was calling to her and she gasped as she hadn't been expecting it, looking back to see the group watching her.

"Julia?" Beckett said.

"I… there was something outside," Julia said slowly, not sure why she'd said that. She looked back out the window and then turned her attention to Skye, hoping the investigator would back her up.

"Yeah, there's something weird about this promenade," Zak said. "The atmosphere. Nothing negative I'm guessing."

Shaking her head quickly Julia said, "It was a girl," Julia said hurriedly as she was suddenly realizing that. "She looked out this window when she was on the boat in… the forties… after the war," she said, speaking slowly. "Her parents were bringing her here to America, her father was a soldier and her parents got married right before the war started but he couldn't bring her here until after." She smiled and said, "It was after all the war brides went."

"She's right," Jay said when Zak looked at him. "After the war brides they made the ship fit for passengers again. It sailed again in 1947."

"Do you know her name? Or how old she was?" Zak asked her.

Looking around, Julia smiled after hearing something and then said, "Her name is Amber, and she was born in 1937. She didn't die here but she was happy here because she finally got to be with her papa."

"Is she happy here now?" Zak asked.

"Yeah," Julia said before she looked around in surprise at the sudden blast of cold air around them.

"Does anyone have a Mel-meter?" Zak called as he had felt it as well.

"Here," Billy said, taking one from another crew member.

"Let me hold it," Julia said, holding her hand out to him. She was relieved when Zak nodded to the man and she held the object turning to the cold air she'd felt before. She looked down at the temperature and said, "Did you see what it was here already?"

"Bring the camera," Zak said to Aaron. "Billy?"

"It said seventy-seven," he replied. "What does it say now?"

"Seventy-two," Julia replied. "You feel the cold right?"

"I do, right here," Zak replied.

"It's low," Skye then told them, walking around so she was in front of the two. "Like a child that age."

"Can you see her?" Aaron asked the girl.

Shaking her head Julia said, "There's too many of us here but I can hear her."

"Are you able to communicate with spirits?" Billy asked as the girl had pointed to her head.

"Yeah…" Julia said shyly.

"Go ahead and talk to her," Zak said.

Nodding, Julia turned her attention ahead of her and said, "Yeah, it's okay to talk to her too," gesturing her head towards Skye. "She's talked to spirits before."

"Ah, there you are," the investigator said a second later. She then said, "You still can't see her?" to Julia. She wasn't surprised when the girl shook her head and told the others, "Head down and we'll talk with her."

Julia was uncertain of what her mother would do but watched in surprise as everyone else walked down the promenade except for her parents and Mary. She wanted to ask her mother why she'd done that when she turned and saw a young girl wearing a dress with a lot of ruffles on it and a large bow in her hair. She waved at her and then gasped when her image disappeared, looking at Skye next to her who was pursing her lips.

"Hmm… I think she was lonely," Skye said. "But since you weren't alone I suppose she just wanted you to see her."

"Yeah, she stopped talking to me," Julia said. She then looked at the others from the show and said, "Did you see her?"

"No, but there was a chill for a second again," Aaron said.

"What about a mist?" Skye said.

"It's hard to see anything," Zak replied, indicating the daylight. "Well, we did get some evidence at least," he said to Julia while taking the meter from her. "Great job."

"Thanks," Julia replied with a smile. "That was cool." She looked down at the rest of their group; since Castle had waved to Derek for them to turn around and come back; and then asked, "Are we going to keep walking around?"

Zak studied her and asked, "Where do you think we should go?"

Beckett smiled slightly when she saw the way her daughter's eyes widened in surprise and said, "Is there anywhere left?"

"Mom, where should we go?" Julia asked her suddenly.

Castle looked at his wife, wondering if she would answer as he saw the slightly uncertain expression on her face. He was about to ask their daughter why she'd asked that when Beckett was starting to speak.

"There isn't really anywhere we would need to go for this," she said, gesturing to the cameras.

"She's right, I think we can let you go to your next interview," Skye said.

"Alright, be here at seven and we'll fill you in on everything," Zak said to the four adults. He then turned to Julia and said, "It was great to meet you. When you're older I hope we're still doing the show, we'd love to have you investigate with us."

"I hope you are," Julia said, shaking his hand. She did the same with the three other investigators and said goodbye to them before they went to the elevator to meet the rest of their family and friends. Going up to the very top of the ship, she looked over the side to see the water and then looked at Mari when she walked up to her.

"What's wrong?" the girl asked softly.

"I'm going," Julia said firmly. "Amber said she wanted me to come back to see her. I need to come back now to see her or I won't be able to again."

"How are you going to?" Mari asked softly, looking back at her friend's parents to make sure.

"I'll figure out a way," Julia said with a determined look on her face. She then turned to her friend and said, "Will you help me?" She wasn't surprised at the hesitant look on Mari's face and then said, "Don't worry, my mom won't get mad at you. She'll know right away it was my idea."

Though she wasn't sure still, Mari nodded and said, "Okay, should we tell the others?"

Julia started to speak, to say no, when she hesitated and told her, "Just Peter and Clive. I don't want everyone to know or else they'll tell someone grown up."

"Okay," Mari said, squeezing her hand before they turned as Martha was calling to them.

Julia was relieved when her friend smiled at her and they rushed together to go with everyone else through the rest of the sports deck before her father was talking about a surprise. She was smiling again though they were leaving, glancing back at the ship while they walked to the cars and telling Amber in her mind that she would be back that night.

"What do you think?" Skye said to Beckett.

"It almost looks like Seaport Village," Castle said first as he was standing just behind her.

"I'm not surprised," Beckett then said with a smile. "But it looks nice."

"Where are we eating?" Kathleen asked.

"This way," Skye said with a smile. She led them by the stores until they reached a structure that looked like it had a lighthouse on the top of it. "Parkers' Lighthouse," she told them. "What do you think? Not you three," she said to hers and Mary's three oldest daughters as they were opening their mouths.

"You didn't come here before?" Eliza asked Ivy and Iris.

The two shook their heads before the older twin said, "We haven't been here for that long."

"Here is fine," Derek said. He smiled when the adults looked at him and said, "We're just standing here."

"Okay, we can go," Mary said with a slight laugh.

Walking inside the restaurant, Skye spoke to the host at the front for a moment before they were led to the outside seating are. "I figured this part would be empty," she told the others. "Any objections?" she asked.

"No way! This is cool," Clive exclaimed.

"I think he speaks for us all," Castle said in amusement as they were waiting for the workers to push enough tables together for all of them.

Sitting down together once they all had a place to sit, Beckett looked over at Josie since the baby was in between herself and Derek. "Are you sure you want to sit there?" she asked.

"Why?" the dancer replied with a smile.

"Just making sure," Beckett said. "But you won't need to take care of her." She wasn't surprised when he nodded, and she checked on the baby before she turned to her husband.

"Are you okay?" Castle was asking Julia who was to his left.

"Yeah," the girl said quickly, looking away from the ship they could see across the water the restaurant was on.

"I wish I could film for you while we're over there," Castle told her.

Smiling a little Julia said, "It's okay Dad, there are going to be cameras there. And we can see the episode too. Hey Mom."

"Yes?" Beckett said, leaning over and looking at her.

"We can go to the stores, right?" Julia asked. Before her mother could respond she had to order her drink and then looked expectantly at her.

"We can, don't worry," Beckett replied. "But we won't go to all of them."

"What about dessert?" Iris asked shyly.

"We'll see lass," Skye told her with a smile.

Julia looked at Mari with a smile as the adults talked together and then leaned back in her seat to look at the ship again before they were ordering their food. When they were left alone again she realized her mother was watching her. She looked over at her friends and then started talking to them, hoping she wouldn't ask her what was wrong.

"What is it?" Castle murmured to his wife.

"Nothing," Beckett said quickly. She then smiled and said, "I think she's still a little angry about not going. Especially now."

"I am," Julia said, giggling when her parents jumped slightly in front of her. She hugged her mother from behind and said, "Sorry, I did want to go but that propeller room is really scary." She leaned over her mother's shoulder so she could press her cheek against hers saying, "If you go there you'll be careful right?"

"Of course, but after today I don't think Zak would want me to do much," Beckett replied.

"I wouldn't sell yourself short love," Castle said. When his wife and their daughter looked at him he frowned and said, "About paranormal investigation," shaking his head. "I mean it as a compliment," he then told her.

"I know," Beckett said with a smile.

"He's right, you should do well," Skye commented after their food was brought.

"I have no choice, do I?" Beckett said wryly.

"Choice for what?" Peter asked.

"To go with her," Castle said in amusement.

"Zak wouldn't let you say no," Mary commented. "I got the same thing when she went to the propeller room a second time remember."

"Aaron had your back," Skye said.

"And you," Marie said hurriedly.

"We'll see what happens tonight," Skye said. "For now, we have our wonderful food and shopping."

Beckett urged Julia to head back to her chair, after she'd shared a kiss with her and Castle, and then turned to her food. She heard Josie cooing while she started to eat and checked on her quickly. The baby was starting to chew on the ear of her Tigger doll and she leaned over, running her hand over Josie's hair to pull it away carefully.

"Is she alright?" Derek asked, watching her.

"She is," Beckett replied, smiling at the way Josie was yawning.

"Derek?" Fleur asked shyly. "When are you going to practice with Mummy?"

"Soon, after we've eaten," Derek said. "But it's not going to be that much."

"Why not?" Ivy asked in protest.

"We've practiced enough already," Skye said, since she'd gone to a two-hour rehearsal from eight to ten before they'd gone to the ship.

"Your mum needs a rest," Mary said, squeezing her wife's arm.

Beckett smiled as the investigator was squeezing her wife's hand a moment later, recalling the day before when the two of them had sat in on part of the rehearsal. She hadn't expected to be there, but Skye had asked her to go specifically and she had watched the pair to see if her friend had managed to get over her issues the night before.

"Why exactly did you ask me here?" Beckett asked Skye.

"You heard me," the investigator replied. "I wanted you to take shots."

"But why this one?" Beckett replied.

"I finally managed to get the show to allow you to," Skye replied. "Remember I mentioned this to you before?" When her friend nodded she said, "I told them that they'd agreed already and they wanted the pictures. The fact that it was this week…"

Beckett couldn't help laughing as her friend shrugged and she said, "I guess I should feel honored you suggested me."

"I wish you would," Skye told her.

"Skye," Derek called to his partner. "Are you ready to start again?"

"Yeah," the investigator replied before she went to her partner.

Getting her camera ready, Beckett sat on the bottom step in the studio to wait for a shot of the two. Looking at Mary as she was sitting next to her she started to ask if the two had practiced at all before that day to help the investigator when the doctor was answering her in Irish quickly.

"I did my best to help her," Mary said. "But whether it works…"

Studying the woman and seeing the way her cheeks were slightly red Beckett decided their conversation about that didn't need to continue so she just smiled and nodded. She took a quick picture as Derek was showing Skye the way he wanted her to look at one point in the dance. She then stood up and went to the wall that was across from the mirrored wall and leaned against it as the two began to dance together.

"Argh," Skye said with a sigh as she started on the right foot. "Sorry, left lead, left lead," she reminded herself.

"Do you think you can do that?" Derek asked.

"Sure, it's just I want to start with my right," Skye replied, smiling at Beckett as she'd lowered her camera.

"I thought you were left handed," Derek said.

"Both," Skye reminded him. "So I'm okay with both but living in a world with largely right-handed people…" She shrugged and then said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll get it."

"Okay, should we start again from the top?" Derek asked her.

"Yeah," Skye said. "Are you getting pictures?" she said to Beckett quickly.

"I am," she replied. "Keep practicing and I'll get more."

"Wise ass," Skye told her teasingly.

"It's what you asked me to do," Beckett said simply. She wasn't surprised when her friend laughed before she turned back to Derek so they could start again. She stayed where she was against the wall, impressed to find that Skye was able to press close to the dancer when they needed to move. But she didn't say anything to the pair, deciding her friend didn't really need it after she'd had so much trouble the night before.

"Okay," Derek said. "We should try that split," he told her.

"I'm ready," Skye replied. She then looked at Beckett and said, "We'd appreciate it if you don't really tell the kids about this."

"Why direct that only to me?" Beckett asked teasingly.

"Just because," Skye replied with a shrug. She laughed and then said, "Mary knows not to. But we'll have them come back next week if we're back."

"You will be," Mary and Beckett said firmly at the same time.

Laughing with Derek as the two women looked at each other in surprise, Skye said, "Okay, back to work."

Calming down, Beckett prepared her camera again and proceeded to walk around the room while the two were dancing together. As she could take in what they were doing though she was setting up shots she knew the dance would be a good one. And as long as Skye was thinking of her wife through all her steps, as she knew the investigator was doing while she watched, it would be on Monday night when she would see it in full.

"Hey," Castle said, walking up to Julia.

"Hi," the girl said, smiling up at her father briefly. Julia then turned her attention to the marbles that were in compartments in front of her and she studied them until she started to pick out some of them.

"What're you doing?" Castle asked as he watched her in confusion. When she didn't answer him, he was about to say it again when he hesitated. She was placing marbles in the cloth pouch that came with the display in the souvenir store they'd gone into after lunch. But he then noticed which of the marbles she was picking out and he frowned saying, "What kind are you getting?"

Shrugging Julia said, "Just marbles." She then smiled up at her father and said, "I'll pay for these Dad."

"Are you sure?" Castle asked.

"Yeah," Julia replied, still smiling.

Though he wasn't sure he was really that comfortable with her picking out marbles that were in reds and purples, Castle knew she wasn't going to tell him anything she hadn't said already. He then went over to his wife, turning to look back at their daughter before he jumped at feeling hands on his back, turning again to see it was Beckett.

"What're you looking at?" Beckett said to her husband.

"Nothing," Castle said quickly. "Eliza?"

"She's looking at all the pirate themed stuff," Beckett said. "Julia," she said as their second oldest walked over to them.

"Hi, I'm gonna go pay for these," the girl said, holding up the cloth pouch with a smile. "Ava loves marbles."

"So that's why she was picking them," Castle said to himself though he soon realized his wife was looking at him questioningly. "She was picking the marbles that were reds and purples, it was confusing."

"I remember her saying Ava loves those colors," Beckett said with a smile. "What did you think she was going to do with them."

"I don't know," Castle said with a shrug. "I guess I was expecting her to get some greens and cat's eyes, I know Mari likes those. But since she's here…"

Beckett squeezed her husband's arm and then told him, "We need to get dessert. Your mom and my dad are treating us to ice cream."

"Oh… wait, all of us?" Castle asked.

"We're paying the other half," Beckett assured him.

"Oh… sure," Castle said before he took her hand and they walked together to join the rest of their group that was gathering outside.

Skye and Mary led the way to the ice cream shop and as they were eating their desserts the investigator went over to Beckett telling her, "We'll eat with everyone at home, but as soon as we finish we'll be head to the ship."

Nodding Beckett said, "I figured. But at least I can say goodnight to the girls."

"And we can say that to ours," Skye said after hurriedly licking her mint chip ice cream so it wouldn't drip on her hand. "Excuse me," she said with a smile as she walked over to her youngest who was calling to her.

"Kate?" Castle said, coming up to her.

"What?" Beckett asked, shaking herself to look at him.

"Josie's fussing," Castle replied as he had the stroller with him as well.

Beckett looked down at the baby and she handed her husband her cup of strawberry and chocolate ice cream before taking Josie out. "Just fussing," she told him as he was watching her.

"Should I feed you your ice cream?" Castle asked. When his wife gave him a look he said, "How else are you going to eat it."

Beckett tried to think of a way, but she finally sighed and said, "Fine, but don't say anything while you're doing it."

"Anything stupid?" Castle asked as he was getting some of both flavors onto her spoon. He was holding it up to her and after she had eaten it he said, "The kids almost wanted caramel apples at that place we passed by."

"Why didn't we stop there?" Beckett asked.

"Because Skye said she had an announcement," Castle said. When his wife looked at him questioningly; as she was eating her ice cream; he shrugged and told her, "She didn't say what yet."

"I'll say it now, thanks for reminding me," Skye herself said as she walked over to them with Iris. "Okay, everyone. Including you Derek," she told her partner. "Next week we're heading somewhere but I just need to know what day will be better?"

"Wednesday again," Derek replied.

"Okay, then next Wednesday we're going to the apples," Skye said.

"The apples!" Marie and Kathleen said at the same time with a gasp. "Really?"

"It'll be October tomorrow," Mary commented. "We'll miss apple season if we don't go now."

"Is it that place you said is like Apple Canyon in New York?" Castle asked the investigator.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about it, but those apples reminded me of it," Skye said. "We can always practice there."

"Where is there?" Derek asked, throwing his cup to the recycling bin as he and the investigator had had smoothies.

"Oak Glen, up in the mountains in San Bernardino County," Skye said. "My father took me there when I was a kid and my dad continued."

"A very nice place with very good apples," Liam said himself. "You'll enjoy it.""Yeah, they have the best apple pie and caramel apples," Kathleen said eagerly.

"Are you excited to go?" Mari asked Julia as they were throwing away their napkins or cups.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" the girl asked.

"You've been to a place like that before," Mari replied.

"Oh, I don't care," Julia said. "If it's like the place at home it'll be a lot of fun. I'm glad you'll be able to see it too."

"Yeah, that way I can get my parents to go with you guys," Mari said before they started to laugh together.

"Mommy can we get apples?" Eliza asked hopefully.

"You should," Mary said. "With so many kids…"

"We will," Beckett said with a slight laugh. "What happened to going to Universal?"

Since Beckett had said that in Irish, Skye smiled and said, "The next week."

"Is he coming too?" Castle asked.

"He will, though we won't be filming there… not sure about practicing either," Skye said slowly. She then shook her head and said, "I'll ask him another time. We should keep going."

Left behind with the others, Beckett reached for her husband's hand and said, still speaking in Irish, "It should be fun."

"It should," Castle replied with a nod. He slipped his hand from hers and then wrapped his arm around her, holding her a little against him while she pushed the stroller as they continued to make their way through the shops by the water.

"Sweet dreams Julia," Beckett said as she hugged her daughter after hugging Eliza wrapped in her right arm. "Please listen to your grandparents," she told her firmly.

"I will," the girl said firmly. "But are you sure I can't go?" Julia asked hopefully.

"Yes, I'm sorry but you're too young and I worry about you there," Beckett said. She smiled when her daughter crossed her eyes and pressed her lips to her forehead telling her, "Maybe when you're older like Zak said."

Nodding Julia hugged her mother tightly and told her, "Okay but I still want to go."

"I'd be very surprised if you didn't," Beckett told her, kissing her forehead. She shared a kiss with her and said to her daughters, "I love you girls, we'll tell you what happens; if anything; tomorrow."

"Love you Mommy," Eliza said embracing her again. "Be careful."

"We will," Beckett reassured her.

"Love you Mom," Julia said, kissing her mother quickly. She hugged her again and let go with her sister, so they could go with the others out to the patio to say goodbye to them.

"We'll likely be late," Skye was saying to her father. "I'll see you on Monday?"

"Of course, but please take care lass," Liam told her, hugging her with one arm tightly. "You'll stay with her right?" he then directed to his daughter in law.

"Like I did last time," Mary said reassuringly.

"Love you Dad," Skye said, letting go of him. "We'll see you. Bye, goodnight!" she said to the others.

"Bye!" the kids were saying along with Jim and Martha.

"Okay," Beckett's father said as he turned to look at the kids. "Are we ready to play?"

"I am!" Eliza said eagerly. "What can we play?" she asked Fleur and Ivy.

"Do you need our permission?" Martha asked with a smile.

"No, could we play in the house?" Marie asked.

"I think you'll need to," Jim said. "It's almost dark now after all. What should we do?"

"Let's play the bowling game we have," Ivy said quickly. "That way we all can play."

Jim and Martha got the kids inside the house and helped them get their game ready so they could play.

Looking around at them all gathered there some time later, Jim frowned and said, "W-" before he heard his phone ringing and he took it out of his pocket to find it was a text from his daughter.

"Okay," Skye said. "Please tell me this looks creepy at night."

"It does," Castle said first and rapidly. When his wife looked at him he shrugged and said, "I can't lie, it does."

"Let's go," Beckett said, shaking her head. She got out of the couple's car first, smiling back at her husband before they looked down the parking lot to see that Zak was walking over to them.

"We're just about ready in there," the man said after he had greeted the four. "And once we are we'll brief- Bless you," he said to Castle.

"That… wasn't me," he said in confusion at the sound of the sneeze behind him.

"Julia Claire Castle," Beckett said, striding to the car where her daughter was trying to slip out through the open door though she was frozen in place, her eyes wide.

"Just your name?" Skye asked, fighting her smile.

"Yeah, she's in trouble," Castle said, nodding his head before he went over to his wife and daughter, wondering what the latter would want to do with that development.

"Why are you here? How did you get here?" Beckett asked while her husband was walking up to them.

"I needed to come Mom," Julia said earnestly, her eyes welling with tears before she could stop them. "Amber wanted me to come see her and I promised her I would," she told her. "Just let me see her Mom, please."

Beckett sighed as her daughter wrapped her arms around her and she held her saying, "I wish you would have told us that at least."

"But you wouldn't have let me come here," Julia said, looking up at her.

About to speak, Beckett looked at her husband when he handed her a handkerchief. "Then you should have told Skye that," she told her daughter as she was gently wiping away her tears. "She would have convinced me. I'm just glad you weren't locked in the car." She inhaled roughly and said, "I'm glad you weren't."

"I would have hit the windows before you went in," Julia whispered, pressing her cheek to her mother's stomach. "I'm sorry Mommy."

"It's okay," Beckett said, making her look up. She cupped her cheeks and said, "Next time don't do that."

"I won't," Julia said before her father told her to blow her nose. "Sorry Dad."

"Don't worry," Castle said. "You've learned your lesson."

"Do I have to go home?" Julia asked.

"I hope not," Aaron said behind them. "She's definitely GAC material."

"How?" Zak asked as Skye and Mary were snorting in their laughter.

"She snuck out here, how cool is that?" Aaron said.

"When have we ever needed to sneak like that?" Zak asked.

"Hey, one of us gets us to go places all alone," Aaron replied.

Julia couldn't help laughing and said, "Will you let me investigate too? Or do I need to stay with Jay?"

"You have watched the show," Zak said. "You can investigate if they say yes."

"She needs to be with someone," Beckett said firmly, relieved her husband was nodding next to her. "No leaving her alone to see what evidence you get."

"Alright, Aaron," Zak said.

"Sure," the cameraman said quickly.

"That's okay?" Julia asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, your grandmother will be around right?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah," Julia said with a soft giggle.

"Okay, then let me go ahead and introduce us," Zak said. "We're going in on the Sports Deck and we'll do it from there."

Heading up on the elevator Castle asked, "They shut this down right?"

"Right, once we're up there we are locked down," Zak said. "Oh, your phone-" he said to Beckett as she doing something on hers.

"I'm just texting my dad," she explained. "So they know where Julia is."

"How did that happen?" Mary asked. "Not seeing… the sheer amount of kids?"

"We thought that might work," Julia said sheepishly.

"How many of the kids were helping you?" Castle asked.

"Everyone but the youngest four," Julia said. "Are Marie and Kath in trouble?"

"No," Skye said. "But we'll talk with them about this." They were stepping out on the deck and Zak spoke to someone associated with the boat on the walkie-talkie they had. "Welcome to lockdown," she said as she heard the elevator going silent.

Beckett smiled when Julia jumped up and down and kept her close as Zak and the guys were giving their introduction to the lockdown. She let her go as they made their way down to the Promenade Deck and she asked, "Where's your base going to be?"

"Thanks for watching the show," Zak told her. "In the Queen's Salon."

"Really?" Skye said in surprise.

"They let us take that since they're going to remodel it soon," Zak replied. "And it helps since we can get around here. Do you know where Amber will be?"

Closing her eyes, Julia took a deep breath and waited until she felt a presence near her that wasn't the adults around her. "Do you know where she is Grandmama?" she said, turning away from everyone as she was suddenly embarrassed.

Beckett looked at Castle but didn't say anything as their daughter turned back to them. "Do you know?" she couldn't help asking.

"She's outside but she's hiding," Julia said. She remembered something and said, "You have to tell her Aaron's going to be with me, but he'll be nice."

"Definitely," the cameraman said.

"She'll go tell her," Julia said. "Oh!" she said eagerly. "I got these for Amber," she told Zak as she pulled a cloth pouch from her pocket. "Grandmama said that she loves playing marbles."

"Great, would you play with her?" Zak asked. When the girl nodded rapidly he looked at Billy and said, "Are the X-cameras ready?"

"All set up," the AV tech replied with a nod.

"Then you two can go. We're going to stay here," Zak said, pointing to a computer screen on a table. "And watch you. Aaron has a Spirit Box, voice recorder and Ovilus device if you want to use them. But be careful with questions you might ask, no taunting with Amber. You'll have a flashlight Julia, but once you find the right place turn it off and try to get your eyes used to what light there is."

Julia nodded and then hugged her parents in turn saying, "I'll be okay."

"I know, stay close to Aaron as much as you can and tell him if you need help," Beckett told her daughter sternly.

"I will," Julia said before she went over to Aaron and they walked together out onto the promenade. She shone her flashlight ahead of them as they walked to the aft of the ship before she suddenly stopped and the cameraman was speaking hurriedly.

"Are you alright?" Aaron said.

"Yeah, she's here," Julia said, smiling up at him though she couldn't really see him. "Could we try the Spirit Box?"

"Sure, you think she'll talk?" Aaron asked as he was reaching into the vest he was wearing.

"Maybe," Julia replied. She took the device and said, "Do I need to turn off the flashlight?"

"Yeah," Aaron said. "And ask questions when you're ready."

"Aaron," Zak said over his walkie-talkie, making Julia jump. "Sorry. Turn it on for her she doesn't know how."

"Sorry," the cameraman said, reaching for it and quickly teaching her how to turn it off and on. He turned it on and blinked a little as Julia had turned off the flashlight.

"…lia," cut through the static.

"Amber?" Julia said in surprise. "Amber do you like staying here?" she then said as she recalled that she needed to ask questions. She waited but there was no response and she said, "Sorry, I know that already but they haven't heard it before."

"Ask another question and walk a little," Aaron told her.

"Is there anyone else here with you on the promenade?" Julia said walking down the ship a little carefully since she couldn't see anything. There was no response and she then said, "How many spirits are here right now?"

"She learned from you," Skye said to Zak jokingly at their base.

"I guess so," the man said quickly.

Julia frowned when there was no response and she was just about to ask another question when, "Two," broke through the static. "My grandmama is here with her," she said quickly to Aaron.

"Hey Zak," the cameraman said. "Can she talk to her grandmother too?"

"Ask a question but if it's the little girl's voice go back to talking to Amber," Zak said over the walkie-talkie.

"Grandmama, do you want to talk with us at all?" Julia asked, wondering what her mother was thinking. She and Aaron waited for a couple minutes but when there was no reply she said, "Amber, I have marbles that I bought for you. Do you want to play?" When, "Cat," came through she smiled and said, "She knows I got some cat's eyes, she wants to play," turning off the device and handing it to Aaron before Zak was coming over the walkie-talkie again.

"Play with her Aaron," the man said.

"What if the girl doesn't want me to," the cameraman replied.

"She doesn't, not yet," Julia told him. "I'll tell you." Since her eyes were more adjusted to the darkness by then she took her pouch from her pocket again and then got down on the floor. She poured the marbles out and kept them from rolling away too far before she said, "I don't know how to play with these too good, but I hope you'll show me how." As Aaron was filming her she was rolling the marbles with one to the side, but she didn't get the feeling that Amber was going to move it. "Can I talk to her again?" she asked, sitting up on her knees.

"Yes, do you want to use something else?" Aaron asked.

"Give her the Ovilus," Zak said.

Taking it, Julia set the device on the floor next to the marble she'd set aside and moved so she could sit cross legged. "What was your favorite color Amber?" she asked.

"What did it say?" Billy asked as they heard the device speaking.

"Red," Julia said on the promenade. "Yeah, I thought it was, that's why I got you red and purple ones. Are you happy here?"

"Hold on," Zak said then.

"Zak, it just said peace," Aaron called as Julia held the device up so he could see.

"Okay, I'm going to send in Kate," Zak replied. "She's holding the paranormal puck. Let's do a quick session with that and then we'll head down the ship."

"Can you see Mom?" Julia asked, reaching for the flashlight which was near her.

"Yeah, just give me a second to get over there," Beckett said. She waited a bit to get used to the dark and once she was she walked to the two, sitting down with her daughter who immediately hugged her.

"Will you stay here with me?" Julia asked.

"Of course," Beckett replied, sitting cross legged next to her.

"Do you know how to use that?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, I've seen Billy do that before," Julia replied. She typed out on the tablet device Is it better to talk with this? She waited for a response and smiled at her mother when the word YES appeared under her question. "I asked her if it was better to talk like this," she then told Aaron who was behind her. "And she said yes," she added as she was holding up the device.

"Ask her if there are any negative spirits," Billy said.

Julia typed that out and waited with her mother before she sucked in a breath of air. "It just says below," she said, holding up the tablet again so Aaron could get it on camera.

"Julia," Zak said next. "Ask if you should go there with Skye and your mom."

Typing out the question, Should I go there with my mom and her friend Julia waited anxiously before the word BEWARE appeared shortly after. "She said beware," she then said as Aaron was filming. "Wait! It says Aaron too!" she cried in surprise as that suddenly appeared.

"Okay, come back in here," Zak said. "Leave the marbles out but spread apart, maybe she'll move them."

Julia gave her mother the device and focused on the marbles, putting them in random spots and a couple close together. "Amber," she said. "I have to go but I might come back for a little bit. I'll see what my parents say." She got up off the floor and held her mother's hand as they went back into the salon where she made a beeline for her father.

"You did great," Castle said. "You didn't mention it was cold."

"It was," Aaron said then. "But I just… got the feeling I shouldn't mention it."

"That was Amber, she didn't want us to say that," Julia said quickly. "But you shouldn't stay by yourself down on the bottom of the ship where that room is." She then turned her attention to Zak and said, "You won't make him, right?"

"No," the lead investigator replied. "I'm thinking of sending you two down there."

"Wait!" Julia said. "What about after we leave. 'Cause we're not staying all night, right?"

"I won't," Zak said after a moment of hesitation.

"Thanks," Aaron said, holding out his hand and fist bumping with Julia.

"Okay," Zak said, shaking his head as they were watching the two. "I'm going to take them down to the Propeller Room and make sure the X-camera there is set. I'll leave the Spirit Box and voice recorder with you Skye and we'll watch you from here."

Beckett looked at her husband; as Zak had already told herself and the investigator they would be going; and squeezed his hand before she went with the two out into the promenade, Skye speaking to her first.

"You okay?" the investigator said.

"Yeah," Beckett replied. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just checking," Skye said quickly.

Beckett nodded and focused on getting down the staircase they'd come to and the others they made their way down so they could reach the Propeller room. When they were outside it she and Skye turned to Zak and she said, "What exactly am I going to be doing here?"

"Whatever you feel like you need to do," the lead investigator replied.

Not sure if there was anything she could say to that, Beckett was quiet before he handed the two devices to Skye. When he was gone she then said, "Let me hold that one," motioning to the recorder.

"Sure," the investigator said easily, handing it to her. "Better get it started once we head in. You said you watched the show, right?"

"I know they mark everything," Beckett assured her, hearing the hesitancy in her voice. "Go." Since she hadn't been in the room before she froze in the doorway to it, feeling like there was something pressing on her chest.

"Yeah… I should have brought you in here," Skye told her friend when she realized she wasn't following her.

"What's that smell?" Beckett asked.

"I'm guessing diesel but why that smell is here…" Skye said. She went over to her and held her arm out to her saying, "Hold onto me and we'll see if that helps."

Though she wasn't sure about that, Beckett looped her arm through her friend's and they stood together in the doorway. But for some reason; that she wouldn't be able to figure out later; they didn't move.

"What're they doing?" Jay said back in the salon.

"Yeah, they're… stuck," Zak said.

"Don't," Julia said, touching his arm when he picked up his walkie-talkie. "You can't," she said doubtfully when the men looked at her. She jumped when there was the sound of a loud bang and looking back at the screen she let out a scream when she saw both women on the floor.

"Oh god," Mary said, jumping up and grabbing a flashlight.

"Kate!" Skye said suddenly, her eyes flying open.

"W-what?" Beckett asked slowly.

"Are you okay?" Skye said.

"Yes, but what am I doing on the floor?" Beckett said in confusion.

"I'm here too," Skye said. "I can't get up." She swore in Italian and then said, "There's something here. I wish Julia were here, your mum could be a help."

"This is ridiculous," Beckett said angrily. "We can get up."

"Then get up," Skye said simply.

Beckett was swearing herself, in Irish, and she said, "This is… mass hysteria."

"For two people," Skye stated. She wasn't surprised to hear a near growl from her friend and told her, "Look, the skepticism isn't really going… to help," her voice becoming a whisper. "Do you see that?"

"Yes, it's smoke," Beckett said in slight concern as she could see it above.

"Smoke," Skye scoffed. "Guys," she said a little louder as she recalled the camera. "There's some kind of white mist above us and it looks like it's… studying us. And we can't push ourselves up…" She paused and then said, "I can move my fingers and toes… Kate?"

"Yeah, that's all I can move," Beckett replied. "Wait, do you hear that?"

"That's them," Skye said. "The smoke-" she began before she and Beckett were rolling onto their sides at nearly the same time, coughing heavily.

"Kate!" Castle called as he was first to the two women. He reached his wife first and helped her up while Mary was getting Skye. "Okay?" he asked her worriedly.

"Yeah," Beckett said, covering her mouth with her hand when she heard how raspy her voice was.

"Let's get them back up to base," Zak said. "And we'll regroup." He let the others go before he realized that someone was missing, and he ran from the stairs before he saw Julia was stepping into the propeller room. "Julia," he called to her.

"It's okay," the girl said, going to the nearest corner and pressing herself back. "Grandmama is here… and Amber too."

"What's in here?" Zak asked.

"It's a sailor, one that was on the Curacoa," Julia said. She sighed and said, "I'm sorry," looking at the water. "I'm sorry what happened to you. But I promise you that everyone knows what happened. What's your name?"

"Julia be careful," Zak said, seeing his breath in the air.

"He won't hurt me," Julia replied. Something seemed to change suddenly, and she straightened up before Zak grabbed her, carrying her out of the room before they turned and looked at it. "What… what was that?" she asked, surprised to find herself trembling.

"I think that's the dark energy that's here," Zak said. "You know Skye had to deal with it. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, they pushed us out of there," Julia breathed out in relief. "I have to see my mom."

"Can you walk?" Zak asked her.

"Yeah," Julia said.

"Come on," Zak replied, holding his hand out to her. "You know, I've never seen someone with abilities like yours."

"Me neither," Julia said with a slight smile. "But I didn't think anything would happen when we came."

"Sometimes you never know," Zak replied. When the girl nodded they continued up in silence for a bit before he asked, "Has your mother ever tried to stop you from sensing anything?"

"Oh no," Julia said rapidly. "She never would, she just doesn't believe. Ooh, I hope she's okay."

"She should be since she's away from the room now," Zak said.

"And she's with my dad," Julia replied. She smiled when she could just make out the lead investigator looking at her and said, "Grandmama has told me that it helps if your soulmate is with you."

"We'll see if she's right," Zak replied with a nod.

Knowing they were nearing the Promenade Deck Julia asked, "Do we need to leave?"

"Let me check on them," Zak said, not surprised she seemed to want to keep going with the investigation. "And ask what they'll want to do."

Julia nodded, before she was running down the deck with her flashlight and rushing into the salon. "Mom!" she cried, seeing Beckett was sitting on a chair behind Jay and Billy.

"I'm okay," she said quickly to her daughter, embracing her once Julia had reached her. Beckett kissed the top of her head and said, "I am, ask your dad."

"She is, Skye too," Castle said, watching Julia looking at the investigator. "Where were you?"

"I… went into the room," the girl said slowly, waiting for her mother to react.

"You-" Beckett started to say.

"I was with her," Zak was quick to tell her. "I noticed she wasn't coming with us."

"What happened?" Skye asked.

Though she was bracing herself at the same time, Julia told everyone what had happened, relieved when Zak spoke as well. But when she finished she wrapped her arms around her mother and said, "I shouldn't have gone but he was nice just… upset."

"I'm glad he didn't hurt you," Beckett said, though she winced inwardly at what she was saying. She pulled away from Julia and pressed her lips to her forehead telling her, "Stay with us from now on okay?"

"Yeah," Julia said, nodding her head rapidly.

"Are we staying?" Castle asked.

"Yes but… I'll pass on going anywhere near that room," Beckett replied.

"We'll go in there ourselves," Zak said. "No, where I'd like you two to go next is the Grand Salon."

"Us?" Castle said in surprise.

"We went there ourselves," Skye commented.

"You remember," Mary said. "You're hoping they'll have better luck than us?"

"That's the idea," Zak said. "And we haven't had any negative energy there."

"Good thing," Skye said wryly. "That's where they have the big Sunday brunch. Good luck."

Beckett was startled, but when her husband squeezed her shoulder she looked up at him with a smile before she stood up as Zak was speaking again.

"Aaron, we'll head over with them," he told the cameraman.

"Do you want me to take anything?" he asked.

"I have the spirit box," Zak replied.

"Great," Castle commented. He and Beckett followed Aaron out, waving to their daughter who did the same back to them. "She's going to be so tired tomorrow."

"We'll let her sleep in," Beckett said. "How do you guys handle being up all night?" she then asked Aaron.

Shrugging the cameraman said, "I'm used to it by now. You're not worried about your daughter sneaking out or anything?"

"To go back down to the room?" Castle asked. When Aaron nodded he shook his head telling him, "She knows not go down there."

"But she might go somewhere else, I really hope they'll watch her," Beckett said with a sigh.

"Stay here," Skye was telling Julia. "Your mom and dad would be very upset if you slipped out anywhere."

"I know, but I'm not gonna go back to the room," the girl replied. "I don't want to." Julia watched the two women leave with Billy; heading for B deck; and then said to Jay, "Could I go out to the promenade?"

"I think that's what she meant by not slipping out anywhere," the man replied with a slight smile.

"I know, but I would only get the marbles and sit outside the doorway right here," Julia said.

"Amber?" Jay asked her.

"Yeah," Julia said.

"Alright but let me go with you to get the marbles at least," Jay said, picking up his walkie-talkie.

Julia was relieved that he was agreeing, and she hurried to get a flashlight before they were walking together out into the promenade. She hurried ahead of him to the marbles and picked up all but two before Jay was suddenly speaking as she stood up straight.

"It just got really cold," the man said.

"Yeah, that's her," Julia said. "Amber, I'm gonna move over there by the door. But we can still play together."

"Head back," Jay told her. "Let me move the X-camera around so it's looking down this way."

Julia nodded and walked back to the salon's doorway, sitting a little outside the light that was shining out of the room. She set down the marbles and paused before she counted them out. "Jay!" she cried.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he ran to her.

"All the marbles are here, and I know I left two over there; I thought you were going to leave the camera there," Julia said, letting him count.

"Okay… let me tell Zak," Jay said. "He might want you to do something here."

Nodding her head Julia murmured, "Maybe we'll record your voice Amber, but I won't hear it until I play the tape so it's okay," while the man was talking to the lead investigator.

"He wants you to do an EVP session," Jay said after he'd finished talking on the walkie-talkie.

"Okay," Julia said with a nod. "Will you tell me when I need to stop?" she asked as she went after him to the table.

"Yeah, but wait to start recording once you're sitting down," Jay told her. "And then mark when you make a noise or the-"

"I remember you guys doing that," Julia interrupted. "I will." She went over to the marbles and sat down before she called, "Do I need to say anything at the start?"

"Just say your name, that it's nine-fifty and where you are," Jay said back.

Julia quickly did that before she set the recorder next to her and she took a deep breath, wondering about her parents before she focused on Amber and the marbles in front of her.

"We'll walk around here," Zak said to the three with him in the Grand Salon. "And get a feel for the room but I want you two to stay together."

"Wouldn't it be better if we were apart?" Beckett asked.

"I get the feeling you might get something if you're together," Zak replied.

"You've been talking to our daughter," Castle said.

"I may have," Zak said simply. "We'll just do that for a short while and we'll group together, see what we have."

After they'd separated from the lead investigator and Aaron, Castle took his wife's hand and went to the side of the room. Though he couldn't really see much he looked around and said, "We sailed on this ship."

"I know," Beckett replied. She knew her husband was looking at her and said, "I remembered just now. We were here one night when the seas were calm." She then said, "We were only going because of the stop in Cobh."

"Exactly," Castle said as he recalled them having to take a ferry from the ship to the city. "I don't remember hearing it did that."

"Maybe they were trying it out," Beckett said. "The Titanic did that."

"I guess," Castle said, thinking over that for a moment before he looked around in front of them. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure," Beckett said slowly as she glanced around. She was about to speak when she grabbed her husband's arm as they heard a sound to their left and they looked together.

"Zak," Castle called. "We just heard utensils hitting each other here."

Hurrying over the lead investigator said, "Right here?"

"Yeah, is that residual though?" Castle said.

Zak held up his finger and they were all silent, listening, before he said, "Is anyone here?" When there was no response or any kind of noise he said, "Did you sense anything?"

"Not really," Castle said first.

"Yeah, I got nothing in here," Aaron said. "It feels normal."

"I'm getting the same feeling. Why don't we leave a REM pod here and see if anything makes it light up," Zak told him.

"Can we head up to the promenade?" Beckett asked.

"Yeah, go ahead," Zak replied. "But if you experience anything let us know by your walkie-talkie."

After they had said they would, Castle took his wife's hand again and they went out of the room so they could get to the stairs. "Okay?" he asked her.

"Thank you for not telling him about us," Beckett told him quietly.

Shaking his head Castle replied, "It didn't need to be said."

Squeezing his hand, Beckett walked with him in silence as they went up to the Promenade deck. She was surprised, when they turned the corner from the stairs, to find their daughter sitting on the floor holding a voice recorder. "Julia?" she said.

Looking up, the girl turned off the device and then said, "Hi Mom, Dad, did you get anything?"

"Not really, we heard sounds like people were eating dinner but not for very long," Castle said first.

"Oh, too bad," Julia said as she stood up. "We don't have to leave yet?"

"No," Beckett replied. "We'll stay a little longer but not as long as it would have been if it was just the four of us," watching her daughter and waiting for her to respond as she wrinkled her nose.

"Can we go somewhere together?" Julia asked.

"We'll wait to see what Zak says," Beckett said gently.

Julia nodded and left the marbles on the floor before she got up and went with her parents into the salon. "Here," she said to Jay.

"Did she talk to you?" the man asked.

"Yeah, I don't know if it'll be on there though," Julia said.

"Billy will take a look at it," Jay said before they looked over at the doorway as the others walked in. "Did you guys get anything?" he asked Skye and Mary as they walked in with the man he'd been talking about.

"Not really, seems like the ship's quite calm now," the former said.

"Does that mean were done?" Julia asked in disappointment.

"No," Zak said. "We're going to take a quick break and see if we get anything on the X-cameras."

"Wait," Jay said. "Julia did an EVP session out there."

"Yeah," the girl said, blushing deeply.

"Alright, Billy can you review that? See if there is anything," Zak said.

"Were there any noises? Were you talking to each other?" the AV tech asked Julia and Jay. When the latter said no, and the former shook her head Billy said, "I'll go through it as fast as I can."

Beckett pulled her daughter with her and Castle to the chairs that were set up and they sat with Skye and Mary while they waited. She wanted to talk, but with Billy listening to what Julia had recorded and the other three watching their cameras she merely wrapped her arm about her daughter's shoulders.

"Guys," Billy said after a while. "I got something, just one thing, towards the end." When the others gathered behind them he said, "It was right after your last question Julia."

Biting her lower lip, Julia tried not to blush too deeply as she heard her own voice asking, "Can you ever leave the ship Amber?"

"And you got this for a response," Billy said, going to some disturbance on the line of audio after Julia's speaking.

Leaning in close the girl listened closely before her eyes widened and she straightened up. "Did she say, 'I'm home'?"

"Play it again," Zak said.

Listening to it, Beckett looked at her daughter when she sighed and she placed her hand on her shoulder asking, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know… I guess she's happier here and I don't think she's bothering anyone," Julia replied slowly. "But what about her parents?"

"This is where she's happy," Zak said after a moment. "And if she wants to stay then we wouldn't be able to help her."

"No," Skye said as he was looking at her. "It's where she was happiest and what she wants to experience again. But I know a few of the workers after last time, I can check on her every so often to be sure."

"Alright," Zak said. "Let me look over the map and see where else you might be able to go Julia."

As they were watching the lead investigator Julia wrapped her arms around her mother tightly, deciding that wherever Zak found for her to go she would insist she went with her parents. She hoped that they would find out more for the episode and hoped her mother would be okay for the rest of their night investigating.

"It was great to see you again Julia," Zak said, shaking her hand. "You got us a class A EVP, you should be proud."

Watching as the girl yawned, Beckett smiled and said, "I think she will be more tomorrow once she's gotten some sleep."

"I am now," Julia said firmly though her tone was still tinged with exhaustion.

"And thank you both for participating too," Zak said, shaking Beckett's hand first before he did the same with Castle. "Are you okay now?"

"I am," Beckett said, glancing at the ship. "Be careful," she found herself saying, turning back to the four men. "Especially in the Propeller Room."

"She's right," Skye said. "You'll want to be careful in there after tonight."

"And don't let Aaron go in there, it doesn't like him," Julia blurted out. Her eyes widened at what she'd said, and she then told them, "I just… get the feeling."

"I'll keep that in mind," Zak said, not surprised when Aaron hugged Julia with one arm.

"You should come with us," the cameraman said as he let her go. "That way you can keep Zak from forcing me to stay by myself."

Julia laughed and said, "I don't think I could; just here."

"Well… I had to try," Aaron said before he held his fist out to her.

After she had bumped fists with the cameraman, Julia waved to the four men before they made their way down the ship to where they would be let out and they went to the car. She was yawning as she stepped up into the backseat after her mother and only just heard Skye telling her parents Zak would be let them know if they found anything else besides what they'd been aware of already before she was asleep.

"She's out?" Mary asked, looking back from the driver's seat briefly.

"She is," Beckett said, holding her close against her side and caressing her daughter's hair. "I was surprised she wasn't doing that walking down the promenade."

"She was excited to keep investigating," Castle commented.

Beckett looked at her husband, rolling her eyes before they fell silent, watching the freeway they were passing on the way back to Santa Monica.

Her eyes flying open, Julia looked around and was surprised to find herself in hers and Mari's room at the McDouglas home. She pushed down the sheet covering her and realized she was in her pajamas. Sighing she realized she could vaguely remember her mother having her brush her teeth and helping her change. She sat up then and looking at her friend she was relieved when Mari was asleep. She felt she was thirsty and got out of bed, only to find a glass of water on the nightstand. "Thanks Dad," she murmured.

"Julia?" Mari said, waking up as her friend was drinking. "You're back."

"I think a long time ago," Julia said, glancing at the clock on the nightstand.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Mari asked worriedly.

"No," Julia said before she started to walk to the window and stopped when she recalled the windows in their room looked out on the front yard and not the back. "But my mom did… or will," she said, trying to sense that. But when she only felt a pressure on her back she sighed in frustration and said, "Grandmama is telling me to go to bed."

"Your dad is with your mom," Mari said reassuringly.

"Yeah… good thing I told him she might have a nightmare," Julia said before she moved to climb on the bed. She smiled when Mari hugged her tightly and asked, "Want me to tell you what happened?"

"Tomorrow, I'm really sleepy," the girl told her.

"Night Mari," Julia said as she'd been yawning while her friend was talking.

"Night," the girl replied before they were laying down.

Julia closed her eyes the second her back hit the bed, and though she was worried about her mother, she was asleep very shortly after. She would remember her dream the next day, of a young blonde girl with a British accent, who played with her and Mari as their ship made their way through the Atlantic waters to reach America.

The bow of the ship was enormous, and she found herself frozen in fear as there was chaos around her. But there was no chance to get out of the way and the ship was sliced neatly in two before the explosions began.

She tried to scream as her body was vaulted into the air and she had only a moment to see the sky. She was plunging deep into the Atlantic and she couldn't get herself back up to the surface. The light was closing above her, and she reached up to the figure above her, staring at her. There was no assistance and she realized she couldn't breathe as the darkness fell around her as thick as the water above.

"Kate, Kate it's alright," Castle said, wrapping his arms around her as soon as she'd sat up, her eyes flying open. "You just had a nightmare," he said when she finally focused on him. "Were you on the ship?" he asked as he was rubbing her back gently.

"The other one," Beckett breathed out, covering her face with her hands. She felt her husband pressing his lips to the top of her head and she immediately felt warmth at the sensation. When he cupped her cheek, she turned to look up at him and wasn't surprised when he kissed her. It was very gentle and tender, and she stared into his eyes when he pulled away before he pressed his forehead to hers and murmured against her lips.

"Julia and Skye told me this might happen," Castle replied.

Wrapping her arms a little tighter around her husband Beckett said, "This happened before?"

"Yeah," Castle said before he carefully made her pull back so he could look at her. "Skye said it doesn't mean you've got an attachment, more the spirit left an impression of what they went through and you're seeing it now." He frowned when his wife shuddered visibly and he said, "She told me to hold onto you."

"Really?" Beckett asked, trying to be humorous though she could hear her tone was weak.

"She did," Castle replied, not surprised at the question. "And said it helps you shake off the rest of the night."

"She's probably having one right now," Beckett commented.

"Probably, but she does have Mary," Castle said. "Lay down," he then told her though he was doing that first. When she was pressed against him he held her close and said, "Julia?"

"She'll be alright," Beckett replied with a sigh as her husband was rubbing her upper arm and back. "I feel like I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep."

"No?" Castle asked gently.

"Not really," Beckett said. She could feel he was looking at her and she closed her eyes as she admitted, "I don't want to see that again."

"I don't blame you," Castle said. He could feel her head moving on his shoulder and he said, "I was watching you, you were… I could tell it was bad." He leaned down slightly and pressed his lips to the top of her head and he murmured into her hair, "I wanted to help you."

"You are," Beckett said reassuringly. She tilted her head back and said, "I feel better."

"But not fully," Castle pointed out. When he felt her pressing closer to him he said, "You do need to sleep."

"I know," Beckett replied softly. "Tell me something."

Castle was quiet for a moment before he said, "Can I tell you I love you first?"

"I love you Rick," Beckett told him.

"I love you too Kate," Castle was quick to respond. He leaned down, his thumb caressing her lower lip, so he could find it, and he kissed her. It was gentle at first, but something between them suddenly changed and they deepened it together. They weren't very rough but when they parted he could still feel his lips throbbing slightly. He remembered her request and then said, "I'm recalling something from the year 1933."

"Tell me," Beckett replied, though she was already aware of what he was recalling.

Nodding, Castle said, "It was April; a Saturday and the beginning of their Easter break; and we were on our own with our girls in the city at Golden Gate Park," knowing she was seeing it in her mind as he was.

"Here Ma?" Julia asked.

"No, more in the shade," Kate said. She smiled at her husband and said, "It's been a long time since we've needed to do that."

"I know," Rick replied. "There girls," he said, setting Josephine down. "We'll eat here."

Watching their three-year-old run to her sisters, Kate said, "I suppose we've all been cooped up for too long."

"Of course," Rick replied. "Here," he said, taking the picnic basket she'd carried from the car. "After four days in the home I'm surprised Julia's not doing cartwheels."

Kate couldn't help laughing and then told him, "Or you."

"I'm no circus performer," Rick replied. "Girls," he then said to their daughters.

"The blanket's ready Da," eleven-year-old Julia said as she looked over the blanket she and her sisters had laid out.

"Is the food?" Elizabeth asked. When her mother glanced at her the five; soon to be six; year old smiled and was going to speak when her little sister did so first.

"I'm awful hungry Ma," Alexandra said.

Smiling at the four; soon to be five; year old, Kate said, "We'll eat now. Sit down," addressing the last to the girls. She took the picnic basket and opened it, looking at her family as they were leaning towards her. "Enough, you'll all get your food. But you can't crowd around."

"She's right," Rick said, though he'd been joining the girls in that.

Kate passed out the plates of food she'd wrapped in wax paper and getting her own last she began to eat, smiling as the four girls were silent eating their meal. Looking to her husband she saw he was reaching into his vest and asked, "Do you have somewhere to go?"

"No, just making sure we have time to play before we need to get the ferry," Rick replied easily as he'd been looking at his pocket watch.

"What can we play?" Julia asked, finishing her cucumber and ham sandwich.

"We'll see what your da has for us," Kate said, handing Josephine her second square sandwich.

"These are delicious Kate," Rick told his wife, finishing his deviled egg.

Smiling as their three oldest agreed, Kate nodded and said, "Thank my ma, she taught me."

"These are special," Alexandra said.

"Thank you," Kate said, laughing softly. When they had finished eating, she was going to pack up the plates and paper before her husband was getting their three oldest to help. While she was waiting she pulled Josephine onto her lap but the three-year-old soon began to fidget and she let her go, not surprised when she got up and started to chase after a butterfly before her sisters were following. She glanced at her husband when he sat next to her and she held his hand before he called to their daughters.

"Girls, come back," Rick said. "You'll hurt the butterfly if you catch it."

"Come here," Kate said as Josephine started to cry when her biggest sister picked her up.

"Ma," the toddler sobbed.

"It's alright, you wouldn't want to play with croquet, would you?" Kate asked her, holding her close.

"I can play?" Josephine asked.

"Yes, I'll need to help you but it's better since I would like to play with you," Kate said. She smiled when the toddler did as well and kissed her before she stood with Josephine on her hip so the others could get the blanket out of the way and they could begin their game.

"It was a beautiful day," Beckett murmured.

"It was," Castle said, rubbing her back a few times. "But that's not all."

"I know," Beckett said with a slight smile.

"Are you sleepy yet?" Castle asked her.

"No," Beckett said simply.

"Okay," Castle said, smiling. He couldn't help himself and kissed her forehead before he went back to the memory, jumping to when they had gotten on the ferry and were making their way home across the bay.

"Careful against the railing girls," Rick told the four as they stood against it. Though he and Kate hadn't wanted to let them out there, as they'd gotten halfway across the water the four had gotten antsy and they'd had no choice.

"We will Ma," Julia said quickly, smiling over her shoulder at them. She was relieved when they stood to her right and turned to look back at the water before her sister was crying out next to them.

"Ma, water!" Josephine squealed.

"It's the spray," Elizabeth said. "We're gonna get wet."

"At least it's a nice day," Rick told his wife as he could see the doubt on her face. When she nodded he squeezed her arm before he saw the nearing hills of Marin which led him to say, "Could I take my girls and wife to dinner?"

"No, I'll cook," Kate replied firmly.

"I'll help Ma," Julia said quickly.

Nodding to her daughter, Kate then turned her attention to the girls to make sure they were alright before they were getting closer to the docks. She and her husband were getting the girls to go to the car until they were inside, Rick driving them off once the ferry was stopped.

"What're we having for dinner Ma?" Alexandra asked.

"Your da's favorite," Kate said. "Pork chops and everything else."

"Sounds smashing love," Rick said, focusing on getting through the streets of Sausalito. When he pulled into the driveway at home he parked the car in the garage and got out with his wife and daughters before they went inside the house. "Come on Josephine, Alexandra," he said to the two youngest. "We'll find something to do until dinner's ready."

"What can I do Ma?" Elizabeth asked eagerly.

"You can help your sister with the potatoes," Kate told her. "Wash them and peel them so I can make potato cakes."

"I can help you Ma," Julia replied.

"Alright, let's hurry," Kate replied with a smile before she got them all aprons so they could get started.

"You cooked very well then too," Castle said.

"You did too," Beckett said with a smile.

Nodding Castle said, "After we ate we all worked together to clean up-"

"Josie was hanging on to my apron strings," Beckett interrupted him.

"She was," Castle said in amusement. "But when we got everything we gathered together in the living room."

"I wonder what'll happen this time," Julia was saying as they were looking at the radio.

"I wonder if Wilma Deering will get to do something big with Buck Rodgers," Elizabeth said hopefully.

"We'll see," Kate said as the introduction to the show began. She was sewing, fixing one of her husband's shirts that he'd torn and checking on Julia next to her as the girl was practicing her stitches.

"How's this Ma?" the girl asked at one point, showing her what she'd done.

"Wonderful," Kate said with a smile. "You're learning very well."

"Can't I learn Ma?" Elizabeth asked.

"When you're a bit older darling," Kate said with a smile. "Keep listening." At the end of the show she had the shirt finished and she looked at her husband, seeing that Josephine was fast asleep on his lap. "We'll be back girls, don't fight over the radio," she told them before she and Rick went up to their youngest's room, getting her to bed quickly.

When they went down the stairs Rick saw that the girls were sitting close to the radio still and he asked, "Did we miss anything?"

"No! Charlie Chan is starting right now!" Julia said eagerly.

"Wonderful," Rick said. He helped his wife over to the couch and they sat together to listen to the program. By the time it had ended Alexandra was sleeping and Elizabeth was blinking rapidly.

"Time for bed," Kate said as she saw the two. She took Elizabeth's hand and led her up the stairs as Castle followed with Alexandra. They split up as they were helping each girl and after they'd tucked both in and kissed both goodnight they went downstairs to find their oldest giggling as she was listening to The Fire Chief with Ed Wynn. They listened with her and when it had finished she stood before Julia was protesting.

"Ma it's Saturday!" the girl replied.

"And you still need your sleep, come on," Kate said simply as her husband was turning off their Westinghouse.

"Aren't you going to listen to the radio?" Julia asked in surprise.

"Not tonight," Rick replied. "We're a bit tired, it's time to get to our bed too."

Though she still didn't want to go, Julia nodded and they went to her room though she and her mother went inside. She changed into her pajamas and let her mother brush her hair before she went over to the doorway. "You can come in Da," she said with a smile.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Rick asked.

"Of course," Julia said. She then frowned and asked, "What are we doing?"

"You'll see," Kate said with a smile. "Say goodnight to your da and we'll get you into bed."

After she had hugged and kissed her father, Julia went to her mother and did the same. "I had an awful good time in the city Ma," she was saying as she climbed under her sheets on the bed. "Couldn't we go back?"

"We are," Kate said, smiling at her husband.

"We need to visit the club for a bit," Rick told their daughter. "And you can take care of your sisters on the beach. And your grandma invited us to stay over."

"Oh Da, really?" Julia asked eagerly.

"Really, but there's a surprise before that," Rick said.

"The movies!" Julia guessed. When her father smiled she hugged him quickly and said, "Thank you. Will we get to see King Kong?"

"We will, I just hope Josephine won't be scared," Kate said with a slight frown.

"We'll tell her all about it," Julia said earnestly. "And that it's just the silver screen."

"Alright," Kate said slowly. "We'll take her, but she'll be with you in my room that night."

"I'll take care of her Ma," Julia said earnestly as she knew her mother was talking about her baby sister having a nightmare. "Thank you," she felt she needed to say again.

"You're very welcome, come on, time for sleep," Kate told her, having her lay down.