
4. Something You Can Give With Ease(2)

"Yes," Beckett replied simply. She reached down with one hand, pushing his erection carefully until he could slip inside of her. She moaned heavily at the sensation as he didn't stop until their hips were pressed together and when he did she whispered, "Fuck me lover," against his lips.

Taking her lips in a crushing kiss, Castle didn't do that at first, instead reaching in between them to start rubbing at her clit as he wanted to make absolutely sure she was aroused and ready for him once he began. Feeling her nails digging slightly into his back he ended their kiss and trailed his lips to her ear, nibbling at the lobe until she cried out his name.

"Stop, I'm ready… I need you Rick," Beckett said, trying to pull him back against her. She nearly let out a short scream when her husband thrust the first time, but she stopped herself, only letting out a sound that was a cry cut off by her exclaiming his name. When she realized his rhythm, she moved along with him the best she could, breathing out hard when she heard the way their skin was smacking together. She then kissed him, pressing harder against him as he responded to her and their tongues were rolling around together in between their mouths. She ended it with a shuddering gasp as he slid his hand down her side, getting close to her breast.

Swearing bitterly in Irish, Castle told his wife, "I need…" not finishing as he knew she was aware of what he meant. As she caressed the back of his head, he pressed his forehead against hers, feeling her breath on his lips as they were panting together. "Kate," he murmured a second before he was slowing down.

Knowing what he wanted; and deciding she would try her best to accommodate him; Beckett told him as seductively as she could, "Slow my love, you… you n-need to… Like that," gasping and stammering as he was just barely pulling out of her. "Now faster, just a little… yes!" she said, ending in a soft cry. "Just do both and… I'll come," she told him as she didn't want him to experiment too much and end things a little too quickly for her.

Nodding, though his wife was kissing at the side of his head and cheeks, Castle kept up the varying rhythms. He changed them so he wasn't doing the same thing every time and eventually stopped thrusting completely as Beckett was groaning in annoyance. He kissed her before she could say anything and then told her firmly when they parted, "You're a fucking goddess Kate, I wouldn't be able to last."

Sighing Beckett nodded, letting that distract him so she could place her feet flat on his hips. She then clenched her muscles tightly about his member, working them over him the best she could as he began to say her name but stopped partway through and was swearing in English and Irish. "I don't think I care about lasting Rick," she told him. She was startled when he turned his darkened eyes to her and she was about to speak when he was thrusting and talking at the same time.

"I don't want to… make this… that fast," Castle explained to her. He was relieved when she let him kiss her and they were involved with that for some time. While they were, he was varying his thrusts like he'd been doing before and when they parted from their kiss they were involved with then he went to murmur in her ear. The second she was leaning back he was moving his hips around, thrusting down into her clit directly. He was startled at the way she was crying out in reaction as he struck the swollen nub and he did it only four times before he stopped.

"No… don't apologize," Beckett told him hurriedly. "Just… ooh…" she started to say before she was trailing off on a moan when he thrust again though with her sitting up straight that time. She knew, just from how tense he was when she wrapped her arms back around him, he wasn't going to stop until they reached their climax. She didn't mind at all, moving her legs back around his waist so she could hit his ass with her heels. She was crying out every time their hips slammed together, and she was grasping at his back and shoulders to feel how hard he was moving against her. A few more times feeling the friction they gave one another and she was breaking, throwing her head back and crying out her husband's name in complete joy as her orgasm felt intense.

Joining his wife, Castle called her name and proceeded quickly to chant it, trying to hold her close though his hand was moving to grasp onto the dresser. When he gave his last thrust, he staggered against her and murmured her name before he moved so he could kiss her. They were slow until they soon stopped and when he was looking at her he said, "Do you need to rest?"

"No, but I do want to go onto the bed," Beckett replied. She sighed when he moved away from her and then moved to help him pick her back up before she said in amusement, "You're going to get tired of doing that."

"I doubt it," Castle said quickly before he set her down on the bed. "I'll be back."

Beckett nodded, watching him take the towel into the bathroom before she laid on her back, putting her hands under her head as she looked up at the ceiling. She wasn't really seeing it, thinking about something she wanted to do before she started to move to act on it. But her husband was coming out of the other room as she sat up quickly and she looked at him.

"What?" Castle asked, startled slightly by her movement.

"Nothing," Beckett said, tense when he went over to her as soon as he was on the bed.

"You're usually better about that," Castle said, nuzzling her lips with his own. When he stopped he studied her and said, "Tell me," before she moved to whisper into his ear, as he'd expected her to do.

Beckett spoke swiftly and when she had finished she pulled away, watching him for his response. When he made her lay down, she breathed out a thank you before he gave her a swift kiss and slid his hand over her abdomen while she sighed in pleasure.

"I have to admit you've been surprising me tonight," Castle told her as he slipped his first two fingers inside her sex. He wasn't surprised when she didn't reply, her eyes closed tightly in her delight at his touch, and after he had run his fingers back and forth through her twice he withdrew them. He brought his fingers to her lips, trying to keep breathing as she licked at him with her tongue, being sure he could see. "Kate…" he began, his voice strained in his pleasure and husky with his arousal.

Beckett moved to get on top of her husband, coupling with him as soon as possible while their lips crushed hard. She was moaning and took his groans into her mouth while they worked almost frantically to get him inside of her. She stayed on top of him that time while they were rough together, touching and kissing as much as they could until she broke first and he followed her. When everything was still and she felt she could move she kissed him and got off him, laying on her side of the bed as he followed her. "What is it Rick?" she asked, running her fingers through his hair tenderly.

"You amaze me," Castle said. "Ba mhaith leat fós dom," he said while she cupped his cheek, telling her that he still wanted her.

"Caithim leat," Beckett said earnestly, which meant she craved him. They were kissing the second she stopped speaking and she was holding onto him as tightly as she could his hand holding tight to her side.

"You don't know how much I want you," Castle breathed to his wife in her ear once they'd parted. He nuzzled her ear lobe before telling her, "You're only woman I've ever made love to; it's why I want you this badly."

Beckett couldn't help pausing in caressing her husband's chest as he spoke, wanting to scoff at the idea when she wasn't the first woman he'd ever been with. And though she knew what he meant she said, "I doubt-"

"Don't," Castle interrupted her, looking at her intently as he turned onto his stomach. "There's a difference between just a means to an end and wanting to experience everything possible while you satisfy your lover."

Closing her eyes, Beckett wrapped her arms around her husband as he kissed around her jaw, ears and neck. Her body was responding and as he moved his hand over her abdomen she reached to it, holding it and stopping him. "I know," she breathed out, staring into his eyes. She took his kiss, responding to him as fast as she could until he moved away, and she told him, "I love you Rick," not surprised her voice was a bit emotional.

"I love you Kate," Castle said adoringly to her. He kissed her again, not surprised when she responded to him before he pulled back to breathe for a moment and then kissed her once more. When he stopped himself after that time, he looked at his wife and saw she was biting her slightly swollen lower lip. "What is it?"

"You know you're the only man I've felt inside me too," Beckett told him. She felt him tense for a moment and caressed his cheek telling him, "You are, and that's also why I want you as much as I do."

"Do you want me again?" Castle asked her hopefully. He felt his heart pounding a little at the sight of her smiling and when she nodded he kissed her. Her tongue beat him to their lips and they were dueling together shortly after that. When they needed to stop he asked her, "Can I love you Kate?"

"Hmm, always Rick," Beckett replied, caressing the back of his head.

With that the two moved together, beginning to make love as they lost themselves in one another and started what would be an enjoyably long night. They found they couldn't stop needing to be together, their intimacy that much more necessary after what they'd revealed, wanting to prove their desire was a passion for one another they didn't want to control.