
23. Things I Do At Night(2)

"Yeah," Eliza said again as she was having a hard time fighting her fatigue.

"Come here," Beckett said, helping the little girl lay down. She tucked her in and then kissed her forehead before she took Julia's hand, smiling when the girl sighed heavily.

"Mom," Julia said, slightly laughing when her mother suddenly pulled her onto her lap after she'd sat on the other side of the sleeper bed. "I'm too big to sit here now… aren't I?"

"Do you want to move?" Beckett asked her.

Shaking her head, Julia watched her mother lift her leg and she said, "Don't Mom, please."

"No," Beckett replied. "I just wish you would have told us."

"Your mom's right," Castle said, sitting next to her. "We wouldn't have made you stop but… we would have wanted to go to your practices. I'm guessing that's why you didn't tell us?"

"Yeah, we all wanted to surprise our parents," Julia said, giggling softly when her father lightly tickled the bottom of her foot.

"You did," Beckett said, smiling at her husband's action. "But don't do that again."

"I won't, not for our last two dances," Julia said. "But it was one of the best moments of my life."

"I'm not surprised," Beckett told her with a smile, kissing her cheek.

"Now I think you need to go to bed," Castle said, watching his wife hugging their daughter. He took her on his lap as she went over to him and shared a kiss with her saying, "I love you Julia. And you made me very proud of you; you're a wonderful dancer."

"Thanks Dad," Julia said, blushing deeply. "I love you too," she told him, hugging him tightly one last time before she got off the bed and stood in front of her mother.

"I love you Julia," Beckett told her seriously, embracing her.

"Love you Mom," the girl replied, hugging her back as hard. She then smiled and said, "I can't wait for your birthday."

Beckett laughed softly and told her, "Neither can I," before they shared a quick kiss. She stood up and held up the sheets for the girl to slide under telling her, "Sweet dreams and we'll wake you up in the morning."

"Night Mom," Julia said, speaking laughingly again as she knew her mother was trying to tell her not to wake up so early she and her sister would be waking them up. She watched them; after her parents had said goodnight to her; make two mugs of tea before disappearing into the bedroom, closing the door slightly behind them but not all the way. She turned on her side then, closing her eyes and trying her best to go to sleep while she knew that one of the two theme parks was so close outside.

"She's fine," Castle said, watching his wife with a smile as she was looking down at Josie once they were in the bedroom.

"I know, I just wanted to check on her," Beckett said simply. She then went over to the window in their room and looked out on the park saying, "I am glad she had such a great time with the dance."

"So am I," Castle said reassuringly. He then smiled at her and said, "And we're moving on to next week."

"Skye is," Beckett said simply. When her husband took her hand she set her empty mug on the table near them and did the same with his before he sat down in the armchair, pulling her onto his lap. As soon as she was settled, he was kissing her and deeply while she was wrapping her arms around his neck. She had expected that and she would have done the same to her husband if he hadn't done it first. She gently rubbed her tongue against his before they slowly parted and she said with a smile, "Is this for tomorrow?"

"It's not like we couldn't still do this in either park," Castle said, rubbing his wife's upper arm through her robe. "But I still want to make sure."

Shaking her head, Beckett leaned down and kissed her husband deeply, pleased when he responded to her. Though she knew they couldn't do that much with their daughters in the suite with them she slipped her tongue past her husband's lips, curling it around his tongue before they were rubbing together a little frantically until they needed to stop. Smiling at him when she could look him in the eye she told him, "We should go to bed."

"We should," Castle said, though he was speaking reluctantly. He let her go and watched her walk over to the bed, staying on the side the armchair was on. He took off his robe while she was doing the same with hers and they went to the crib to make one last check on their youngest. "She really is fine," he told Beckett, kissing the side of her head.

"Hmm, I know," she replied, turning to him. She wrapped her arms around him murmuring, "Ní féidir liom a choinneáil ar shiúil uait," which meant she couldn't keep away from him.

"Neither do I," Castle told her, speaking in Irish as well. They kissed each other tenderly before he could tell her, "Chaill mé tú," which meant he'd missed her. "Ach ba mhaith liom fanacht… aois má theastaigh uaim dom," he told her which meant he'd wait ages if she wanted him too.

Beckett smiled at that and brushed her lips against his before he held her more firmly, pulling her close. Though they had the parks the next day she knew they weren't going to be able to stop just yet. Parting they went hand in hand to the bed, laying down so they could kiss again, taking the chance they had for some intimacy before they got their rest for her birthday the next day.