
15. Right To The San Diego Zoo(2)

"Do we have to?" Castle asked.

"Yes," Beckett told him firmly before she moved away from him and watched him lay down. She hurried to join him but paused before she settled against his side and she pushed herself back up.

"Is she okay?" Castle asked while he was pushing himself up to sit up.

"She is," Beckett said with a smile. She turned her tablet over to him and watched him looking at their baby who was still fast asleep. "For now."

"Yeah," Castle said absently. He let her put the device away while he set aside his glasses before he was laying back down, reaching for her and holding her tightly to him. "Kate?" he said after they were quiet for a minute.

"Hmm?" Beckett said.

"I love you," Castle said meaningfully. He watched her raise her head and he was ready for her kiss, responding to her as deeply as he could before their tongues were rolling around each other hungrily. When they'd parted slowly he caressed her hair, beginning to run his fingers through her locks before she whispered against his lips.

"I love you too Rick," Beckett told him. When he kissed her she wasn't surprised, parting her lips for him until they needed to breathe again. "We have to stop," she told him.

"That sounds horrible," Castle commented, rubbing her back though her shirt.

"For now," Beckett said, rolling her eyes though she was smiling at the same time. When he reached over to the light on his nightstand she went to the one on hers and once they were off she was back in his arms. "Night love," she told him.

"You're no fun," Castle said jokingly as she'd stopped his hand from sliding up and down on her side. He hugged her to him gently and pressed his lips to the top of her head telling her, "Night Kate." He felt her settling against him and they lay still, listening to their breathing and Josie's breathing from the monitor. He smiled slightly when his wife fell asleep as he could feel it and he let himself follow her. He still wanted her but with her and their daughter in their repose he contented himself with his dreams of his wife, knowing she was doing the same while they slept peacefully in each other's embrace.