
14. 'Till Your Dream Appears(2)

Not sure how she managed it, Beckett was slamming down into her clit and after doing that twice she let go of her self-control as her body told her that it was time to find her release. Her orgasm was rough, and she was crying out heavily to her husband, calling his name as she was experiencing her ecstasy through her entire form. When she heard her husband joining her she let that add to her experience and take in what he was giving her. She held him against her as he was grasping her back and she could feel in his back how hard he was thrusting. She toed the line of a second climax, but she soon went limp, still holding onto him as he gave her his last thrusts before he nearly fell back on the bed while she held onto him to stop him from doing so.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," Castle was quick to say as he knew his wife was concerned about him. "That was… a lot."

"I know," Beckett said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "And it was amazing."

"It was," Castle said with a rapid nod. He then smiled and kissed her tenderly, lingering for as long as they could before he pulled away. "But I needed it."

"It's funny to see how much my clothes can affect you," Beckett said with a smile. Before her husband could say anything, she leaned down to kiss him briefly and told him, "And yours do the same for me."

"Just a plain suit?" Castle scoffed. He expected her to respond verbally to him, but when she moved off him he watched her with wide eyes before she was lying next to him. He turned quickly; trying to remember his knee as well so he wouldn't hurt it; and laid slightly on top of her. "Kate?" he asked her before she was grabbing his hand.

Leading him down in between her legs, Beckett worked with him to rub at her clit and she moaned softly since their fingers were working around together and it became harder for her to tell which fingers were touching the swollen nub. She eventually closed her eyes, and that kept her from seeing the way her husband was watching her. When she opened them at his fingers stopping she saw how intense the gaze was in his blue eyes and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Pulling him down to her she moved to whisper into his hear, "Fuck me lover."

With that Castle was slipping into his wife and didn't waste much time before he was thrusting. As she had asked he was going as fast as he could, kissing her hungrily and going around her neck and shoulders when they needed to breathe. He kept repeating that until they were breaking, very close together as he wanted to make sure she had her pleasure first. He was breathing heavily when they finally stopped, and he was doing his best not to put his full weight on her before she was kissing him.

"You can move," Beckett told him with a smile before he withdrew from her. She couldn't help sighing in disappointment but shook that quickly to lay with him, pressed against his side.

"Do we need to sleep?" Castle asked after they'd been laying in silence for a while.

Turning her head slightly, Beckett kissed his shoulder and said, "No, we have time. But we probably shouldn't stay up for that long."

"What is it?" Castle asked, looking at her as he had the sense that she had something on her mind with her tone of voice.

"No, I was thinking about going back to San Diego," Beckett replied.

"You're looking forward to it?" Castle asked.

"It's been a while since we've gone," Beckett said.

"What about San Francisco?" Castle asked her.

"That's going to need to wait," Beckett replied.

"It doesn't need to," Castle pointed out.

"For now, yes," Beckett said. "We have to go home." When her husband breathed out she embraced him the best she could and told him, "I know, but we'll get back there one day." She studied him as he simply nodded to her and she asked, "What're you thinking?"

"That I'm going to try and find the house," Castle said, turning to look at her.

"And then what? Someone else lives there I'm sure," Beckett said gently as she knew the thought of getting to own it was running through his mind.

Groaning, Castle turned around to the pillow under his head and buried his face there before he grunted as his wife kissed at the back of his head. He looked at her, turning his head to the side, and then said, "At least looking at it…"

"I know," Beckett said, leaning over and pressing her lips to his temple. She wasn't surprised when he wrapped his arm around her waist and she said. "What do you want now?"

"Here," Castle told her, making her lay down as he moved to his back again. He turned towards her the best he could, reaching up and gently running his fingers over her chin. "You're beautiful love," he told her.

With a smile Beckett leaned towards him and they kissed gently before she was pulling back telling him, "Now I know you want something."

Castle gently moved to brush her hair behind her ear and said, "I don't need anything, I'm just letting you know."

Kissing him again, Beckett caressed his cheek before she reached down to his chest, passing her hand over that for a while until she moved to kiss at his jaw. "I love you Rick," she murmured.

"I love you too Kate," Castle said, moving them both so he was above her. "I adore you," he said insistently.

At their kiss, Beckett slung her leg around him, arching her hips up so he would know what she was wanting. She was extremely pleased when he pressed down into her firmly and after they were parting she murmured, "I've never needed someone this much."

"Neither have I," Castle said, pressing his forehead to hers so their lips were brushing together. He engaged her in a kiss and they became involved in that for some time until they parted, slowly and letting their tongues drag out into the air between them. "It's why I call you my goddess Kate, you're the one thing I need in my life," he told her seriously. When she placed her hands on the back of his head while they kissed he could feel her thanks for that, but he pulled away from her and said, "Is mise mo anam mo grá."

Closing her eyes at her husband telling her that she was his soul, and adding the words my love, Beckett took a moment before she said, "I gcónaí mo anam."

Kissing his wife as hard as he could; as she'd told him always my soul; Castle was rolling his tongue around hers as much as he could before he finally broke away from her. "I gcónaí," he murmured before they kissed again, sensuously.

Their joy in each other worked up Castle and Beckett again and he reached for the bedsheet while she was kissing at his jaw. Once it was drawn over the pair they proceeded to kiss and fervently before they were coupled once more. After they began to make love they whispered lovingly to one another, moving slowly so they could enjoy the sheer intimacy of the moment. But they knew they weren't going to have enough and it was that continuing need of satiation from one another that made them aroused for all they would have while their night carried on in each other's arms.