
1. Prologue- Made It Up In The Ballroom(2)

Beckett was about to wonder aloud if they'd go on the other roller coaster next when they were banking to the left and then going right and left, going through some trees before they came to the second lift hill. "I'm surprised they wanted to go on this one," she said, speaking close to her husband's ear.

Shrugging hurriedly, as they were going up quickly, Castle said, "They like it."

Nodding, Beckett looked at the track again before they banked down and went into some bunny hills. They were going up and then to the right to avoid the log ride before going left and right and eventually banking into a helix, coming out of that into the brake run. She smiled when the girls in front of them applauded and waited for them to be able to get off the ride before she murmured to her husband briefly.

Castle squeezed his wife's hand and then held it while they were leaving to head back to his mother, Eliza and Josie. "You guys are next," he told Skye and Mary. "What're you planning on picking?"

"I'm going for the log ride remember," Mary reminded them.

"I'll pick the same," Skye said quickly.

"We'd like to stay with Josie," Beckett said. "We'll wait off the ride for you and then we'll go on the Mine Ride."

"Alright, stay in front of it since it's easier to get to that ride from here," Skye said.

Walking to the log ride Julia asked Castle; since she and her sister were walking with him; "What're you gonna pick Dad?"

"This one," he replied quickly. "If everyone doesn't mind heading on the log ride again."

"I don't!" Eliza said eagerly.

"Yeah, that's an awesome ride," Clive said.

"But it'll be the last time we go," Mary said, though she was talking to hers and Skye's daughters.

"She's right, we'll be going on it enough," Beckett said as Julia and Eliza were looking at them. "Alright, have fun and we'll see you when you come back," she told hers and Castle's daughters. She hugged them both and once they had left with the group she said to her husband, "It's been exhausting."

"Straight to bed?" Castle asked in Irish.

"I hope you didn't want to do anything," Beckett said, studying him.

Castle leaned over and kissed her gently before he said, "I didn't, we have school to focus on tomorrow."

"Yes, but we're not going to be too strict about that," Beckett replied. She cupped his cheek gently before she looked at the baby as she made a soft noise. "And she laughed," she said, speaking in English.

"For the first time," Castle said, reaching into the carrier and gently brushing his fingers against her hair. "I just hope she won't say her first word at Disneyland."

"I don't think she will," Beckett said with a laugh.

"Or any other amusement park," Castle added. When his wife laughed again he wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her shoulder, pressing his lips to the top of her head. "I love you Kate," he said when she looked up at him.

"I love you too Rick," Beckett said, knowing he had wanted to stay off the ride to be with her as well as with Josie as she'd wanted to be with them. She shared a kiss with him and they looked ahead at the log ride, waiting to see their family and friends taking their turn on the drop. Leaning her head against his shoulder she held onto him, intending to enjoy the rest of their time together until they were reunited with everyone else and would continue through the amusement park once more.