
In The Author's POV as a reader

A reader who is fed up of cliffhangers at the end of every damn chapter goes to confront the author but he forgets one crucial thing.. he doesn't know where the author lives. Realizing his mistake and grumbling to himself he finds himself below a piano.. 'where did it come from.. damn i couldn't even finish the novel..' with those as his final thought he leaves this world only to find himself in a new one. . . . I dont own any character's except the OC.. they belong to the original author of TAPOV.

Deepship · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

The "Slight" Diversion

"It's Kevin Voss. Nice to meet you," Kevin said with a smile.

"Ace Scepter, Likewise" I gave a polite smile and sat next to him.

After exchanging greetings, we talked about mundane things until the door opened again. A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes entered the room.

As soon as he saw us, his eyes twitched. 

Kevin greeted him, but he didn't say anything and sat in the far corner of the room. Kevin seemed confused, I just sighed and said, "Let him be."

Soon, Three minutes passed and five other students entered. Slowly but surely the room got more and filled with each batch of students. 

But unlike us, seven students entered at once, confirming my suspicions that the test was hard.

As the number of students reached hundred and 105, the examiner entered the room and said, "Your performance has been graded, all of you have entered lock. As for your ranking…" A man in a black suit entered the room and handed a piece of paper.

"Now you may leave." He said.

I stood up from our desks and before I exited through the door a hand stopped me.

"Did you read your paper?" Kevin asked.

"No, I was planning to read it once I get home." I shook my head.

"Well, you should read it." He insisted.

"Fine" I opened the parchment and read it. 

At first there was a detailed evaluation of our performance and below that was a number. 


I looked at my rank, 'Well, I shouldn't have gone all out.' 

Then I read the message below. "Please meet us after the exam, tomorrow at the premises of Lock at 2:00 PM."

"You are asked to be here, right?" He asked.

"Yeah" , folding the piece of paper, I answered him. "I don't really know what I should do now… wanna hang out?" He said.

I thought for a while. 'Well, befriending the protagonist of this world can never go wrong.'

I gave a polite smile and said, "Sure" 

-Scene Break-

It has been three weeks since the entrance exam. Tomorrow will be my first day at Lock. It would be a lie if I say that I was not excited.

In these three weeks I accomplished three things, one completed the basic knowledge required before attending lock.

My skill Alien Existence helped me in this regard. And second was that I was adept at using the first and second form of using my pole art. There were a total of seven so I was pretty proud.

Now for the third, 


Name: Ace Scepter 

Rank: <E->

Strength: <E>

Stamina: <E->

Agility: <E>

Mana: <E->

Luck: <G->

Profession: Lancer


I smiled as I saw my rank. I was progressing at an astonishing speed.

I heard a knock at my door. "Who will visit me?" I questioned myself as I opened the door.

On the other side of the door was a pale guy. He had Silver hair that was unkempt and a huge bag under his eyes. He wore a black robe that looked worn down.

"Won't you welcome your brother?" He smiled.

I felt a shudder down my spine hearing his words. I was prepared to take out my halberd anytime.

"What… Happened-" as I was about to ask something.  

He entered my apartment without permission. "Hey" As I was about to ask him to leave. I heard a hearty laugh.

"I am so happy for you brother. You managed to be the second best first year. You pathetic waste of space managed to beat me." He smiled, sending more shivers down my spine.

"You know after you killed our parents, I wanted to make something out of myself and prove to them.. that that."

"I didn't kill anyone." I said as I was completely on guard.

"You… Now everyone in my guild compares me to you. They say 'Oh, your brother is better than you.' You completely destroyed my professional life as well." The smile on his face vanished.

The room got chillier as he said with a distorted voice, "Ňőw Į Hāvę Ţő kiłł ýóű"

I quickly drew the halberd from my bracelet. As a huge shockwave erupted from his body, The windows and glass in my apartment totally cracked.

As I was about to attack, I saw a palm in front of my face. Before I could even react, he grabbed my face and threw me out of the now shattered window.

The pain was unbearable as I felt tiny pieces of shattered glass impale my body. My body fell to the ground.

Activating my skill allowed me to reduce the pain. I stabbed my halberd in the walls of the apartment hoping to reduce the speed of my fall.

It worked as the axe head of my halberd got stuck at the side of an apartment window. Using my strength, I pushed myself through the window towards the apartment.

The sound of shattered glass followed as I entered the apartment. "You're quite tenacious." I heard a voice from behind.

"Like the rat you are." I quickly slashed horizontally towards him but he easily caught my weapon.

This was enough to tell me the astronomical gap between us. He smirked. "Oh come on brother, have you given up already?" He smiled.

"This crazy.." I quickly backed off with my halberd. "Now you're running?" He appeared in front of me.

I took a deep breath. As I held my weapon horizontally. The second form of my art. I swung my halberd towards his chest. But unlike before the halberd got covered in blue flames.

The speed and strength of the halberd exploded exponentially. His eyes widened as he tried to back off. 


The sound of tearing flesh was heard before the sound of exploding fire deafened the surrounding.


I took a deep breath. The fight was far from over yet I had already shown him my trump card. 

My body hurt like hell but the adrenaline and my skill kept me from losing myself to it.

"I'm so… Proud of you my sweet little brother. " He smiled as he took a step towards me.

"You even managed to hurt me." He said as the gash in his chest began to heal. Followed by a dark energy emanating from his body.

"You…" I was speechless. To think he will sign a deal with the demons to kill his brother. 

"I was never acknowledged in my life, not by my peers, not by my superiors, not even my father… But he… He acknowledged me. He acknowledged my efforts and gave me the power to attain my dreams." He smiled looking at the sky.

"..." I looked at the downright insane man in front of me.

He then looked at me, "You should be happy that you would be the first human to face his strength."

I steeled myself for an attack. After some time tens of javelins began to conjure around him. Each pointing towards me.

He snapped his fingers as all of them hurled towards me. I had no choice, so jumped behind and fell straight from the window, Narrowly avoiding all those javelins, but I slammed against the hard ground.

I had fallen from six floors. If it was the previous me, he would have already died ten times over.

I forced myself to stand. "What do you plan to accomplish by doing this?" He appeared in front of me and questioned me.

I took a deep breath. "The same trick won't work twice you know." He said as a huge spear got conjured in his hand.

I dashed towards him. "Foolish" he shook his head as he blocked my halberd with his spear. 

I used the momentum to again slash at his neck. He easily blocked with the back of his spear. It was where I wanted it to be.

I quickly spun my weapon, removing my halberd from his spear. And, The first form of Blue sun.

I pointed the halberd at his face and, thrusted my halberd with all my strength. Like before, blue fire surrounded my halberd as it exploded with speed towards his face.

But suddenly, I lost all my strength. The fire around the halberd disappeared and it fell from my hand.

"Like I said… Foolish'' He stood there watching me as I fell to my knees. His spear pierced my stomach.

I looked at his face one more time. His silver hair had become black, his blue eyes became completely red and his face looked devoid of any vitality.

I felt blood flow from my mouth as my breathing got incredibly difficult. My vision started to blur and…

Perhaps due to the adrenaline diedown or the effect of his magic. My body writhe with pain as I felt all the parts of my body impaled by thousands of shards.

Tears fell from my eyes yet I couldn't scream. "It seems our fight gathered a lot of attention." He said looking at his surroundings.

"Heh aren't you "heroes" a little late." He smirked looking at the surroundings but I couldn't see anything.

Except for his smiling face. He looked at me with sheer glee as I was having the worst day of my life.

"I think we have to leave now… Ğöõđ ßýə ßřôțhêř" the last sentences were distorted again.

As my vision blacked out as I felt flames engulfing my body.


Yep boys, the novels over. Thank you for reading.




Ofcourse I am joking… Well the story will continue. 

Anyways, um… Thank you for reading.