
In the arms of the dragon

Ye Chen is the son-in-law that everyone looks down upon, but nobody knows his true identity as the young master of a top family. Those who despise him will eventually kneel before him, calling him 'sir' with fear and trembling

yajun_xu · Urban
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141 Chs

Chapter 59

As soon as they heard that Liu Lili's father was a cultural relic appraiser, all the students in the room cast contemptuous yet sympathetic glances at Ye Chen.

 They felt that Ye Chen was really unlucky!

 He wanted to act like a pussy, but ended up meeting an expert in the room, isn't this just hitting himself in the face?

 If Liu Lili's father, Liu Yue Sheng, came down later, wouldn't he be disgraced?

 Xiao Churan was also a little embarrassed, and whispered to Ye Chen, "Ye Chen, so many students are watching, so don't be tough, or how embarrassing!"

 Before he came, Ye Chen had said that he had bought a painting, but he said that it was not worth a few dollars, and now he said that it was worth tens of thousands of dollars, Xiao Churan was also a little bit lost all of a sudden, and felt that Ye Chen might have lied in order to save face.

 But Ye Chen didn't care at all and spoke, "Since you all don't believe it, then just let the professionals appraise it."

 Saying that, he added, "By the way, let's not forget that student Wang Tengfei is unrepentant and has made another bet, this time to eat the table."

 When Wang Tengfei thought about the car being burnt just now, he gritted his teeth and cursed, "Ye Chen, you're fucking less arrogant! It was me who was undermined by you in the racing matter just now! I've already accepted my bet! This time, I'm still willing to lose! If the painting you sent me is really worth tens of thousands of dollars, I'll eat the table on the spot! If it's not, will you eat it?"

 Ye Chen nodded and said, "Fine, if it's not worth it, I'll eat it too."

 Although that painting was not a famous painting, it was indeed the work of Huang Shen, a painter of the Qing Dynasty, and that antique shop was also a national chain, with a guarantee of authenticity and a penalty of ten for fakes, so the painting could never be fake.

 Xiao Churan wanted to stop Ye Chen, but simply did not react, Ye Chen had already agreed to it, and had no choice but to sigh secretly alone.

 Dong Ruolin was also a bit surprised, how could Ye Chen be so sure?

 In fact, taking a closer look, this person was still very mysterious, that day in the Heavenly Fragrance Mansion, the famous Hong Fifth Master even nodded his head to him, why in the world, she had never been able to figure out.

 However, she could also be certain in her heart that there must be a secret in Ye Chen's body!

 Wang Tengfei felt that he finally had a chance to get back in the game, and immediately said offhandedly, "Okay, everyone witness here, let's have Liu Lili ask her father to come down here and help us identify the identification!"

 Liu Lili directly dialled the phone in front of the crowd and said, "Dad, you come down here, Dao Kun's classmate sent a painting and said he wants to ask you to appraise it."

 A minute later, an old man slowly walked down the stairs on the first floor.

 This person was Liu Yue Sheng, the famous cultural relics appraiser in Jinling.

 Today is the opening celebration of Liu Yue Sheng's daughter and future son-in-law's hotel, he also invited an old friend to have a small gathering in the upstairs private room, and when he heard that there was an ancient painting that needed to be appraised, his professional habit came up and he hurriedly came down to have a look.

 Liu Yue Sheng strides and walks onto the stage, Liu Lili hurriedly hands him the gift box containing the painting, saying, "Dad, you help identify this painting, some people say it's worth tens of thousands!"

 Saying that, she looked at Ye Chen with a look of contempt.

 A soft food hanger-on giving away tens of thousands of dollars of ancient paintings, who would believe it?

 There was no need to guess to know that the painting must be fake!

 Everyone else thought the same as her.

 No one believed that Ye Chen could really send a painting that cost tens of thousands of dollars.

 Liu Yuesheng took the gift box, and under the attention of the crowd, he took out the scroll of the painting and carefully opened it.

 The painting was old and somewhat yellowed, it looked really unremarkable, many of his classmates who liked to judge people by their appearance spoke up, "Aiya, it doesn't look like anything good!"

 "Yeah, I think it's only worth fifty dollars."

 "I guess it's not worth as much as that box, right? That box is probably still worth seventy or eighty!"

 Liu Yue Sheng carefully studied the painting and looked at it for a few minutes before asking with a smile, "Is this painting a gift from a fellow student of Dao Kun?"

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