
In the arms of the dragon

Ye Chen is the son-in-law that everyone looks down upon, but nobody knows his true identity as the young master of a top family. Those who despise him will eventually kneel before him, calling him 'sir' with fear and trembling

yajun_xu · Urban
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141 Chs

Chapter 130

Chapter 130.

The yellow-faced woman next to her calmed down and said offhandedly, "For your information! My name is Feng Xue! It's the Qianjin of the Feng Family in Hai Cheng! Have you heard of the Feng Family? Our master, is the Ye family of Yanjing! If you mess with me, no matter how strong your background is, our Feng family will never spare you! The Ye family will never even spare you!"

"Oh?" Ye Chen laughed coldly and said to the yellow-faced woman, "Listen carefully, I am the son of the Ye Family in Yanjing! I am your master! My name is! Ye! Chen!!!"


When these words came out, Feng Xue was struck by lightning!

She looked at Ye Chen with wide eyes like she had seen a ghost.

"You ...... You ...... You are the young master of the Ye family? How is it possible! How could the young master of the Ye Family be in a small place like Jinling!"

Chen Zekai suddenly came over at this time and bellowed, "Feng Xue! How dare you talk tough even at the end of your life? This is our Ye family's young master, Ye Chen!"

Only then did Feng Xue see Chen Zekai!

Chen Zekai!

This ......

This was the Ye family's spokesperson in Jinling!

He was also the existence that dad had been trying desperately to appease ah!

He ...... Why is he here?

Could it be that ......

Could it be that ......

Could it be that this young man is really the Is he really the Ye family's ...... Young master?!!!

The yellow-faced woman instantly collapsed, kneeling on the ground and desperately kowtowing: ''Young master I was wrong young master! Young master you forgive me young master! I really know I was wrong young master! If I knew that was your wife, I wouldn't have dared to touch her, young master!"

Zhou Tianhao also pissed his trousers in fear, he flung himself to his knees and said with tears in his voice, "Young master, please forgive me ......"

Ye Chen's expression was grim, "Plotting against my wife, you still expect me to spare you?"

After saying that, Ye Chen shouted to a few black-clothed men, "Shoot to break the thing in his trousers!"


Without hesitation, one of the men in black raised his hand and fired.

In an instant, Zhou Tianhao's crotch set off a shower of blood ......

His roots, broken!

Ye Chen added, "Break his spine, I want him to be paraplegic, only able to move above his neck for the rest of his life!"

The two black-clothed men who came from a family of practitioners immediately stepped forward and punched Zhou Tianhao in his lumbar vertebrae.

With a click!

Zhou Tianhao felt a sharp pain!

But this sharp pain only lasted for a second!

The next second!

Zhou Tianhao felt that he had completely lost consciousness from the neck down!


Then wouldn't he only be able to live on his back for the rest of his life? He can't even turn over! He can't even control his bowels!

Life is worse than death, wouldn't he be a living dead man?

Zhou Tianhao's entire body was so desperate that he couldn't wait to run over himself, but he didn't even have the ability to run over himself at this point!

The man in black looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Young Master, what about this yellow-faced woman?"

Ye Chen coldly said, "The same! Let the two of them be a living dead couple!"

Feng Xue was scared out of her mind, grabbing her hair and screaming non-stop, shouting for mercy.

But Ye Chen would not give her a chance.

If you dared to touch your own scales, there was only a way to die!


It was so cheap to kill them with one shot!

A lifetime of life worse than death was the best way to end up!