
In the Apocalypse World Becoming a Naruto Card God

What if, unexpectedly, you woke up in the body of a teenage boy, in an apocalypse world where zombies, mutants, superhumans, and everything else exists, with the ability to use cards that have various Jutsu from the Naruto World? If you like it, please add it to your library! Give power stones to boost the writer's spirit! 60+ latest chapters have been added! For just 3 dollars, you can read chapters from this novel, way ahead of other readers! Just become a patron on Patreon: patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki

Alex_Fabianoki · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 32: Buying Satay

The Mortal Artifact has several troublesome side effects, such as making the user laugh every time they wear it, making the user feel hungry whenever it is worn, and various other side effects.

The Evil Artifact has many side effects, each of which can endanger the user's life, but some only have one or two side effects. However, these side effects will cause the user to lose control of their body and be controlled by the Artifact.

Some Artifacts can only be used by Anomalies and Abnormals, but some can also be used by ordinary humans.

Obito, or rather Haruto, only knows that the Dead have usefulness in the Core Aura Point, but otherwise they have no use. Therefore, Obito asked what would happen if he encountered a Dead person who had not reached Level One and did not have a Core Aura Point.

"The Dead will be very useful once they reach Level One, but if they haven't reached Level One, they usually don't have much use, except for missions that require collecting samples from the Dead's body, regardless of whether it is Level One or not."

"So, the Dead can be considered useful, but only in certain situations. Unfortunately, there are currently no missions to collect samples from the Dead's bodies, so it's best to avoid them if not necessary," Iren explained to Obito slowly.

This made Obito nod his head, thanking Iren for the information provided.

"Alright, I will take the three missions from yesterday!" Obito then informed me which missions he wanted to take.

For Obito, taking the mission to collect plants was not too difficult because he only needed to let his clone take care of it.

After confirming the missions, Obito intended to leave. This time, Obito did not borrow a rattan bag from the Union because he needed to go to a slum area first. Therefore, Obito did not borrow a rattan bag to avoid unnecessary attention.

Also, now that Obito had money, he could buy a bag at the market, so he didn't need to deduct the income from the missions for a rattan bag anymore, although it would still be deducted a little. Obito currently needs a lot of money.

The more money, the better, because Obito needed money to buy a house. According to Obito, it was not good to keep staying at an inn. It was much more economical to buy a house, and Obito also needed a spacious private space.

On his way to the slum area, Obito did not forget to go to the market, specifically to the satay vendor, who had helped him by revealing the location of the Mercenary Union.

Of course, this was not just to repay the kindness of the satay vendor, but also because Obito wanted to go to the market to find some things.

In the end, Obito arrived at the market. As soon as he arrived, Obito immediately headed towards the satay vendor's tent.

"Uncle! I'll buy twenty satays!" Obito shouted and approached the satay vendor.

"Wow! You really came? So now you're a Mercenary? Hahaha! Great! Twenty? Coming right up!" The satay vendor said so happily.

Not long after, the satays were cooked. They were chicken satays. Although the world had undergone changes, the price of chicken was still affordable for the general public. Only high-quality meats like beef, buffalo, ox, lamb, and goat were expensive and sold in restaurants.

But for Obito, chicken was also delicious, not inferior to expensive meats. As long as the taste wasn't too bad, Obito would still eat it.

"Here you go! The total is 50 Forty!"

"Here you go, Uncle!" Obito immediately took out his money.

After receiving the change, Obito opened his mask slightly so he could eat his satays.

"Uncle! Do you know the location of a blacksmith or at least a weapon shop?" Obito needed a weapon.


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