

First fanfiction . Don't comments with harsh words. Give ideas to improve fanfiction. Normal english. A typical reincarnation. Person died got 5 wishes

Nerodevil_7909 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


I am pausing naruto verse for a while.

Well, the problem is I didn't know what to write. Because the things I want to write are only possible if he has travelled a strong verse than Naruto. So I am thinking of writing a strong verse than Naruto before I continue the Naruto. I am thinking of Soul land. What you guys think of the verse. Also, I am going to make some changes in the wish of Nero. I think I have given him some op wishes. I Like op but he is going to become an op in a short time and I didn't like that. There will be no Laura.

He will go into Pokemon world. Don't worry.
