
In The Abyss As A Toon Character

After dying, I learned there was nothing on the other side. The only thing that awaits me is emptiness, with nothing to keep me company but my thoughts. ...by a sheer stroke of luck, fate gave me an opportunity. Another chance was granted to me, and I wouldn't let it slip away. Even if I am just a mere "show" of whatever sent me here, I will strive to make the best shot with every fiber of my being... ¿¿¿even if I need to turn into an MLP character??? (Disclaimer: Don't expect something good; it's decent at best, unlike you really like his ability, English isn't my first language, and it is my first time writing, I do it for fun, " so yeah this is my journey into learning how to write a novel, the first chapters are going to be bad but But they get better and better As I learn ALSO! this novel contains HIGH LEVELS OF MY LITTLE PONY!) Note 2 You can read my review and understand the theme of the novel/fanfic quickly

HeyItsMrOof · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 84 EVENT!!! ... again?

Dante's eyes closed, and his mind focused. He began to give small hops, his hands trailing the air, trying to grasp something that didn't exist. Like trying to move your ears, you couldn't simply explain it; it was an action that defied simple explanation.

As his hand reached out, seemingly grasping at nothing but air, it suddenly closed around something tangible. When he opened his eyes, a robot stood before him. A big smile spread across Dante's lips, and without thinking, he exclaimed, "THALASSA YA! HALLO!"

Not even a second after saying that, he realized that he was slowly losing control, "Sorry... I am running out of fuel, and I dislike that... FUCK!" With a swift motion, he tore the fabric of reality itself, teleporting all of his friends to the registration place.

Within seconds, Daniel, Su Yuan, Thalassa, and James materialized before Dante. With urgency in his voice, Dante addressed them, "Hallo everyone! As you can see, we have mere minutes left. I need money... can everyone help me enter this event? Don't worry, I just received massive upgrades! AKA pinkie pie, I'll carry this!" said Dante with enthusiasm.

James, exuding his usual air of sophistication, remained calm and replied with a faint smile, "Sure, I know many ways to evade and maneuver in these types of events." Swiftly, he wrote down his name on the registration page and sat down in a nearby chair.

Su Yuan, after a few seconds, sounding less than convinced, hesitated before speaking, "I mean... okay! If Thalassa is okay with it, then I am too."

Thalassa's red LEDs changed colors and showed a single "👍" soon after that, she leaned closer and signed to accept joining in the event, with Su Yuan doing the same after she finished.

All eyes turned to Daniel, who appeared disinterested in joining. Glancing around at the others with a faint air of disdain, he furrowed his brows and remarked, "Are you sure? Can't we go hunt monsters outside or in another world?"

Dante, already deactivating his control over his personality, replied while an impulsive grin spread across his face, "I can probably whoop the floor with anyone by just playing a few silly games, and the event is aimed at levels 50 to 100. Look, I have something called Pinkie Sense, and it warns me of any danger! and thanks to the system is completely adaptated to combat!"

Daniel, with a hint of concern lurking in his demeanor, voiced his thoughts, "But what if someone manages to bypass it? What if they don't follow the rules like you do?"

She stopped and got serious for a moment, "Then I suppose..." Her gaze faltered, lowering to the ground. "There's nothing we can do..." She swiftly dismissed the somber thoughts with a shake of her pink mane. "But if such a person does exist, I doubt they'd target me. I mean, why would they? And if they do, we can always escape by teleporting away!"

James placed some input to lessen his worries, "She literally got us here, without even realizing, we never told her our position nor anything to reveal where we were at."

Daniel walked to where you signed and wrote his name; automatically entering the party, with a wary glance, he turned his eyes to the right and saw everyone else names, but not without throwing an ultimatum, "I swear that if something unexpected happens... you are going to follow my orders from now on."

The pink girl beamed and, in a child-like manner, flashed an okay sign as she chirped, "Okie Dokie!"

With everything kind of sorted out, the system said inside everyone's heads with the usual cold metallic voice, "5 seconds left before starting."

Dante wasn't the best at giving inspiration, so he said the first things that came to his head, "Thank you for your trust, don't call much attention, just run and hide, but you are still better than the average player, so GOOD LUCK-"

As the countdown reached its final moments, Dante's senses sharpened to their highest level. The air around him seemed to vibrate with anticipation, the distant sounds of other players preparing for the event mixing with the sound of the wind.

The environment was a sprawling, complex deep green forest, that offered foliage to protect and guard if you wanted to hide, their leaves rustling in a gentle breeze, while in the distance rocky outcrops provided strategic vantage points. The river glistened under the sunlight, a serene contrast to the intensity of the competition about to unfold in this place.

As he finished analyzing his surroundings, Dante compared himself to all the players beside him; half of them appeared pathetically weak, with their nervousness apparent. Only a few seemed formidable enough to pose any real challenge. Feeling confident, he decided it was safe enough to let his playful Pinkie Pie personality take the lead to save as much as he could.

The upgrade that his edgy alternative presented only worked in combat, so for his free time or non-combat situation, he had to be with a chirpy and incongruously exuberant persona all the time.

Meanwhile, nearby Dante, partially covered by the dense foliage of a towering tree, a girl with golden hair and clad in intense crimson armor of crystal muttered to herself. "Am I really that unlucky? I got here alone... okay, this isn't that bad! I just gotta steal a flag and run!"

At that moment, a childish voice interjected, "What flags?"

Startled, the armored girl skillfully leaped from her hiding spot, landing deftly on the ground with her sword drawn and ready in a defensive stance. Her eyes darted to the pink-haired intruder. "Who are you?!" she demanded, her eyes ablaze with wary uncertainty.

Unfamiliar with the rules due to getting in the event at last moment, Dante was trying to get some inforamtion of what he actually needed to do, "Seriously, what flag? I barely made it here in time and didn't have a chance to review nor read about the event."

Observing the pink-haired newcomer closely, the armored warrior silently mused, "Could this be a plan, to deceive and ambush me? No... I can't sense any malevolence, there is only... A really REALLY childish personality in her body."

She spoke out loud; her tone was a mix of disbelief and frustration. "Don't you know how to read?! Did you actually not have time to read the event description?"

Dante confessed with unapologetic sincerity, "Yeah, I can read, and NOPE! I barely arrived in the nick of time. I hadn't planned on participating but I'm on a urgent need for money."

The girl covered in crimson armor mused inside, 'Goodness, how could someone...' The thought of how bad certain persons can be shivered in her mind. 'Did her companions bring her here as mere cannon fodder?" Her initial wariness began to melt into a sympathetic concern. "It's not my responsibility, but at the very least, I'll aim to protect and aid this pure soul!"

Unbeknownst to her, the pink-haired girl was the one who brought her friends as cannon fodder to fill places, and right now, she was trying to break reality itself apart to gather all of her friends, but something didn't allow her, forcing her to give up on that task.