

reappearing in that air, a young man look to the sea below taking some time to understand what happened with a pissed-off face, befour starting to laugh with an excited face "Now that's a natural predator."

most people will get pissed off, but our friend here takes it as a joke, and if you don't understand, what he was fighting and got killed by a couple of times the whole time was just a little water clown.

hiding deep in the sea and forming a water clown and moving it around close to the surface, the shark drow the eyes of his enemy away from him, leaving the other side wide open for his attacks.

yup the shark was smart enough to use a clown and Learn from the fight while playing around with the young man, but instead of getting angry his now enjoying the situation even more.

setting in the air he starts to think after calming down 'I can win anytime by now, but I want to win over him in his domain, but from what I saw until now is honestly impossible...well nothing from a heavy ass like that'

as he was forming a plan in his mind he notice the water below moving so he becomes more attentive and not seconds later dozen sharks made of water dushed out of the sea in his direction.

evading the first wave, he got ready for the coming second wave, but to his surprise the ones he evade before turned around as if swimming, putting the man in a pincer attack.

"Ok, this is not something normal mindless beast will do" As he said, he started to emit some steam before his body start to grow in size along with his hair liting up in deep red light like fire.

taking a deep breath he screamed forming a high heat shock wave and solving the attack.

'Finally taking this seriously' As he end the attack he heard a female voice inside his mind, looking around then below him then his eyes widen as if noticing something he smile weirdly "You must be joking right?"

the answer comes in scoffing at him as the source starts to appear from the water. the catching part is it's not the giant he expected, but a human form.

descending he notices a female human with the lower half of a shark, what normally know as a mermaid (just imaging Shirley from OneP but more cheerful) floating on the water with a mischievous smile "Surprised?"

at his shocked expression she start to laugh "I know it, you tough I was some mindless beast, didn't you?"

back from his shock, the young man looks at her for a second before sighing and canceling his shift.

standing on the water in front of her "So, I get the part you were playing with me before, way talk now?" she look at him with a surprised face "I was expecting more freaking and angry talk from you, or at least a greeting or something?"

the young man shook his head "If my analyze is right, even if I use all my power from the start, I have no chance, to begin with, I could rise the sea tempter in an attempt to kill you, but that would be probably impossible as I don't know how deep it is, so getting angry will do me no good, all I could do is ask for answers, as for greeting if you don't know, I still don't have a name and don't know yours"

she nodded "Good that you are calm, quick question do you know your condition?"

shooking his head, the mermaid looks at him for a second "But, you know about your past life, right?"

the man from as he nodded "Yes, how do you know?"

she looks at him for a second before sighing "Well, I know because I live in your soul"

that surprised the man great feel "What do you mean?"

she scratch her head "Well, as far as I know, in this life after you were born, some accident caused you to be thrown into the void, some stained entities, including the past me, take interest and tried to possess your body, but sadly, or luckily depend on how you see it, we got purified and took your soul as shelter, but that cause the memories of your past life to awaken" stopping to gives the young man some time to take the new info.

well, he actually thinks that this has something to do with the mist guy, he keeps his compose and asked "If you living in my soul, then why do I have to fight you guys?"

she shook her head "We were forced to take your soul as shelter, if we leave your body we will get stained again."

he looks at her for a second before asking "That doesn't answer why I should fight you"

she sighed "It's not a fight, it's a challenge, by purifying us we automatically become part of you and you become our master, but being our master doesn't mean we should serve you, so..."

the young man stops her "So I have to prove myself to you and the others, and by saying it's not fighting you mean?"

she role her eyes "Not all of us are muscle heads" he chuckled at her words "True, but why didn't you start to talk from the beginning?"

she laughs "That has to do with your current situation, want me to explain?" the young man sat down "Please do"