
In Stargate with Random Jumpchains

Dropped in a world not his own, out MC must survive his new world with the help of the multiverse Shop where anything and anyone can be bought from across the multiverse.

Damon_Jager · Others
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Daniel-"So we have a deal." He spoke out to the endless void in front of him.


Daniel gave a polite smile and was cast into oblivion once again this time it felt like he was moving but he couldn't see anything as the darkness of the room held.

Then in the Darkness three pieces of paper appeared there contents rapidly changed and as he grasped one the contents stopped and Marvel - Ultimate Marvel appeared giving him a character selection screen.

Then for the other two which are The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild (SB ver.) and Warhammer 40.000 - Adeptus Mechanicus.

Each of these provide him with unbridled power, knowledge and skills that could change the future of the world he will soon find himself in which he knew would be like his old one just changed.

He knew he would be starting in the 1900s and after that he had no idea, so he thought over his options he wanted to throw out 40K as much as he loved the series and the abilities he could gain he would stand out to much and he wasn't sure how much of the 40k Grim dark would follow him, but the power it offered was incredible.


While the Mechanicus pursue the quest for knowledge, the machines they depend upon must be maintained. Though perceived as lower in status to the magi, enginseers are nonetheless essential cogs that ensure the smooth functioning of Mechanicus ships and facilities. Some may be bonded to Forgeworlds, others sent out into the wider Imperium or seconded to the Imperial guard or Navy. Without their myriad labors, the engines of the Mechanicus and Imperium both would come to a grinding halt.

0cp – Wonders of the machine god

Machinery is as mysterious as the workings of the warp to the average Imperial - it would take all day to explain why even the simplest rituals are performed and what they do. So by necessity you've become very good at getting people to shut up and let you work in peace. A few curt words is enough to satisfy anyone's curiosity, or to make someone less technically-inclined understand why certain things need doing and to justify the time and expense of doing so.

0cp – Rites of maintenance

While already designed to be incredibly robust, Imperial equipment inevitably requires maintenance. You can locate and identify problems within a machine in a fraction of the time it would take other adepts. Not knowing how a machine functions does not make fixing it any more difficult so long as you have the proper parts, tools, and rituals to guide your hands.

100cp – Impossible precision

Behind the mighty engines and clanking gears of Imperial armor are smaller yet no less important components. Servicing those delicate elements requires a fine touch, and you work with steadiness and precision. Your hands and other appendages will not twitch from surprise or adrenaline, and they will exert the exact amount of force you desire and no more. Exactly how precisely you can work is subject only to the limits of your perceptions.

100cp – Technical knock

You have mastered the ancient technical rite of 'if it doesn't work, smack it with a wrench until it does.' Small problems like loose gears can be quickly and permanently fixed with one good whack. When a larger problem impedes a machine's function, continuous pounding and irate prayer can cajole it to miraculously perform one last, brief task, but no more. At that point, this rite will have no more effect until the device receives proper attention.

200cp – Imperial logistics

The scale of the Imperial war machine is incomprehensible to most minds. It is nothing less than a miracle that the Guard and Navy can function at all, given the myriad logistical issues involved. But miracles are something you can provide, as long as you are directly involved in overseeing the distribution or production of a needed resource. You'll always seem to somehow end up with more than with what you started, and this effect increases the greater the scale that you work with. An hour of overseeing the fabrication of lasrifles may net you a dozen extra units at no extra cost, while distributing the output of an agri-world may produce a year's worth of extra rations for an entire Guard regiment.

200cp – Armorbane

Long experience with putting things together inevitably teaches one the best way to take something apart. Whether disabling an unruly machine or cracking open a heretek's fortress, you can quickly pick out design flaws, blind spots, and points of failure. Exploiting these weaknesses makes your actions many times more effective. Structures crumble, armor buckles, systems seize up, power surges dangerously out of control, and ammo stores seem to cook off at the slightest provocation. Should you show mercy and attempt to repair what you have laid low, the damage will be far less than it appears and restoring the machine to service will be much less difficult than expected.

300cp – Forged in eternity

The most potent and venerated relics wielded by Imperial forces are often the most ancient, artifice beyond what modern adepts can construct...but you are no common adept. What you craft is eternal, never to decay or malfunction from the passage of ages or the most strenuous use. Fate itself seems to conspire that your works are never permanently destroyed unless someone puts forth a dedicated effort to do so. If one of your creations are sundered yet then repaired by someone with sufficient skill, it will be restored to perfect functionality as if it had never been broken at all.

General Perks

100cp - Magos designation (Two purchases free for 'Magos Errant')

You have been recognized for your mastery of a facet of the Machine God's mysteries. Choose a field of Imperial technology such as genetic manipulation, voidship construction, cybernetics or even psykana. Beyond the mere rote learning of lesser adepts you have a deep grasp of the

principles that govern your field, and can reliably produce even the more uncommon expressions of your specialty. With time, effort and discretion you could even modify and improve upon your specialty as needed. Those few things beyond your full understanding can still be built and maintained by carefully following STC blueprints. (Genetics)

0cp - Binaric weaving

The skills gained during long years plumbing data-vaults as a humble logistican have only

improved over time. You excel at writing code, understanding machine-script better than native

grammar structures. You can understand simple programs with a mere glance and correct any errors you find within seconds, and scrutinizing longer lines of more complex coding for a single

misplaced byte can take mere minutes with your skills. Scrapcode crashes ineffectually against your data-barriers, its transmission doing nothing but opening the offending heretek's systems to a counter-intrusion. Interfacing with a system infested with a daemon or true AI would be unwise, but with your skills emerging unscathed from such an encounter is only highly unlikely rather than completely impossible.

0cp - By the grace of the Machine God

By His blessing, let the machine be sanctified. With ritual and prayer, protect His works from corruption and witchery. Raise a bulwark of iron anointed with sacred oil and incense and safeguarded its form and functions from eldritch powers. Be their origin within the material or immaterial powers that attempt to twist the form or control the functions of your machines will be repulsed. Minor hexes and vexes will be repelled with contemptuous ease, while mightier powers must devote a great deal of power and concentration to overcome this protection. Even then, they will struggle to do so.

GIfts of the Machine God +600

Free/Mandatory – Mechanicus Implants

The cyber-mantle is the all-encompassing term for the system of hardpoints and skeletal

reinforcements required to mount bionics upon weak flesh and bone. The Potentia Coil stores the energy required to power all other implants, and electoo inductors allow the coil to transfer power inwards to accelerate recharging of the coil or outwards to power devices or for self-defence. Electro-grafts are a lesser versions of the MIU, allowing for direct mental communication with cogitator systems. There is also a varying degree of neurological augmentation that accompanies each new implant, which is required to monitor and control the functions of an adept's bionics as if they were a natural part of their body.

Free - Quantum prayer-book

Bound in iron and edged with copper leaf, this tome details the structure, laws and mysteries, most common prayers, tenets and rites of the priesthood. People who study the book, particularly those of a scientific bent, will find it very inspiring. May or may not result in machine spirits becoming an actual thing if the doctrine is followed by enough people in a non-40k jump. You can produce non-respawning copies on demand to bequeath to others if you wish.

Free - Attendants

Choose: A dozen servoskulls, a five-servitor workforce, or a trio of personalized cherubs. All are dull but reliable servants, coming equipped for a variety of tasks. The patterns of each are easy to re-fit for more specialized work.

300cp – STC database

A trove of information that elder magi would be jealous of, this cogitator core contains almost all of the STC blueprints common known to the Mechanicus that relate to a single field of study. These could be weapons, vehicles, cybernetics, voidship components, chemical or biological processes, or almost anything else. The broader and more advanced the subject of the database, the fewer complete patterns within and the more incomplete fragments that can only be puzzled over. While there may be fragments within other fields that touch upon such, you cannot take a database covering lost or extremely restricted information, such as the most ancient archaeotech, the formative steps of space marine gene-seed or custodes, Grey Knight or temple assassin armaments. (Weapons)

Free – Lowtech

Simple enough for any adept to acquire, technology of this level is serviceable and effective but considered crude by the standards of the Mechanicus. An adept that openly bears them is either of very low rank or of very poor standing. You may take as much of this technology as you can personally carry. Within reason.

Examples: Lasguns, mono-knives, flak or mesh armor, frag grenades and combat drugs.

200cp – Specialist gear

Wielded by high-ranking skitarii, magi, and task-dedicated units, these items are potent and rarely fielded in great number by any but the most decorated or specialized Mechanicus forces.

Examples: Plasma and volkite weapons. Power and transonic blades. Omnessian axe. Powered armor. Refractor fields. Plasma, viral, radiation grenades.

100cp - Plasma Cutter

Easily used by hand or mechadendrite, this humble piece of archaeotech excels at the simple task it was designed for - cutting and welding metals of almost any type and thickness, from thin wiring to adamantium plating. It can be used as a deadly weapon in an emergency, but is awkward and unsuited to such a role. It never seems to run out of fuel.

With his perks picked the flesh and blood man once known as Daniel felt his flesh burn away and be replaced by the certainty of steel.


Stargate Command Colorado Cheyenne Mountain Complex June 1st, 1997

Alarms blared as the Stargate Activated but it was wrong to the experiences eyes of those in the Gate room, instead of its deep blue colors this one was Deep sickly purple that that shot out bolts of pink lightning around the chamber and threw a figure across the room into the defensive shield that protected the command center.

The six inch thick wall of solid steel was dented when the figure hit the wall then was followed by a dozen skulls each hitting the figure and the gate collapsed.

"Medic team to gate room! And men secure that…..thing in the gate room." General Hammond ordered the entire base into action, men and women moved into action.

One of them was Sam Carter the unofficial tech genius of the Stargate team and ran down to the gate room securing the tech that came through.

A group of soldiers were already taking the weapons from the unconscious figure as one of them pulled on one of the guns which wouldn't move from the figure's skeletal hands.

"Ron! Are trying to kill your self I'll handle the gear just load them on the stretcher and get to medical." The MP did as he was told and tried to pick up the figure which he completely failed.

"Christ! They must weigh a ton, guys help me with this." It took 10 men to lift the man barely high enough to push the stretcher under him which bent and broke from his weight making them go and get a pallet jack and move the figure with that.

Sam and her technicians gathered the skulls and weapons that littered the floor very carefully, at this point Daniel Jackson the archaeology expert helped gather the gear and a massive tomb bound with iron bands and decorated with copper leaves.

Carefully opening the book on the first page was a Eight toothed Cog with the top part of a human skull in the center underneath it was some quote he thinks in a type of Latin.

"Sam, I'm taking this to my lab. I'll work on a translation of this book." Leaving the group of military personnel pushing the guest as hard as they could to move the red robed figure.

Jack and Teal'c helped move the red robe to the infirmary acting as additional guards as this wouldn't be the first time they were attacked this way.

The medical personnel were ready with machines and scanning equipment trying to figure out the red robes conditions and as they stripped the robes and strips of cloth off the figure blood drained from their faces.

80% of the figure was turned to cybernetics, wire and pipes cover its legs and arms the only things not covered is the chest where connection points are at the heart and other vital organs.

Dr. Fraiser, who had seen some shit in her time watching over the personnel of SGC took the EKG Machine wires and moved to pace them over the man, as it moved over the confection ports small claws shot out attached themselves.

It pulled the wires into the man and the EKG screen flashed with the Mechanicus symbol as its code was overwritten and the display was filled with different readouts: a rough skeleton of the man showing no broken bones, what remained of his internal organs and showed his various internal cybernetics.

With the advanced medical diagnostics Dr. Fraiser was able to figure out the man was not dying, just unconscious, she had one of her nurses bring the internal phone for the base.

"General Hammond our new guest is just unconscious and is somewhat human, he has gone under extensive Cybernetic replacement surgery and has numerous internal weapons this man is a literal Robo Cop sir." Fraiser tried to keep the wonder out of her voice as while gruesome she knew personally a number of men and women who would jump at the chance to have their lost limbs.

Jack and Teal'c, both soldiers of different cultures knew another soldier when they saw one the weapons found with the man were proof enough but the age of them were clear to see.

So they stayed with the medical team and two acted as guards just to be safe, while the two watched Daniel Jackson having the time of his life.

The language wasn't that much different than late Roman Latin so he was able to dive right into the Religious tome he found.

The quote on the first page summarized the book best, "There is no Strength in Flesh only weakness" the Universal laws were dogmatic and held no room for questioning which might explain how their new guest found himself here.

Taking the book with him he joined Sam in her lab with her assistants looking over the technology that came with, opening the door he was surprised to see the General and Sam talking over the weapons.

"Please sir let us take some of them apart to see how they work. The technology here is amazing. Different Plasma weaponry than the Goa'uld use, laser weaponry and what I'm pretty sure is an actual death ray.

Looking over the weapons and explosives and his eyes went wide at one of them written in Latin was Virus Grenade.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt but I'm pretty sure one of those grenades is a Bio weapon!" Daniel grabbed them both and pulled them away from the massive war crime on the table.

Not panicking, Sam and her assistants left the lab and made it enter lockdown till they could get bio warfare gear put on, the general looked over to the scientists and engineers. "That is why you are not examining that gear any further Captain Carter, Dr Jackson move to the Infirmary. I want you there to speak to our guest when he wakes."

With a salute Daniel and Sam move to the infirmary to join Teal'c and Jack watching the Cyborg. "So Daniel what is in our robo friends book? Anything juicy I bet it was a diary." Jack asked, trying to break the tension in the room.

Daniel snorted, "No, Jack it was his personal religious text. He is or was a part of a religious order that worships technology in any form zealously and without question, I think he may have been cast out of his faith for breaking it in my option Dogmatic practices."

"Jesus, I thought the Amish were bad so he replaced his flesh to be closer to his god?" Sam asked as she was like many Americans while religious she wasn't deep in her faith but she knew a couple soldiers that were but not like this.

"Also his order is extremely xenophobic against anything nonhuman, kill on sight and torture those who work with them." Jack shuddered at how it reminded him of Iraq and the extremists going on over there.

Teal'c didn't add anything but he respected and pitied the man to be this dedicated to his faith and god was who he was not to many years ago while under Apophis.

They all stood there talking and Sam took readings and scans of the various Cybernetics gaining some ideas on how they function as she did this she her hand glided over an invisible switch beside his cybernetic eye.

The lights and symbols that dotted the man immediately came alight and Sam was pretty sure she heard the windows startup theme as well, she backed away and alerted Fraiser that he was awaking.


When the sensors that were housed in once Daniel's now Archmagos eye sockets activated he was lying in a medical facility, his sensors beeped and gave him more information he was under ground about a mile.

He could see five people in room three wearing old American uniforms which narrowed down his location and time as he saw the symbol on their uniform of the SGC.

With his systems fully online he in one swift motion sat up making four of the five jump expect Teal'c if his memory served him right.

Ignoring him he saw his Prayer Book in Jackson hands, Fraiser moved to his side at this point, "Sir, you were unconscious for three hours you needed to lie down." She placed her hand on his chest trying to get him to lie down.

Jackson moved by her side and began speaking in very bad gothic, Magos raised his metal hand then pressed a series of buttons on his mask.

"Your Gothic is terrible stick to your normal tongue Scribe, Vox the local Mechanicus base they shall heal me." Jackson raised the book in his hand and Sam radioed the general.

"Archmagos, you are the only Mechanicus member on Earth. Please stay calm. The General is coming down in a moment." Only partially acting annoyed he waited for only two minutes as General Hammond entered the medical bay.

"Archmagos, I am General Hammond, Leader of the SGC Welcome to Earth now understand this situation is hard to believe I'm asking you to stay calm." The General kept his distance from the distance he had been attacked enough times by "guests" of the facility.

"Let me see the night sky and I will believe you General or give me access to the noosphere (internet) of the planet." Archmagos stood up now, his full height over seven feet tall with his Mechadentris and robe.

Teal'c moved beside the General, "General Hammond I will escort him with Jack O'Neil to the surface and let him see what he needs." General Hammond relented and let the three to the surface.

The elevator ride was silent except for the occasional beeps from Magos sensors, till Jack broke the silence. "So what was your job Archmagos?"

"I am an Arch Magos Enginseer, I appeased and fixed the Machine that the men broke. I have worked on Starships, Space Marines and even a Titian once. As for my titles/name, Magos is a Techpreist who has mastered a field of imperial technology, mine is Genetics. Arch is due to my dedication to the Mechanicus and I earned it through 300 years of dedication to the Machine God and Enginseer is a general title for those working in maintenance of any machine." Magos spoke with genuine heartfelt memories that surprised even him as memories from 40k entered his mind.

Jack's eyes glazed over partially as he grew bored with the details but tried to commit them to memory, for Sam and Hammond. "Then how did you end up here, you sound like you were in a position of power?"

"I tried to innovate, which is one of the greatest sins in the Mechanicus. I was cast into the warp and left to die. How I ended up here I have no idea." Magis was once again peppered with memories of a life in 40K, a man dedicated to his God after being attached to a chapter of the salamanders.

The doors to base opens revealing the outside of the base with soldiers on patrol and a beautiful night sky which Magos began calculating the stellar drift it conformed to his place in time.

"Colonel O'Neil I find myself needing to think, would you escort me to my quarters or holding area your General seems to be telling the truth." Jack knew the hurt in Magos' voice he recognized from his time overseas.

"Of course Magos I'll take you down."