
In Skyrim As Bjorn With A Summoning System

Liam jones was a loner college student who preferred to spend most of his time either on his books, watching series, or just playing video games. That all changed one night when he was alone in his dorm room watching the 11 episodes of Vikings last season, after watching that episode and going to bed Liam lost drifted to sleep while thinking of the amazing life Bjorn must have lived even on the day he died. Just as he closes his eyes Liam jerks right back up to a different scenery than the one he remembers, a well-built man with long golden hair seems to be talking to him "Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. Strangely enough, Liam seemed to have heard those words before, after a few seconds he remembered where he heard them. What the stranger said was the opening dialogue of one of his favorite games, Skyrim. While trying to understand what was happening and how this was possible, in his mind he was hearing g a robotic voice and some words on a screen started to appear..... He started seeing a countdown until it reach zero, then it spoke again. Some sort of fantasy gaming-like system started to appear on the screen displaying skills, levels, inventory, etc..... ¿Will Liam be able to comprehend what is currently happening to him and take advantage of his knowledge or will he succumb to madness?

Ericzenn · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Hey guys, Ez here, first of I wanna say that I'm surprised and glad that some people like the chapter. honestly I didn't really had or have hi hopes for this novel, why you may ask well for startes to me the way it was going wasn't making much sense the way I was changing from first person to third out of the blue .

I didn't really had a plan for this FF, I still don't, but if some of you would like for me to continue with it then I'll try not to disappoint and see where this story goes. I'll try to upload 4-5 chapter but it won't be weekly, it's going to be more as a relaunch and see how it goes, so let's hope for the best and hopefully I'll be seen you guys soon.