
In Shadow Slave

Atty_Justin · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The Fall (2)

Months passed and things finally looked like they would get better, though the death toll of solider had risen incredibly high. The Dreamers as they called themselves were doing great and helping out and killing Nightmare Creatures.

"Dad it's ok." Said a young boy who didn't look older than 8 said as he held his father's leg with tears streaming down his face.

It wasn't just the boy who has crying though, many other people were crying from young to old. They all had died either to what people had come to call the Spell or died to Nightmare Creatures.

"Auster protect our little boy if I don't make it." The words echoed in his head as he and the boy stood next to her grave with followers in their hands.


Weeks passed and the world kept moving whether or not people died.

"I'll be back back in about in about a week a week or so, so don't wait out long."

Auster said with a huge smile on his face, as he left his two story house and went to his car.

"Just drive and give me a smoke I'm not in the mood to talk."

"Yes sir."

A solider stood alone in a room strapped down to a bed with explosions nearby for when he failed his Nightmare. It had become standard protocol to do this anytime someone got infected.

"Auster, I hope you're ready." Came a voice from the door, his friend had been placed in charge of doing the deed for when he failed his Nightmare.

"I am don't worry I'll beat whatever this is and join you in the front lines soon enough." Auster said with a smile even though he really thought that he was going die. He even called his family and made amends with a few people so he could go without any regrets.

After a few moments of silence a familiar voice whispered into his ear.

[Aspirant! Welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Prepare for your First Trial…]

Auster dreamt of forest.

Tall and mighty with trees as far as the eyes could see, it housed a number of blessings and horrors.

The trees were so tall that one could barely tell day and night apart, as they kept most of the light away. There wasn't much to the forest apart from the roads which went in which went in different directions south, west, east and north.

Suddenly, the moon fell over the horizon. The sun rose from the west, streaked across the sky and disappeared in the east. Snowflakes jumped from the ground and returned into the embrace of clouds, but the trees stayed the same. Auster realized that he was seeing the flow of time in reverse.

In an instant, hundreds of years flew by. The snow retreated, baring the old road. A carriage appeared.

A sudden pain took over his body as he found himself as he tasted his own blood. His body felt as though it had just gone through hell and blood was currently dripping from his head. His vision was also blurry he could barely turn left from right.

He sat down and waited for the pain to do go down before he did anything else.

"Hey are you ok?" Asked a young man who looked to be about 30 he barely had anything on him expect a leather amour a bow and a lots of arrows. In fact it looked like everyone was wearing the same thing.

Everyone looked to be about in their mid and late 20s and 30s each of the 6 had different weapons like how the large man with dark man and scars on his arms had a great sword sword, the man in front of me holding a bow without any arrows in sight, a women who looked to be about as old the giant with twin daggers at her waist, another man with a lean psychic holding a bag full of what was possibly maps ,a mysterious person with a robe over their head, then just as Auster observed everyone a young girl came out of the carriage.

She had long black hair, with hair eyes being the same, a rapier at hand and was wearing amour that had a logo similar to what they all they. Everyone eyes were on me as I had yet to get up.

"I'm ok but what hit me?" Auster said while hoping they wouldn't ask annything.