
Chapter 04

Rose in her thoughts: « I lose the lexicon and ask myself a lot of questions that only Richy could answer. He continues to smile at me as if nothing had happened. Was he going to see me? I don’t want to break up with him. He is a good boy. God of heaven! What took me from having a purely sexual relationship with Raimond? I just want him to tell me that he didn’t go up to see me. ”

As soon as I returned from the kitchen with the cup of tea in hand, Rose was sitting on the sofa waiting for me.

– How much sugar? Did I Ask

—Oh, is the cup for me?

—Yes. Don’t you want it?

—Yes-Yes, I want to. A piece of sugar will be enough for me.

—Good. I hand her the cup and she asks me her question.

- Richy! Did you go to see me yesterday?


– (depositing the cup of tea) But. I didn’t see you.

—Because I didn’t have time to come to you. No sooner had I taken the stairs than my father called me. It was an emergency and then I turned around.

« So you didn’t have time to come and give me even a kiss before you left. I stick together and try to hold back. She disgusts me and I want to give her a good beating.

—Excuse me, darling!

I just apologized to him, the word itself questions. An excuse far from deserved. She came and sat next to me. I push myself by putting myself aside.

—What’s wrong, Richy?

—Everything is fine Princess. It’s time to go to work. I am leaving.

—But Richy is waiting!


—You’re hiding something from me.

—What then?

—I don’t know.

—Everything is fine. I took my bag and while heading to the exit I said:

—You know the Rose exit. Have a good day!

—But Richy, wait! I turn a deaf ear and start my car. I went to the office and my father was waiting for me.


- Fiston!


—Rose has just called me saying that you have changed your behavior. I breathe a big sigh and say:


- Fiston! Look at my head and tell me if you can find black hair on it! I’m already old as well as your mother. You will be the Director of this company in a few years. What’s wrong with you?

—Dad, I’d like to get married but not to a woman like Rose. She disgusts me.

- How?

- My decision has already been made.

—Which one?

- I don’t want to marry this girl anymore.

– Richy ????

—Excuse me, Father! I’m going to my office.

I hug him and leave him all stunned. I entered my office and at the same time began to take care of myself to forget even a little the betrayal of this....pfff.

I was immersed in some files when Rani Kalenga, my assistant, entered my office. She is a very kind and respectful nice woman. I consider her a sister and she is the one who understands me in the company after my father.

—Yes, Rani, something is wrong.

—More or less sir.

—Okay. But how many times will I forbid you to call me « sir »?

—I’m sorry sir.


—Sorry... Richy.

- Take a seat! I’m listening to you. Rani took siege and began:

- Richy! It doesn’t concern me but I’m not comfortable when you’re in this state. These days, I see and feel that you are not comfortable and that you are suffering. I have wondered many times what’s wrong with you but I can’t find an answer to my question. It is after listening to the discussion between Mr. Michael and you that I finally have an answer to my concerns. Richy, you have everything a woman wants to have in a man to love him, grow old and die with him. So don’t underestimate yourself! You are a good man and if you were not engaged I would never think of putting myself in a romantic relationship with another person.

—Wow!!! What do you mean by that Rani?

- Richy, it’s because of you that I’m still in this company and you gave me everything. You even made me understand that in this life there are still people with good hearts. I find myself being there as a mother of your children in my dreams seeing you by my side. I feel something stronger than me towards you.

—My great princess! I feel a deep affection for you and I am happy to have heard everything you have just said. But I am sorry that this fire that burns inside you against me does not burn on my side against you. Do you ever know, that your dreams can become a reality and even if they won’t happen, I’m sure you’ll find a man who will love you with true love? Thank you very much for your valuable advice.

—It’s free Mr. Richy.

– Again???

—It’s free Richy! Rani had left and then I had prepared the files and sent them to my business partner as planned.

A few hours later...

I am finally at home; the day was busy and thanks to Rani’s advice and his flattery I had regained morale.

To my surprise, as soon as I enter the living room, I saw Rose, Dad as well as my aunt Adjo and my two best friends Hubert and Diderot waiting for me. Rose had surely drawn her conclusion which is: RICHY SURPRISED ME.

- « Good evening everyone! » I said calmly. Without waiting for their replica, I took the stairs when my father stopped me.

— Richy, I was waiting for you...

With a very angry face, I go down to answer him in a firm and angry tone.

—Father, let me change! I’ll be back to you.

—Good! Go and don’t forget that we’re waiting for you.

Rose was looking at me presenting a face of innocence. I waved to my aunt who immediately followed me. We went back to my room and I spoke.

—My aunt, what does this gathering mean?

- I have no idea, darling. It was your mother who informed me. She says she won’t be on time. So I came to represent her until she didn’t come. Aren’t you aware of this meeting?

—Not my aunt.

- Did you tell your parents about what you saw at Rose’s?

—No more.

- Why?

- I preferred to be silent since Rose and Dad’s father are friends and I wouldn’t like Rose’s stupidity to harm their friendship. Dad is very strict.

—I understand. What would you say at the Salon in a few minutes then?

—I will know what to say. I speak with my aunt when a voice interrupts my aunt and me’s conversation.

- Richy! Mom is here. She said.

I’m silent and go to the living room with my aunt. I went to kiss mom and we all took siege. My father spoke and it started. Rose had organized herself well by blaming the innocent. My father finally gives me the floor, I take my pain in patience and say:

—Father... Mother... What do you expect from me? Getting married to be happy or give you little sons? Sisters, I have always told you that love is not appearance, nor beauty, class either, but heart. You frequent Rose surely because of social class. Your brother doesn’t want ephemeral things. Rather, I need real love. Father, mother, I want more Rose in my life. She is not able to make me happy.

—But my son, what are you talking about? Rose loves you.

—Mother, that’s not true.

—Richy, my dear. What did I do?

- Rose no longer asks questions. You already have all the answers to your questions with you. Before you leave this house, put my engagement ring on the table. I am no longer your fiancé. I even plan to leave here to change the air.

Rose knelt in front of me and began begging me when her mobile phone began to vibrate. She didn’t know that the laptop had fallen under my feet when she begged me. My father and I discovered on the screen a name that shocked us: « RAIMOND BABY ».

To be continued...