
In Search Of Redemption

Liza wakes up in an unknown place and little by little discovers things about the world, about life and only sees the man she loves. He harbors a strong hatred for her, which he doesn't know why. But he takes her to discover. And after this discovery they are sent to new worlds, where they will be tested and will encounter situations never imagined.Cruelty and a lot of magic make them live epic adventures.

Shirley_Santos_5513 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Taste of Freedom

I woke up feeling strangely too good. I was rested. I felt energized and renewed. Ready to face any obstacle and even to face Gabriel's rudeness and nastiness. I looked around and everything was in order. So why that feeling that something had changed? I went to take a shower, but unlike the other times I didn't feel like going back to bed. I changed my clothes, drank the juice that was on the tray and made the bed.

Two things perplexed me; the first was that I didn't remember putting on the sweater I had just changed.... I felt my face burn at the thought that Gabriel could have changed me while I was sleeping. And the second; the bedclothes were also changed.... I must have been a very heavy sleeper to not notice the two exchanges. Which led me to another question; how long did I sleep for?

Someone moved at the door and I was paralyzed at the prospect of seeing Gabriel. I didn't even understand the reason for the apprehension since I had seen him only a few hours before.

He entered and stopped when he saw me standing up. He looked tired. His eyes were deep and had dark circles under his eyes.

Something about his manner caught my attention when he looked at me. It was as if he hadn't seen me for a long time. As if he was... nostalgic and even... happy! His attire was also not the same anymore. He was not wearing his white clothes. I was wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt.

"I see the sleeping beauty has decided to wake up!" He said, opening a smile that lit up the room.

Despite my desire to run and hug him and snuggle into his arms, but I was not fooled by his tricks and repressing my impulses I acted ironically.

"I must not have had enough sleep, for I woke up in a bad mood and with no desire to put up with your sarcasm." I said not to disappoint him. I knew he always expected some harsh comment with a flavor of humor.

He laughed.

"Then how about getting out of this room for some fresh air? We can even have a picnic if you like..."

That attitude surprised me. This sudden change was strange to say the least. A few hours ago he was saying that he would destroy me, and now he was proposing a walk? I knew he could see the distrust in my eyes as I stared at him dumbfounded.

"To what do I owe such kindness? Have you hit your head or are you up to something?"

He stared at me trying to show calmness, but I sensed he was tense.

"Fine. If you don't want to go then we won't go. It was just a suggestion, but if it wasn't well received..."

"No! Wait, of course I want to! In fact, I would love to." I couldn't miss the opportunity to get out of that room and maybe even escape from it. His motives were what mattered least at that moment.

"Now you're talking!"

"I'll change in a minute..." I said walking towards the closet and was about to open it when a steel fist held my wrist inhibiting my intention.

"Your clothes are already in the bathroom..."

I became impatient and releasing myself from its grip I put my hands on my waist.

"And who took them from here? Is it also the doctor's duty to choose his patient's clothes?"

"You stupid fool! I separated them because the others went to the laundry room because they smelled musty!" I said angrily and between my teeth.

"But just now I changed and they were all there."

"I asked them to take them off while I was in the shower.

"I thought you didn't know I'd already woken up.... You seemed surprised when you saw me."

Gabriel stared at me frowning. Many centuries later he explained to me that on that day he really didn't know that I would wake up, but that he had arranged for my clothes to be taken to the house where he was going to live, because he had no more hope that I would wake up yet in that century and thought it best to get me out of there sleeping anyway.

"I... I didn't want to run the risk of you waking up and not having anything to wear so I had them separate pieces for you to wear and take the others from here."

"Why didn't you say so?" I asked going to the bathroom. That excuse of his didn't convince me, but in the face of what lay ahead I preferred to let him think I believed his lies.

"I'll be back as soon as I'm ready." I heard him say and soon after the sound of the door closing. I put on the jeans and t-shirt that I found in the bathroom strangely not noticing them before. I went back to the bedroom where Gabriel was already waiting.

"Ready?" he asked with a note of impatience.

"Ready and looking forward to it! We can go anytime you want."

"Then let's go now."

As I was about to leave the room I stepped back remembering the black hole. I looked at Gabriel who upon understanding the reason for my hesitation smiled reassuringly.

"No need to be afraid. It's up to my approval now."

I overcame my fear and passed a greater force made me look back and I was surprised to realize that my name had been erased from the nameplate. I was going to ask Gabriel, but I changed my mind when I thought how insignificant that was and Gabriel had little patience for answering questions. And on this particular day he was trying harder than usual to be impolite and rude.

We went through countless doors and came out at door number four. Then came to mind one of my conversations with Gabriel where I discovered that four was how many lives I had been through. Little did I know how wrong I was.

We walked through corridors, doors, elevators, until we reached the reception. When I saw Marco I wanted to run and hug him, but I restrained my impulses for not knowing the customs of that place and fearing being misunderstood. Only then did I understand that there was nothing strange about that place and those people. It was just as if I had gone to another country with different customs. As soon as we approached the reception counter Gabriel handed the keys to Marco and the latter passed him a basket.

"Hi Marco."

"Hi Miss. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. I'm fine now."

"You really liked our facilities, didn't you?"

"It's not bad at all, but why do you say that?"

"Well, I've never seen anyone stay here so long. And I've been here a long time..."


At that moment Gabriel grabbed me by the arm and left dragging me unceremoniously as if I were his property and abruptly interrupting the conversation. Even so I gave Marco a shy little wave, and he reciprocated with an amused and incredibly charming smile. We could become great friends after all...

Gabriel continued dragging me along the narrow road flanked by trees and flowers that always surprised me by their perfect arrangement and harmony.

He walked at a fast pace. And I had to run to keep up with him. I abruptly released myself from his grip as I noticed the curious looks from the people walking along there. And then I looked sternly at Gabriel.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm sorry..."

That apology had been so unexpected that it completely disarmed me. It even made me forget for the moment why I was angry with him. I looked around me and smiled.

"It's okay... I feel like I'm trapped in a prison and I can finally taste freedom..."

Gabriel made no comment and we continued silently holding hands. We walked for a long time admiring the landscape that unfolded in front of us. We ended up sitting down to have a picnic. Inside the basket were juices and sandwiches.

"What is the average length of time a person stays in that hospital?" I asked between one bite and another.

Gabriel stopped eating and stared at me as if to probe my soul.

"Why the question?"


"About four weeks at the most. All the patients are anxious to get out of there after they understand their new reality and what it can do with the newly discovered immortality..."

"Curious..." I commented setting the sandwich aside.


"Marco hinted something about having stayed in there too long.... Of course he was wrong. I've only been in there a little over two weeks..." I said confused with something disturbing and squeezing my chest.

Gabriel tensed up and I soon saw that something was indeed wrong.

"What happened Gabriel?" I asked when I saw that he was unwilling to talk if not asked directly.

He stared into the void and it was with that expression that he answered;

"It hasn't been there just that long you mentioned, but for more than six long, endless months..."

"You've got to be kidding! Just yesterday Geisa was with me and commented that she had only been there for two weeks. How can that be? Does time here happen to run faster?"

"It wasn't the time here that went fast. What happened was that you slept during that period.

"Oh my God! Every time I sleep now it will be for all this time?"

He stared at me impatiently and irritated.

"Only when you wish!" Was his blunt reply. He grabbed a sandwich and began to eat furiously. I smiled in my heart knowing that he did that so that he wouldn't have to talk to me and end up admitting that he missed me. Hence the surprise in his eyes when he saw me awake and standing up.

Then I remembered the last thought I had before falling asleep and it was really what I wished for. I could remember because for me it had not been months, but only a few hours. I decided that I would no longer give so much importance to Gabriel's behavior, because it would not bring me anything good. Because of him I slept for months. Even with the thought that time there was an insignificant milestone I didn't want to waste so much time sleeping anymore.

After the picnic was over we went for a walk and I met many people. Each one spoke of their initial difficulty in adapting to that place, their fears, their longings, their homesickness. Each one in a different way, but all of them, just like me, felt lost when they arrived there. Strange, but knowing this made me stronger. I no longer felt alone.

I could still be happy. As Dad once said, there are ways to find compensation, and I decided that I would seek it and no longer indulge in high pity.

After a long walk we decided by mutual agreement that it was time to leave. I didn't know which was the way back to the hospital, but the one we were following was totally different from the one we had passed through. There were no trees except for a few here and there. In their place were many houses. Some larger and some smaller, but all in the same style. It could be that we were taking a shortcut, but something was different and I couldn't stop myself.

"Where are we going? I thought we had decided to call it a day's walk..."

"We have. We are going home."

"But that's not the right way to the hospital."

Gabriel stopped and turning suddenly held a firm grip on my shoulder staring into my eyes with a kind of resignation and tortured soul.

"Stop asking so many questions!"


"No ", but!" We are going home. You won't be coming back to the hospital anymore. So keep quiet and don't make me regret discharging you."

"You mean... I'm really free!" I couldn't contain my joy. I felt like dancing and making stars wherever I went, but I restrained myself because Gabriel wouldn't look kindly on me and might even feel offended.

"É. If that's how you feel..." He said dryly and letting go of me continued on. We walked until we reached a small house. It had a window in the front and by the door leading to the porch all adorned with whimsical vases of roses and orchids. I liked the outside of the house very much and looked forward to seeing it inside. Gabriel opened the door and let me in. I entered, followed by him. The room was small, but very cozy. There was a coffee table adorned with a vase of violets and four single-seater seats. We went down a corridor where there were two doors, one on each side. I opened the one on the right. It was a bedroom. Also very cozy. I opened the closet and there were all my clothes. This would be my room. I looked at Gabriel who was quietly watching me leaning against the doorframe and left without saying anything knowing that he was silently following me, attentively observing my reactions. I opened the other door and discovered that it was another room. It was bigger than mine and the closet and bed were also huge. There was also a dressing table. At the end of the hallway were the bathroom and the kitchen. We went to the kitchen and I sat down on a chair while Gabriel came forward to serve me juice and sit down as well.

"This is where I'm going to live..."


"Who else lives here?"

"Just us."


"Me and you."

"Why the double bed?"

"I'm too roomy... And who knows for the day when you feel very lonely..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"I never talk nonsense."

I looked into his eyes. Did he know how tempting that invitation was?

"Okay... What about that dressing table? As far as I know, that piece of furniture is totally feminine. It would suit me better than you..."

"I ordered it for you and didn't have time to set it up in your room, but now that you're here you can take care of it.

"How long will I have to stay here?"

"As long as you want."

"Then I can leave right now?"

"You can! But you'd better know that the only house you can stay in is this one. You won't have another roof over your head. But, don't worry we have no bandits around here and the nights are not cold."

"In short; it's here or on the street."

"That's right, but don't inhibit yourself to that reality. Many people here prefer life outside without being bothered by society's opinion, because we don't have the weight of that criticism. We are all equal and can make our own choices. If you think that living under a sky of stars is better than sleeping in a bed no one will point the finger at you for that."

"I'd still rather have a roof over my head.... I just hope I don't disturb you and take away your privacy."

"Of course not. Why would you take away my privacy?" He asked curiously.

"I don't know... Maybe I have a mistress."

"Mistress? What nonsense! Where did you get that idea? I can't get enough of your fertile conclusions. You talk as if I brought someone here to cheat on another." He said starting to amuse himself. I could see it in his eyes. He was also a little... excited since we arrived. I know he suppressed his reactions, but I knew him in a very special way.

"You said you had found your soul mate so I thought maybe you should want to live alone and that double bed..."

"Do you really think my soulmate would be considered vulgarly a lover?" He asked thoughtfully, but still looking amused. "You still carry with you much from when you were human, and it gives me the impression that it will be centuries before you finally shed those preconceptions."

"If you don't marry you are lovers. That's the way it is in every culture. Are you married by any chance?"

"And what exactly is marriage for you? Walking into a church dressed in white? These are totally human inventions. It wasn't God who chose it that way. It was Mary Stuart, a queen who wanted to honor her mother, and I'm sure that even she didn't imagine that people would be so stupid and would imitate her by putting this as a tradition with concepts and meanings very different from the original. Marriages were made by the union of two people. And that is what is important. Respect the choice you make..."

"You then respect your half? Kissing me and... Are these natural things here? Is that how your marriage is?"

"You make too many assumptions Elisabeth! Stop it or you'll drive me crazy! Why don't you take a shower while I prepare dinner?" Gabriel said looking tired and impatient. But I knew he was enjoying himself. Something more than I was amusing him was a joke that only he knew.

"Good idea." I stood up resolutely and before Gabriel could offend me with any more of his rudeness I left.

I took a quick shower and went to change. I chose a blue sweater with lace in the shape of roses at breast height. In the hospital I would die of shame to walk around in intimate clothes, but there I felt free and at ease... Without the weight of shyness. I returned to the kitchen and the table was already set. I sat down and Gabriel, who was still standing preparing the last details, looked over his shoulder and gave me a friendly smile. I did not notice any sign of surprise or displeasure that he had introduced me in such a casual way. Now that I was already seated it seemed that he wanted us to have a good relationship. At least that's what I thought at that moment. Later I would find out that this hypothesis had not even crossed his mind. But at that moment I was feeling very good about this unexpected truce. We ate in silence and then he poured us coffee. And then I couldn't take my eyes off him, who was also watching me. With a different gleam in his eye. It was as if he was up to something. I felt uncomfortable with this thought, mainly because I knew that I could expect anything from him and that my intuition was becoming more and more amplified.

There was a doubt hammering in my head since I entered that house and believing that this was a good moment to break the silence and taking advantage of Gabriel's good mood I understood that it was the moment to clarify that doubt.

"Gabriel... I need to ask you something, but I don't want you to get upset..."

"As long as it's not personal..."

"Why here and not at my father's house? He has a house, doesn't he?"

"Aren't you satisfied here? Are you lacking something?"

"No! It's not that... Please, I don't want you to be offended. You've been an excellent host. It's just that... I thought the families would stay together."

He looked at me coldly.

"Actually, there are several reasons, but I will give you only one; your father does not live alone. He has Alexia and Geisa."

"But just like Geisa I am also his daughter."

"Geisa is just waiting for her soul mate so she can move into her own home. Or to follow her destiny... Her father asked her to stay with him when he didn't yet know what connected him to Alexia. I think he didn't want to be alone. That seems to be everyone's fear.... A silly one, of course."

"But she's just a child!"

"Geisa? You really think so?" Gabriel asked and smiled shaking his head. He really was enjoying himself.

Then I remembered that age there was just an insignificant detail. But I wouldn't let this subject die like that. Even if age was not important it was inconceivable to think of a child going to live with a man.

"Even if you think I'm a fool full of useless traditions, there is no place in the world where a child like Geisa would be looked upon with favor living alone with a man. After all, from what I gather here her soul mate might be old enough to be my grandfather."

Gabriel cracked a smile clearly enjoying himself.

"You've got to be kidding." He said amused. "Do you really think Geisa will remain with a child's body when her soul mate arrives? Even she is not so foolish to think that a man would look at her in that body and desire her as a woman wants and should be desired by her mate. Open your mind."

"So... She is only as a child so that our family will recognize her?"

"So that her mother will recognize her. She has no other relatives who would recognize her once they see her."

I felt myself turn red. Gabriel was right. I myself didn't recognize her when I saw her. For as painful as the reality was, Geisa was no longer missed after the years had passed. Only Mom sometimes talked about her, but we didn't listen to her, preferring to leave her in oblivion and also not to have to see the pain in Mom's eyes every time she talked about Geisa.

"I haven't found my soul mate either and I'm not living with Dad, why?" I couldn't help but inquire.

"It's like I said; there are several reasons. Besides Geisa is already an independent spirit and is already mature enough to take care of herself and her tasks in this world. You still need a guide, namely me. Your father and Alexia have their duties and cannot babysit you all day long. In other words, you would be a boulder in their lives. A hindrance.

How I hated him at that moment.

"What about you? You also have your soulmate and your errands."

"And what's wrong with that?"

"The problem is that she may want privacy.... What about you? Are you going to abandon your task?"

"My task at the moment is to prepare you for your life here. I wish I could leave, but I can't."

"Of course! But what about the other one?"

"What do you mean exactly? Can you be clearer?"

"What will happen to me if she wants to kick me out?"

"That will never happen."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because she doesn't even know who I am!"

That information took me by surprise. But I know I was inattentive. He had already said something about not being ready for her to know who he was.

"Why don't you tell her?"

"If you're so worried why don't you warm up her seat while she's gone?"

"You really are an idiot!" I said sipping from my juice. It wasn't even with the intention of offending him that I called him an idiot, because I was beginning to realize that words didn't hit him. At least not when I wasn't trying to find out about his past. That really irritated him.

"No need to be so grateful..." He said debauched.

"I want to see Dad and the people I met again." I said trying to ignore the anger that was growing inside me. And also holding myself back from getting into subjects that I knew would provoke him too much.

"Tomorrow if you want we can go visit them."

"I do want to. Thank you."

"Then it's a deal."