
In search of peace..

Many times you are not looking for extraordinary things, you just want a bit of peace and you can't get it.......

creature1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Daily tasks

Nolan smiled and, singing a pleasant song that reminded him of his mother, passed through the narrow and wide alleys and finally stopped next to a small tailor shop.

A shop made of solid stones, but with one glance, you could feel its wear and tear and its long life.

Nolan carelessly entered the shop and shouted:

 "Aunt Eliza, I'm here."

A 27 or 28-year-old woman got up from the seat behind the wheel and greeted Nolan with a pleasant smile that drew everything into her like a blue whale in the heart of the ocean.

Her green eyes and brown silky hair, which fell like a waterfall and was slightly styled at the end, showed her beauty. He picked up a small shovel from the side of the wall and gently handed it to Nolan's small hands.

 "Take it Nolan, I tell you every day, you can keep the shovel for yourself, why do you always have to return it and bother yourself so much..."

Nolan lowered his head and whispered shyly:

 "I'm sorry aunty, I come and annoy you every day!"

Eliza frowned a little and pinched the boy's cheek without paying attention to his words:

 "Do you want to go pick thorns today, little man of the house?"

 "Yes, it's the same, as always..."

 "Why don't you stay here with me and work here, I always said I can pay for you."

 "Thank you very much, we won't bother you like this."

 "Nolan, a man has to lean and learn to be a support and understand..."

Nolan laughed and answered:

 "I relied on you like this, I don't want to limit your wishes. We both know you need it..."

 Eliza smiled bitterly and put a hand on the boy's shoulder and sent him away:

 "Okay, go, but the sun of our life will eventually rise one day..."

 "Thank you and we are satisfied with the same fire that we sit around. The sun belongs to big dreams."

"Go, baby nightingale, don't talk!"

 Nolan stuck out his tongue playfully and said:

 "I went, I went."

He took his bag of belongings from the side of the door and quickly moved towards the desert of Khar next to the city. He looked here and there but there was no one nearby, he nodded regretfully and got to work.

He would shake his small hands hard and repeatedly hit the root of the thorn and after cutting it, he would go to the next thorn bush with a smile.

This process passed a few hours, the weather was warmer. He took a breath and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. As if there was no news about the fake princess today.

The sound of his stomach announced his presence from time to time, but without any attention from the boy, he became silent again.

Before it got dark, he collected the pile of thorns and put it on his back with an old cloth.

Tezi bothered him and bothered him, but this was not enough to make him fall.

He quickly came back and opened a pile of khass in the city market, he fell on the ground from exhaustion like every day but with all this he was still happy because he could finally provide another day for himself and his father.

Not long after, an old man came to Nolan and said:

 "How much is all?"

Nolan raised his head and answered:

 "Two copper coins, sir. »

 The old man stroked his beard and said:

 "A penny, no more. Do you want me to buy it?"

 The boy agreed with his head down and muttering to himself, and quickly made his way to the bakery near Eliza's dressmaker.

After lingering for a while, he returned to his path with a loaf of fresh bread and some stale bread that the baker gave him out of compassion, and finally reached Eliza's sewing room.

 "My aunt is back."

Eliza, who was sewing clothes, looked up and smiled when she saw Nolan again.

 "Welcome, little man!"

The boy put the shovel next to Eliza's table and turned to leave.

 "Aren't you going to stay here tonight, Nolan?"

 "No, aunt, I have to go, dad will worry."

 "Okay, good luck little man!"

 "Goodbye aunty."

When Nolan left, Eliza stopped and thought for a while, then she slapped her hand on the table and stopped working.

The rest of the night passed as usual and Nolan's daily work was over...