
in search for a happy ending

Azima, a proud and trouble-seeking girl who never learns from her mistakes, wishes for a second chance to make amends after her innocent sister got involved, stabbed and died in a fight. It seems like the god granted her wish, as she and her sister are transported to the world of a famous game in their own time. Azima knows nothing about the game's story and only plays it at her sister's insistence for once. Could her limited knowledge save her sister from a different bad ending?

h_Point_i · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Mansons party

the day after that, my mother told us that we should get ready for the party next week. Then she took us to different boutiques to buy clothes and jewelry.and I don't want to mention that gaudy yellow dress with a puffy skirt and shiny stones on it. Because they had bought it for me and they thought I looked cute in it. Finally, the day of the celebration arrived and we were all ready. Unlike my dress, Arina and Mom's dresses were simple and cool-colored. Aldos hurried down the stairs. "I'm ready."

I took a close look at him. He was wearing dark blue Suite with a brooch in the color of his eyes attached to it. My mom moved me around in her arms and excitedly said, "This outfit suits you so well, my sweetie."

Aldos shrugged his shoulders indifferently and scratched his head."It's my own taste."

I clenched my skirt in my fist with stress. 'Why didn't they take my objections seriously?'

"The carriage is ready, ma'am." With the voice of the caretaker, we all left the mansion and headed towards the carriage by the garden. The carriage wasn't anything special; it was made up of several wooden planks. On the other hand, the horses that were attached to it were very beautiful; they were all white. It seemed like they were part of the heirlooms left by our father, so they weren't sold.

Finally, we arrived at the carriage. My mother put me in the nanny's arms and with the help of the caretaker, she got on the carriage. I took a look at the nanny's appearance and condition. 'Why is she so dressed up?'

She was wearing a navy blue dress with a lot of embroidery on her chest. Beside it, she had a set of earrings and a necklace that carried red rubies. Overall, it seemed like we were her servants until her. When we got on the carriage, the first thing I noticed was the smell of wood boards that made my face scrunch up. 'How many decades has this old carriage been used?'

The carriage started moving with strong jolts and I could hear the creaking sound of the wooden boards. I looked out of the window. The cobblestone road was full of pedestrians going from one side to another.

Over time, the number of pedestrians decreased until we entered a dirt road. The sides of the road were filled with trees and grass, and a cool breeze whispered through them. It somehow felt like paradise. "Oh look, Mom, there's a deer Over there."

"I see it, my sweet candy."

With surprise, I looked at the deer that Aldos pointed to. It was very different from our world's deer. Its Horns were made of crystal and its body was completely white. And most strangely, its ears resembled cat ears. 'Hah! Even animals here are strange.'

Hours passed and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the scenery outside. Finally, the carriage stopped in front of a mansion or rather a palace I should say. It was so big that when we got off, no matter how much I tilted my head up, I couldn't see its top part. 'Is this... real?'

Even Arina and Aldos were amazed by what there was in front of them. Several servants stood in front of the mansion's gate, forming a line and guiding the noble families inside. Now that I paid attention, I noticed that our carriage and appearance were the most extravagant. One of the servants came towards us with a smile. "Welcome! Can you show me your invitation letter?"

My mother put her hand in her bag and took out the letter. "Here you go."

The servant carefully looked at the letter and touched the seal on it. "The Baza family, huh? Follow me, I'll show you the way." Then he gestured towards a man sitting next to the gate. The man put on his hat and went towards the carriage and caretaker. I think he wanted to show him where to keep the carriages.

We set off behind the servant. Our route had beautiful cobblestones that I had never seen before. And there were large gardens around us filled with blue rose flowers. Next to some of the gardens, there was a sculpture of a half-naked woman from whose mouth water came out and poured into the pots. Aldos said under his breath, "I have never seen such a grand mansion before. so cool!" When Arina saw that the servant was not paying attention, she pulled Aldos's ear firmly. "Ouch!"

"Be careful with your behavior. Act like nobles so as not to tarnish our reputation and honor."

"Okay, why are you scraping?"

After walking along a long path, we finally reached the mansion itself. "Leave your unnecessary belongings at the entrance and hand them over to the servant standing there. If you have any questions, you can ask that servant or the rest of the staff. I hope you enjoy your stay."

Then he left us and returned to where we came from. When our nanny was sure he had left, she turned back towards my mother and said, "What rude behavior he had towards you, madam? It's as if you were his employee." I looked at her face in surprise as it turned red with anger.

'Was his behavior bad?'

Well, it was natural that I didn't understand such things. After all, I have only lived in this world for two years. While my mother was handing her jacket to the servant, she said to, "There's no need for anger, Mrs. Smith. As a family who has lost their status, it is natural for him to treat us this way."

I need to pee while I'm writing this message.

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