
In scott pilgrim world and traveling to other worlds with a system

The story is about a guy transmigration in scott pilgrim vs the world with a system he also travel to other worlds, anime worlds and movies and animation series and and games world. I know some of you probably don't know about the Scott pilgrim world but don't worry. MC doesn't have a tragic past or anything, he had normal life and had normal problems and then transmigration into the the Scott pilgrim world. The worlds: Scott pilgrim world konosuba world black clover world gamer manhwa world Cyberpunk: Edgerunners world (More worlds will be added later, he also don't leave a world for another one, he travel between them) Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, I only own MC and oc It's my first time writing and English is not my first language

Alucard_7894 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 6 copying gamer mind and reaching level 10

(MC pov)

I open my eyes after the meditation and look at the my status screen, I decided to put 5 point in my str I can't always have a power of An ordinary person and put another 5 in my int and.

[ name: Edward Kenway

Level:8 (exp105/800)

Hp :120








Luck :10

Status point:00]

With that done I jump down from the wall, it's seem no zombie did come here.

I start running and looking for Hajin and I think I found him. The zombies are attacking someone. I walk further into an alley and yes, he is Hajin.

"Hey zombie look over here" I said

Me attracting zombies it's not for saving him I know he will be fine I'm doing because I want to be the one who kills them.

Three zombie begins to move towards me and the other still attacking hajin, I don't Waste time and start shooting spinning mana bolt, I didn't use spiral mana bolt because I don't want to hurt hajin accidentally.

Spinning mana bolt hit the zombies and destroy their bodies but not all of them hit a zombie and sometimes I miss which means I need to get a sharp shooter skill or something like that.

[you obtained 200 exp , you obtained 200 exp

you obtained 200 exp]

now I finish it I enter the alley and it's seem hajin is also done And he is panting, I walk towards him and it's seem he heard my foot step because he just raised he baseball bat and ready to attack.

"Hey I'm human don't attack " I said 

He seem lowering his guard when he heard me and start talking to me which I didn't get it because I can't speak Korean.

"Do you speak English?" I ask and he seems familiar with the Sentence because he answered.

"No I don't speak English" hajin said

We just stop there staring at each other he was probably wondering why another person is here with a baseball bat and killing zombies like him. 

I point out that we need to get out of the alley and he seems to understand me we walked out of the alley and begun to look around well I looked for zombies I don't know what he wanted and he probably used observation on me I wonder what he saw , after a minute of walking we find the zombies and when they saw us they start charging at us well if you could call that charging with their speed.

Hajin seems wanted to fight in a narrow space so we don't get surrounded and want me to run with him with how he pulling me.

it's time to show off, I ignore hajin and raise my hand and use spiral mana bomb mana , mana start to gather in my palm and make it spin, hajin look shocked by what he was seeing , after I enjoyed his surprised face I shoot the bomb it didn't take long until it destroyed every zombie that was here.

[ you obtained 200exp

1 level up

you obtained 100exp, you obtained 100exp

you obtained 100exp, you obtained 100exp

you obtained 100exp, you obtained 100exp

you obtained 100exp , you obtained 100exp


the amount of exp I got from zombies decreased again but fortunately I just need 100 exp to reach level 10.

I turn around and look at hajin and he looking at me with a face of disbelief, I couldn't help but flash a grin at him, wait I almost forgot why I am here I can't believe I forgot about it I put my hand in my pocket and take out and use the copy skill skill on him and I choose gamer mind.

[you copied gamer mind

gamer mind (passive) LV Max:

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder.]

wow I feel so calm I mean from everything that happens to me I think I did really good not have a mental breakdown or having a lot of stress but even I was a little stressed about the whole thing I just wanted to ignore my fear and go forward like those protagonist in those fictional world but now I'm truly calm.

Hajin tape on my shoulder and bring me back from my thoughts.

"Xjjenksjd djdhsjew jdjdh" hajin said

"I don't get what you are saying but let's go"I said

He seem to remember we don't talk the same language and give up.

We continue to walk and encounter some zombie but before I raise my hand hajin sprint and attack them it's seem he doesn't want to miss this exp so he attacked first, I don't make big deal and after hajin finished we once again counting our walk until we find a red aura in the air, we followed it and I remember that mean dungeon is going to break soon so I need find one zombie and killed to reach level 10.

We find the reason for the red aura and the guy in the suit and with sunglasses is the reason for this which I already new from the manhwa.

I sprint and run to find a zombie to kill , dungeon is going to break soon I can't waste time.

Hajin said something which I think he said stop but I don't care and the guy in the suit saw me fortunately at same time I find a zombie, I shoot a spinning mana bolt and kill it.

[you obtained 100exp

1 level up 

You complete a mission 

You obtained 1000exp , shop unlock, 100 shop point]

The suit man is coming my way and probably want to ask me how I got here, I'm not strong enough to face him and I don't have a plot armour like hajin so

"Take me back to my own world now"I said

[traveling back to Scott pilgrim Vs the world]

like the first time everything went black and I felt like I'm in a void and a second later I find myself in my apartment.


Now that mc have powers he is going to stay in the Scott pilgrim world and don't go anywhere else for now and finally I'm going to process the Scott pilgrim Vs the world story