
In Overlord as a Humanoid Dragon

Miya Ryuu is dies after a series tragic accidents occur with him believing it was bad luck but he find out it was all because of a god. He gets a chance to reincarnate and chooses to go to the world of Overlord with a few adjustments…… Bad writer, terrible creativity, and maybe bad information about the Overlord universe but I’ll do my best

MeltedChocolate · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The raid on the Great Tomb of Nazerick

(Human Leader POV)

"I need the leaders of each group to gather to me!!"

I yelled to get attention of the groups and called out the leaders, they soon gathered around and I began to talk

"Right I've invited all you guys specifically because of that thief that took all of our world items is a member of the monster guild, Ainz Ooal Gown so we can expect him to have our item, if not it would be in their treasury"

"Do we know what we're up against? Or how many floors there are?"

"Well no, but from what I could gather about the guild is that guild is full of salarymen who would spend their money for the guild, so what we can expect is NPCs that are heavily invested and there should be 10 floors"

"Don't they have a whale within their ranks I mean didn't some of their members mention of a sort of salary in the forums"

"No we confirmed that as fake, maybe that was a method of getting players to join their guild"

"Hmph then this should be a piece of cake then, Let's go prepare then"

"Yeah let's go"

"Yeah bye"

The leaders then retreated back to their respective groups and began their preparations to raid the Tomb, not knowing the surprises that await

(2 hours later)

The large groups of 4000 players head to the tomb with the intent of attacking it, most of the players have their best equipment equipped and laugh at the thought of the guild being destroyed.

They waited for their leader to signal the attack, but something caught their eye they saw something walking on two legs just standing there watching them from the tomb it was robotic looking but it didn't look like a normal Automatron as it was all metal.

"What are staring at it's just an Automatron there's nothing special about, now CHARGE!!"

They snapped out of their daze and began to stampede their way to the tomb while keeping an eye on the Automatron they keep running, but stopped after noticing something strange what they noticed was many NPCs standing behind it and behind them were the members of Ainz Ooal Gown.

They were confused on why they come out of their base and the humans were about to commence their siege when the strange Automatron turned around and summoned something from out of the ground

'What is that, what's it doing?'

Everyone was wondering in their mind but their thoughts were cut short as they saw the thing turn dark and scary and began rushing towards them with the NPCs following his charge, these "shadows" made everyone freeze as they had never seen such abilities.

They awoke from their daze and found the "shadows" breaking through their defenses and losing over 250 players already, Mages were casting their spells and were about to finish but their chantations were abruptly stop when smalls orbs suddenly came from the sky

"Shut it skin suit"

"S-s-sir I can't use m-my abilities!!!!"

"How long?!"

"T-thirty seconds sir!!"


Currently the humans defensive lines were being obliterated as their player death toll went from 250 to 750 in less than two minutes because of the NPCs and the skeletons that were continuously spawning

'If we don't kill them now we're done for'

"I got one haha sir look they are killable"

"Nice everyone focus on the NPCs as long as we defeat them we'll have a fighting chance"

"Sir!! My abilities have returned "

"Cast your area spells immediately"

"Yes sir"

'Phew that almost got us thankfully it's dead'

He thought but when he look toward the tomb he thought he was hallucinating because what he saw was the same Automatron standing there, flinging the same orbs toward the mages

'What? Didn't we kill him'

"S-sir My abilities were sealed again"

"I got one, scratch one out"

I quickly look toward the tomb and saw that the blue insect returned back as time went on the other NPCs went back too, which then the players of Ainz Ooal Gown came and one of them said

"My creation will be the downfall of your attacks so get ready and face true power"

He said as he and his guild mates came charging over

Thus it was the shadow members of Ainz Ooal Gown vs the remaining 1200 players

Yeah here you go, I got school tomorrow hopefully they don’t me work(they probably will) also make sure to go and tell me what your ideas are in the auxiliary chapter that is at the top of the chapter list.

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