

[ it is Translated by Machine (MTL) ] “Son, we are scholars, we don’t have a PhD or below. If you graduate from a junior college like yours, you won’t have a blind date, so hurry up and go to a bachelor’s degree…” Afterwards, a question of “Is it possible to upgrade the cost after developing a controlled nuclear fusion?” appeared on the Internet. “What did the host go through and dreaming so carefully.” Netizens ridiculed, but when a period of time passed, the Academy of Sciences announced. “Under the leadership of Tang Zhenli, a junior college student in a vocational school, the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology has been successful.” Netizen Qi Qi fell silent, and more and more news about Tang Zhenli was revealed. “Controllable nuclear fusion chief engineer, chief engineer of planetary engine, chief engineer of orbital attitude control, are you so careful when you graduate to a bachelor’s degree?” “Tang Zhenli’s family wants to arrange a blind date for him?” The national goddess Wu Shaoying was also panicked. [Note: I'm not the author or translator of the series. All I did was copy and paste. If you ask why I did all of this. Then my answer probably would be I'm also fan of the series You can help the translators through the following sites: Mtl- https://mtlnation.com/novel/in-order-to-graduate-announce-controllable-nuclear-fusion-at-the-start ]

Prathz_009 · Urban
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63 Chs

Start building a large-scale controllable nuclear fusion device!

Inside the office, a group of scientific research scholars are anxiously waiting for their immediate superiors in the future.

After a while,

In the surprised eyes of a group of scientific researchers,

A young man entered the office one after another under the protection of a group of soldiers with live ammunition.

And the look of the old man on the stage looking at the young man was a little bit beyond their expectations.

When Tang Zhenli walked to the elder's side, everyone felt something wrong in their hearts. Some wise ones had already reacted, and a heart had already been raised.

"Could it be..."

No way....

At this moment, the old man's unhurried voice came.

"Everyone, let me introduce you, this is the chief engineer of our controllable nuclear fusion project-Tang Zhenli!"


When the old man's voice just fell, there was a moment of silence in the huge office, and then a group of scientific research scholars heard the voice of cold breath.

And everyone's expressions are quite the same at the moment, they all look incredible.

He looked at the smiling young man in front of him with a dazed expression.

"Leader… Leader, are you kidding me!"

At this moment, a weak voice interrupted the depressive atmosphere at the moment, and asked the old man a question they all wanted to ask, it was the previous old Li.

After all, the people on the stage are too young. They are so young that they are incredibly young. They are clearly just graduated college students, so it's normal to be surprised at this moment!

"I'm pretty sure! Tang Gong has developed a small Tomakak device in operation!"

The old man nodded heavily, his tone still as calm as before.

After getting an affirmative answer, the expressions of a group of research scholars changed drastically at this time.

"What??? Has been made!!!"


Regardless of thinking about it, it is clear that only such a country can give this top-secret project to a young man.

After getting all the affirmations, then they have time to look at their chief engineer…

And Tang Zhenli seems to be accustomed to the feeling of being paid attention to. When they look at themselves, they are also looking at their team.

"too young!!!"



"Well, there is no time to shock you now. What the country needs now is a large-scale controllable nuclear fusion device!"

The old man's voice came appropriately, interrupting the emotions of a group of scientific research scholars, and then I saw him say again, with a firm tone.

"What you have to do now is to cooperate with Tang Gong as soon as possible to build a large-scale device! Overcome difficulties if you have any difficulties."


After that, I only heard a neat response from a group of scientific research scholars, and then each went back to prepare their own previous materials.

"Thank you Li for being old!"

Tang Zhenli then said to the old man beside him.

"It's okay, it's you, young and promising!"

The one he called Lao Li was one of the heads of Longguo's scientific research department, and was also the main person in charge of the state at this time.

After the two exchanged greetings for a while, Old Li left.

Completely hand over this laboratory to Tang Zhenli!

"This is the first time leading a team!"

Tang Zhenli looked at the empty office at the moment, took a few deep breaths, and muttered to himself.

I have to say that the official is also bold. He researched it out, but to be honest, he has no experience with the project, but he still used him as the chief engineer.

This feeling is pretty good.

"But this will always be the case in the future, this wave is considered a good practice…"

Within Tang Zhenli's plan, in the future, he has to adapt to this identity as leading a group of scientific research teams.

After all, scientific research cannot be done by one person!

After adjusting his emotional state, Tang Zhenli is ready to meet the next challenge.

Prior to this, due to previous construction experience, and Tang Zhenli did not cherish himself openly.

So in a short time, the drawings for this large-scale controllable nuclear fusion device have been largely completed.


Tang Zhenli automatically meditated in his mind, a huge tokamak device, directly reflected in his mind.

"It's only possible to create it under official integration!"

Tang Zhenli said to himself that the planned Tomakakko device was many times larger than the one he had built before.

According to the set power, once the operation is successful, this ten-story device alone can already supply the energy consumption of Yandu!

You know, Yandu, as the capital of the Long Kingdom, has a permanent population of more than 20 million!

Although this device planned to be built is large, it is still not worth mentioning compared to the size of Yandu.

But this is the device that can supply Yandu's daily consumption!

What an incredible thing! Perhaps this is the charm of controlled nuclear fusion!
