

[ it is Translated by Machine (MTL) ] “Son, we are scholars, we don’t have a PhD or below. If you graduate from a junior college like yours, you won’t have a blind date, so hurry up and go to a bachelor’s degree…” Afterwards, a question of “Is it possible to upgrade the cost after developing a controlled nuclear fusion?” appeared on the Internet. “What did the host go through and dreaming so carefully.” Netizens ridiculed, but when a period of time passed, the Academy of Sciences announced. “Under the leadership of Tang Zhenli, a junior college student in a vocational school, the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology has been successful.” Netizen Qi Qi fell silent, and more and more news about Tang Zhenli was revealed. “Controllable nuclear fusion chief engineer, chief engineer of planetary engine, chief engineer of orbital attitude control, are you so careful when you graduate to a bachelor’s degree?” “Tang Zhenli’s family wants to arrange a blind date for him?” The national goddess Wu Shaoying was also panicked. [Note: I'm not the author or translator of the series. All I did was copy and paste. If you ask why I did all of this. Then my answer probably would be I'm also fan of the series You can help the translators through the following sites: Mtl- https://mtlnation.com/novel/in-order-to-graduate-announce-controllable-nuclear-fusion-at-the-start ]

Prathz_009 · Urban
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63 Chs

Scientific research, the best first

Large-scale controllable nuclear fusion device loading workshop,

The moment when the two groups of scientific researchers and members of the inspection team in the institute are about to gather.


A clear elevator bell rang, and the working elevator door in the middle of the workshop opened slowly.

Tang Zhenli's face also appeared in front of everyone.


Tang Zhenli glanced at the two groups of men and horses, and a trace of confusion slowly appeared in his mind.

He knows all the staff in the institute, but who is the other group?

Because Wan Wende was caught in the crowd, Tang Zhenli didn't notice it at this moment.

However, it was too late to think about this problem at this moment. Tang Zhenli walked quickly towards the group of scientific researchers who were at a loss at this time.

In fact, he did not encounter the coating problem when he made the small tokamak device before, so this is also unknown territory for Tang Zhenli.

"General Manager Tang is back!"

No one in the crowd had sharp eyes, glanced in the direction Tang Zhenli came, and then shouted with joy.

At the end of the game, whether it was the attention of the staff of the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Research Institute or the expert inspection team, Tang Zhenli was instantly attracted by Tang Zhenli.

"Sure enough, this kid!"

Wan Wende looked at the familiar face, faintly revealing the shadow of Tang Heguang when he was young. He was really Tang's grandson.

"very young!!!"

Chu Wenqian's always cold face also showed a little surprise, and the beautiful Liu Ye's eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkle. Seeing Tang Zhenli's appearance, she was definitely younger than herself!

Such a young person, who is the head of this institute?

It's not just Chu Wenqian who has this idea in her mind, but this idea has emerged in the hearts of almost all the expert inspection teams.

This is incredible!

Looking closely between the young man's eyebrows, there was still a hint of green smell.

He said he was in his early twenties, but he turned out to be in his early twenties?

In their original vision, it was natural that this so-called young man would at least be a researcher in the top 20.

But now that they saw Tang Zhenli, they knew they were wrong.

"Want to be so outrageous!"

I don't know who whispered in the crowd.

But Tang Zhenli went straight through here without any intention of staying.

In his view, the most important thing is to solve the coating problem.

Seeing Tang Zhenli walking towards the field, members of the expert inspection team also followed up, wanting to see if the young and shameless Mr. Tang had two brushes.

"Tang Gong."

"Tang Gong."

Bringing Tang Zhenli over, a group of scientific research workers had already surrounded him, yelling Tang Zhenli one by one.

Obviously after this time of getting along, everyone was convinced of this chief engineer who was much younger than himself.


Tang Zhenli also nodded, and then took the blueprint from a researcher.

"Tang Gong, no matter how we try, we can't control the uniform distribution of the new material coating…"

This is the lead assembly leader who said to Tang Zhenli with a look of embarrassment.

Tang Zhenli didn't answer for the time being. He just nodded slightly, and looked at the intricate blueprint in his hand for an instant.

Soon after, he probably guessed why this problem occurred, but it was a delicate one.

Previously, the new material coating of his small tokamak device was applied by him by hand. With the help of the system, it would naturally not be a problem.

However, the current tokamak reactor is more than a hundred times larger than the original one, and the difficulty has risen exponentially. Naturally, I can no longer handle it by hand, otherwise the coating may not be completed, and I may be exhausted first. .

After pondering for a while,

"In fact, the new layer material coating does not have to be completely spherical to be evenly heated…"

Tang Zhenli said half of his words, and paused for a while. If you want to see the manners of the people, and see if they can understand, you don't have to spend any more words if you can understand.

At this moment, not only the staff of the research institute around him, but the expert inspection team was also very quiet, listening to Tang Zhenli with his ears upright.

"Tang Gong meant…"

A scientific research worker's eyes lightened slightly, and Tang Zhenli said with an expectant look in his eyes.

Tang Zhenli nodded when he saw it, and then continued.

"Yes, the new material coating is covered by laser, the uniform thickness is controlled, and the entire internal reactor coating is made into countless polygons of equal size…"

Seeing the eyes of a group of scientific researchers getting brighter, Tang Zhenli later explained,

"The final form should be similar to the final form in the Dyson Ball project, but it is more precise than it!"

After speaking, not only the eyes of the scientific research scholars brightened, but even the members of the expert inspection team who were observing in the periphery were breathless.

The atmosphere in the room remained silent for a long time.

"Feasible, simulation is feasible!"

At this moment, a researcher holding a laptop exclaimed, shattering the silence at this moment.

In fact, after Tang Zhenli finished speaking, he held on to the computer to simulate the feasibility of this scheme. When a feasible answer was obtained, he immediately couldn't control the exclamation.

After breaking the silence, the members of the expert inspection team looked at each other with complex expressions.

The same idea came out inexplicably in everyone's hearts.

"Chief Engineer of Controllable Nuclear Fusion…"

In just a few words, the original problem can be easily solved, and with the present, you can be the chief engineer of controllable nuclear fusion.

Research, achievers first….

At this moment, there is no doubt about Tang Zhenli in everyone's mind.

Wan Wende, at this moment, is also looking at his old friend's grandson with a complicated expression.

With a long sigh in my heart,

"It would be great if my grandchildren could be as good as this….."

Then he glanced casually, and it seemed that Chu Wenqian glanced.

Seeing that Chu Wenqian was looking at Tang Zhenli intently, she seemed to think of something afterwards, she glanced at Xiao Chu with a weird face, then turned her head and glanced at Tang Zhenli, her mind was slightly active.

"There are not many people who are engaged in scientific research so young and occupy important positions, but Xiao Tang and Xiao Chu are…"

Chu Wenqian didn't know that Wan Wende, who was on the side, had already thought about matching her and Tang Zhenli.

At this moment, she just stared at the 'peer' in front of her blankly, her mind was a bit complicated.

It stands to reason that she should be proud to be the deputy chief engineer at such an age, but compared to Tang Zhenli in front of her.

The deputy chief engineer of my own small project and the chief engineer in charge of a research institute are totally different.

Not to mention… Deputy Chief Engineer of Controllable Nuclear Fusion.

"Is there anyone outside?"

Chu Wenqian was silent for a long time, silently looking at the young man in the center of her sight, she had to say that this time her mentality was indeed affected to a certain extent.
