

[ it is Translated by Machine (MTL) ] “Son, we are scholars, we don’t have a PhD or below. If you graduate from a junior college like yours, you won’t have a blind date, so hurry up and go to a bachelor’s degree…” Afterwards, a question of “Is it possible to upgrade the cost after developing a controlled nuclear fusion?” appeared on the Internet. “What did the host go through and dreaming so carefully.” Netizens ridiculed, but when a period of time passed, the Academy of Sciences announced. “Under the leadership of Tang Zhenli, a junior college student in a vocational school, the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology has been successful.” Netizen Qi Qi fell silent, and more and more news about Tang Zhenli was revealed. “Controllable nuclear fusion chief engineer, chief engineer of planetary engine, chief engineer of orbital attitude control, are you so careful when you graduate to a bachelor’s degree?” “Tang Zhenli’s family wants to arrange a blind date for him?” The national goddess Wu Shaoying was also panicked. [Note: I'm not the author or translator of the series. All I did was copy and paste. If you ask why I did all of this. Then my answer probably would be I'm also fan of the series You can help the translators through the following sites: Mtl- https://mtlnation.com/novel/in-order-to-graduate-announce-controllable-nuclear-fusion-at-the-start ]

Prathz_009 · Urban
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63 Chs

Principal, do you call this an exercise?

In just half an hour,

In the entire campus of the Upper Vocational College, there are no ordinary people except the police.

Whether it is a student or a teacher, they are all required to stay in the building and not walk around.

Obviously, Tao Chengwang said casually, and under the notice of the school leaders, almost all the students knew that the anti-terrorism exercise was being held at this moment!

I would like to ask who has seen the scene of dozens of explosion-proof vehicles clearing the road. Even if it is just as a bystander, it is enough to brag about such a big scene.

At this moment, there are even students discussing the equipment of these special personnel.

"The mobile phone signal was also blocked. This anti-terrorism exercise is really professional!"

A student's eyes were bright, and he looked at the no-signal subtitles displayed on his mobile phone with novelty, and said to the senior who was only familiar with him.

"The anti-terrorism exercise, the pursuit is a profession!"

The other student's face was also slightly flushed, and said proudly.

At this moment, almost everyone in the upper vocational college has discovered that whether it is a mobile phone signal or a network signal, it seems that everything is blocked.

At this moment,

Suddenly there was a strange noise in the sky, and everyone couldn't help but look towards the sky.

"Tututu! Tututu!"

Expert team, here it is!

"Helicopter! That's Wu Zhi!"

Many military enthusiasts in the crowd recognized several Wuzhi hovering in the sky at a glance.

"Could it be that this anti-terrorism exercise is also united? Fang?"

A big doubt arose in the hearts of many bystanders.

After several helicopters circled for a while, they flew directly to the highest building of the Upper Vocational College, the administration building.

This allows the school leaders in the administration building to see clearly,

I saw a helicopter jumped off dozens of camouflage personnel wearing auspicious uniforms in an orderly manner. After standing still, they dispersed directly, each setting up an observation post on a hidden commanding height.

Some people even set up a large-caliber sniper rifle to cover the entire upper vocational college.

"Special Forces???"

The teaching director Cheng Fei looked at the floor in astonishment, because of their special perspective, the people were faintly visible.

You know, this is the elite of the elite!

The legendary King of Soldiers, just pull one out and you can count as ten.

Now there are dozens of people here in succession, and they also carry large-caliber weapons!

"Principal, do you call this a drill?"

Cheng Fei only felt his face stiff, and after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he said with a little trembling tone.


Tao Chengwang didn't know how to reply at this moment, his expression was shocked and a little embarrassed.

Is it possible that the police who called before to inform were just the vanguard?

However, I confirmed one thing in my heart that this shouldn't be for arresting people, but seeing them looks more like a precaution.

If you want to arrest people, you don't have to. Tao Chengwang thinks that no one in the Upper Vocational College is qualified to let the military send out to arrest people, even he is no exception.

Then it's not to arrest people but to protect them!

Tao Chengwang guessed in his heart, is it possible that the upper vocational college is going to come to a terrible figure?

Just between his surprise,

Everyone in the Upper Vocational College was horrified to find that dozens of military vehicles came in one after another at the school gate in the distance.

As soon as the military vehicle stopped, the soldiers on it got off and lined up one after another.

In the end, the number of soldiers who came down from it was close to a thousand, and they were all fully armed, with all kinds of weapons.

Some people even noticed that it even carried a single combat guide…

After all the soldiers lined up, after a few loud reports, an iron-blooded aura loomed over them, and all the characteristics showed that they were an elite tiger and benevolent teacher!

At this time, even a fool can discover that this is not an anti-terrorism exercise at all!

Call this a drill? There is something wrong! !

May I ask which counter-terrorism exercise you have seen that requires special teams and nearly a thousand elite soldiers, and which one can withstand such a blow? ? ?

This force can completely fight a small-scale battle, okay?

At this time, all the people in the Upper Vocational College were horrified, and at the same time a big doubt arose in their hearts.

who am I? Where am i? What happened here again?

Administration Building,

A group of school leaders looked at the soldiers and policemen patrolling the campus with a slightly dull expression.

In a daze, they felt that this place was no longer Shanghai Vocational and Technical College, but a highly confidential military base.

This kind of security measures may only be enjoyed by secret military bases.

At this moment, there was a crisp 'patter' from the corridor.

The school leaders looked back and saw a Liu Chi, who was carrying a star on his shoulders, strode forward, followed by many experts and scholars behind him.

The previous 'click' was the sound of collisions between the soldiers' boots guarding the surroundings and the ground.

It was a group of experts and scholars from Longke University who flew for nearly a day without taking any rest, and finally flew from Kyoto to Shanghai.

At this moment, Liu Chi, headed by the school leader, looked for a while, and finally fixed his gaze on Tao Chengwang's face.

Afterwards, he walked straight towards him, and the school leader on the side quickly gave way.

Finally, Liu Chi came to Tao Chengwang, looked up and down, and after confirming that he was correct in his heart, he spoke with a firm tone.

"Hello, you are the principal of Shanghai Vocational College! Now we officially inform you that from this moment on, we will take over this place and enter a wartime state!"

"Um… well!!!"

Tao Chengwang nodded dumbly, only feeling that his body around him was extremely stiff. This aura is really too intriguing and too strong!

"Thanks for your cooperation!"

Then Liu Chi smiled upon hearing the words and nodded kindly.

Then he turned around and left with a large group of people behind him.

Tao Chengwang subconsciously followed up, but his body was so stiff that he was not under his control at all.

In the end, Tao Chengwang felt fierce, gritted his teeth, and finally followed!

As the principal of Shanghai Vocational and Technical College, he has this responsibility!

When Liu Chi saw this, he didn't stop him, letting him follow.
