

[ it is Translated by Machine (MTL) ] “Son, we are scholars, we don’t have a PhD or below. If you graduate from a junior college like yours, you won’t have a blind date, so hurry up and go to a bachelor’s degree…” Afterwards, a question of “Is it possible to upgrade the cost after developing a controlled nuclear fusion?” appeared on the Internet. “What did the host go through and dreaming so carefully.” Netizens ridiculed, but when a period of time passed, the Academy of Sciences announced. “Under the leadership of Tang Zhenli, a junior college student in a vocational school, the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology has been successful.” Netizen Qi Qi fell silent, and more and more news about Tang Zhenli was revealed. “Controllable nuclear fusion chief engineer, chief engineer of planetary engine, chief engineer of orbital attitude control, are you so careful when you graduate to a bachelor’s degree?” “Tang Zhenli’s family wants to arrange a blind date for him?” The national goddess Wu Shaoying was also panicked. [Note: I'm not the author or translator of the series. All I did was copy and paste. If you ask why I did all of this. Then my answer probably would be I'm also fan of the series You can help the translators through the following sites: Mtl- https://mtlnation.com/novel/in-order-to-graduate-announce-controllable-nuclear-fusion-at-the-start ]

Prathz_009 · Urban
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63 Chs

Large-scale controllable nuclear fusion, ready to fire

"Tang Zhenli?"

After hearing that all this was developed by a young man named Tang Zhenli alone, Ji Chengtian's calm face couldn't help but change.

After that, Ji Chengtian spoke, with a little serious tone.

"Old Li, you didn't kid me!"

Li Wei just shook his head, and then said affirmatively,

"Don't say you don't believe it. I didn't believe it when I heard it, but this is indeed reality. I want to imagine that such a treasure of the country turns out to be a young man in his early twenties!"

Ji Chengtian thought about it, and said with a solemn expression.

"This kind of talent must be protected! A strong youth will make the country strong! This is the pillar of our Dragon Kingdom! The foundation of the future! In addition, this experiment must be closely watched!"

"I see!"

Li Wei also nodded when he heard the words. He naturally knew the importance of Tang Zhenli.

At this moment, for the first time, the two big men from the Longguo Scientific Research Department remembered Tang Zhenli's name in their hearts.


Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion,

Since the last time the expert inspection team came to inspect, no one else has bothered the R&D and assembly of the controllable nuclear fusion device.

In addition, there were no critical problems encountered since then, and R&D and manufacturing have been proceeding in an orderly manner.

After a period of precipitation.

The main body of the large tokamak device has already been constructed, and now only the laser igniter is assembled.

However, since the laser igniter has been applied, the technology has been very mature, and for the top ten research institute in the Dragon Kingdom.

This is really not a problem.

At this time, in the conference room at the highest level of the institute, a conference that is completely sufficient to change the course of human history is being held.

Meeting room,

The long conference table is full of persons in charge of various small projects in the institute.

As the chief engineer and the highest person in charge of the research institute, Tang Zhenli naturally ranks first.

At this time a voice spread throughout the laboratory,

"I suggest that the ignition experiment plan be put into the process, after all, the final laser ignition device is not difficult!"

Fan Hongbo, deputy chief engineer of the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion, glanced at the scientific research scholars present, and said firmly.

In Fan Hongbo's words, the expressions of many scientific research scholars changed slightly, and there was a hint of enthusiasm in their eyes. Obviously, most people would like to see this suggestion.

But everyone still looked at Tang Zhenli who was sitting in the first place, waiting for his final words.

Although everyone on the scene is older than Tang Zhenli for a round, but after a long time together,

In the research institute, from the 70-year-old professor to the 30-year-old researcher, even Fan Hongbo, who is the deputy chief engineer, is not convinced by Tang Zhenli.

As the saying goes, the expert is respected, so it is!

And Tang Zhenli is using system simulation to calculate the results of this experiment in his mind.

In his opinion, with experience, even the ignition of a large-scale controllable nuclear fusion device would have to be a success.

The experts and scholars present in the room also waited patiently for Tang Zhenli to speak.

Finally, through the scientific research system, Tang Zhenli got the final result after the tenth simulation experiment in his mind.

100% success rate!


Tang Zhenli's eyes suddenly opened, and he scanned everyone in the room.

The bodies of the research scholars who were swept by his sharp gaze were slightly stiff.

Then I saw Tang Zhenli gently knocking on the table, his face serious,

"Okay, then we will prepare for the next ignition vote. Please raise your hands if you agree to the ignition experiment!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present raised their right hands.

Passed unanimously, and the controllable nuclear fusion is officially preparing for the next ignition!

Tang Zhenli stood up with a 'swish', looked around, and then said firmly.

"Then you guys, make all the preparations next, and finally prepare for the fire!"

At this time, Tang Zhenli's body exudes an inexplicable brilliance, very convincing!

Immediately other research scholars in the conference room also stood up and responded loudly.


Later, I saw the heads of various departments leaping out of the meeting room, and finally only Tang Zhenli and Fan Hongbo were left.

"Tang Gong, do you need to notify the top of the ignition test, and invite some scholars in various fields to come and observe!"

Fan Hongbo spoke in a calm tone.

"I'm not good at these things, so I can only ask Deputy Worker Fan!"

Tang Zhenli's expression changed when he heard the words. He used to work alone and didn't know some potential rules of the scientific research community, so he simply left it to Fan Hongbo. After all, he is an old scholar who has been engaged in scientific research for decades.

"The reason is so!"

Fan Hongbo did not shirk, and immediately responded.

After discussing in the meeting room,

The entire Controllable Fusion Institute is like a machine running at full capacity, and its efficiency is so fast.

The meeting was held in the morning, and the laser ignition device has been debugged that afternoon, and it is completely ready for ignition.

Research Department,


"What? It really took such a short time to prepare for the ignition?"

Ji Chengtian's always calm face also showed a trace of consternation. After listening to the voice on the phone, he recovered in an instant. He only said in a serious tone.

"Well, what requirements do you need, the country will fully cooperate! Good, good, goodbye!"

After Ji Chengtian hung up the phone, he took a few long breaths, obviously trying his best to digest this shocking news, and only then did he mutter to himself with a smile on his face.

"Tang Zhenli...."

After that, he seemed to think of something again, and stretched his hand to the red fixed-line phone on the desk.

After a short wait,

"Hey, I'm Ji Chengtian, pick me up the safety leaders around the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Institute......"


With the full cooperation of the national level, preparations for the ignition experiment are proceeding in an orderly manner.

After all, with the exception of Tang Zhenli in the field of controllable nuclear fusion devices, the minds of all scientific researchers in the world are blank.

Therefore, after Tang Zhenli issued professional decisions and opinions, it was naturally impossible for the people above to refuse.

The earlier the development of controllable nuclear fusion devices, the better.

As long as one step in the morning, even if the controllable nuclear fusion project is made public, then this step will become a gap that other countries cannot cross.

Sometimes, the blockade of talents and technology is a more deadly blow to a country.

Immediately, the troops that had been gathering around the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion for the defense task also received the order simultaneously, and immediately acted.

Various heavy weapons are arranged at various entrances and exits around the controllable nuclear fusion laboratory. Teams of heavily armed soldiers are constantly patrolling the surrounding areas. Armored vehicles are also sent out one after another.

In the air,

The air defense radar is also turned on at full power, always monitoring the abnormal movements in the air.

It can be said that nearly 10,000 people around the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion have all been mobilized, and they have all entered a state of alert.

The result is a completely impenetrable appearance around the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion.

Now even if a mosquito wants to come in, he still has to ask the anti-aircraft gun that exudes a dark metallic luster or not.

The heavyweight experts and scholars in various fields of the Dragon Kingdom who have been invited to observe are personally transported to and from the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion by the military.

Prevent all uncontrollable leaks from happening.

Tang Zhenli has seen such a high-profile posture, so there is not much fluctuation in his mood at the moment.

But those ordinary scientific researchers have experienced this kind of battle.

There are not a few people who suffer from insomnia throughout the night. This kind of power at the national level is displayed in front of ordinary people.