
In One Piece with the Ironman Armor

Sengoku: I want various destroyers, battleships, and super soldier potions. Vegapunk : I want the T-Virus Dragon: I want a lot of AK47 rifles, armored vehicles and T72 tanks. Kings of Countries: We want Terminator T800 and T1000 robots as bodyguards. Itami smiled : No problem, as long as you join me.

Shihao777 · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 34: Alice

Itami finally breathed a sigh of relief as the last civilian was tested.

Even the very angry Hina and the people from the baroque studio.

They were all honestly tested.

Looking at the row of corpses on the ground that were killed by the virus, to prevent the Resident Evil crisis from repeating itself.

Under Itami's command

The raging fire was lit, it was announced that this time the Resident Evil crisis was finally fully resolved at this time.

Itami smiled and patted Carl on the shoulder.

"Well, I didn't lie to you about the great news I told."

Seeing that Carl was confused, Itami rolled his eyes.

He ignored it and turned to the people.

"Congratulations, on surviving this virus crisis."

"I hope everyone can get back on their feet and build a better tomorrow."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the minions from him and left very simply.

Only a group of people who were already physically and mentally exhausted remained.

Returning to the base, Itami stepped out of the elevator.

Yue was waiting for it

"He has worked hard, Commander!"

Itami smiled slightly, stepped forward and stroked her hair: "Come on!"

When the two returned to the room, he just wanted to hug Yue for a good night's sleep.

But before that, the reward must be claimed.

"System, let's start issuing rewards."

The next moment, a space-time door opened, and then a golden-haired woman in a white marine outfit came out.

Looking at this person, Itami's eyes widened: "Um, no, don't tell me..."

The woman greeted him

"The domestic supercarrier 'ALICE' is here to report, Commander."

Sure enough, this is another ship girl.

But Itami considered it strange, since before he died on Earth, he never knew about this type of aircraft carrier.

"System, what's going on?"

"This ship was built 15 years after the host left the original world."

"15 years later?"


Hearing the explanation of the system, Itami finally understood.

He moved forward excitedly: "Welcome back, Alice."

Alice, who was still a little nervous at first, immediately showed a beautiful and touching smile.

"Thank you, Commander."

Looking at the two people together, Yue suddenly felt a bit of bitterness in her heart.

She quickly stepped forward and took Itami's arm to swear sovereignty over him.

The smile on Alice's face froze, and she then looked at Yue narrowing her eyes.

Suddenly the whole room was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

And Itami, who was caught in the middle, had a wry smile on his face.

Just as he was about to say something to lighten the mood.

Alice showed an inexplicable smile.

"Are you an old Model 055 Guided Missile Destroyer?"

As soon as Yue heard it, she immediately exploded: "I am not an old model, I am the latest model."

Alice pursed her lips: "The latest model?"

She looked up and down: "So, do you have an electromagnetic weapon installed?"

"Is there an anti-missile laser system installed?"

"Are there any split ballistic missiles installed?"

Yue looked confused, because she really didn't have the weapon that the other party said.

Itami was also surprised at this moment.

He did not expect that 15 years after leaving the earth, weapons such as electromagnetic guns and lasers would have even been equipped.

Alice sneered at this time: "You don't even have these, and you dare to call yourself the latest model?"

Hearing her taunting, Yue finally couldn't take it and ran off.

"yue." Itami yelled, but the other party completely ignored him.

He could only face Alice with a wry smile: "Don't be like that, everyone is a partner, why say something so hurtful?"

Alice once again showed a beautiful and touching smile: "Okay, Commander, I will not say these words in the future."

Itami nodded: "Then talk about yourself, what skills do you have."

A proud look appeared on Alice's face.

"As a domestic super carrier, my hull has a full load displacement of 150,000 tons."

"Loaded with 150 fighters of various types."

"There are J-22 fighter jets, H-10 ground-attack jets, Air Police 3000 early warning planes, and Z-17 anti-submarine helicopters."

"In addition to this, there are 6 sets of high-energy laser beam defense systems."

"Radar system".

"It can detect everything that happens within a radius of 3,000 nautical miles."

Hearing Alice's introduction, Itami was completely shocked by Alice's performance.





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