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The smog sent out by the factories that covered my home island perpetrated my lungs, causing me to cough violently. I am currently 7 years old and homeless, I was a result of the bastard Gol D Roger starting an age of piracy. My home village was burned down by a pirate crew after we ran out of booze to serve them.

My parents died that day, but they put me on a ship and sent me away before I got caught up in the crossfire. Well, I say parents but they took me in and healed me back to life when I was 3 years old. My name is Charlotte Gaulden, one of Big Moms many kids. I was mix of Mink and Giant, my dad was a rabbit mink and my mom, is well, a giant.

I was forgotten about after a voyage to the south blue resulted in a clash with the Red Hair pirates, we were on a mission to get exotic sweets for Big Mom but the whole squad was wiped out except me due to my age.

I was taken in by the Red Hair pirates and dropped off at a nearby island since they couldn't just kill a kid that hadn't done any wrong. This island was a peaceful one, one where I was fine living in the rest of my life but then the attack happened and I was shipped off here, Loren Island.

The factories emitted thick, black fog that could ruin your lungs in seconds. I had lived through nothing except suffering due to those damn pirates!

I stumbled through the streets, looking for a vendor to rob. I walk by a fruit cart and stole 5 fruits, I ran through alleys until I lost the vendor and rapidly ate the food. On the last one, I bit into it and it made me throw up the rest of the fruits I had eaten earlier. It was black in color, with white spots and circles in them that looked like the stars in the night sky.

I felt a change in my body and began to panic, but soon realized it wasn't a bad change and instead one I began to welcome fervently. My lungs were healing, I could breathe properly for the first time in nearly 2 years. I began to wonder what the hell that was, and came to the conclusion I had eaten a devil fruit. A devil fruit was a rare thing to find and I had only heard of them. I had no idea which one I had eaten, though.

I figured maybe darkness, since it was pitch black in color. But the more I thought about it the more I realized, I had eaten the Uchu Uchu No Mi. A fruit that granted me the powers of outer space, but I was uneducated, hell I couldn't write. I could read a little bit but other than that I was completely oblivious to anything else.

I began to test things, and the few things I came to a conclusion with is I could fly for a short amount of time. With this fruit, I had renewed determination to put an end to the age of piracy. I hurriedly ran to the nearest marine base and applied, and everything went swimmingly.... if I was older than 7. They said I was too young to enroll and that the minimum age was 12.

Even though this upset me, I didn't let it deter me and began physically training for the next 5 years. I trained harder than anyone ever had and practiced my devil fruit, I had bounty hunted the pirates that came onto the island over the next 5 years, building a reputation as a bounty hunter.

-5 Years Later, 10 years before start of cannon-

I was finally 12 years old, the age to enroll in the Marines. My physical strength was nothing to laugh at and my devil fruit control was getting better. I could absorb things weaker than me and store objects inside my body, along with summoning small meteorites out of my body but they weren't large in number. Overall I could be a Lieutenant or a Commander as soon as I join but I have been at a bottleneck physically due to my malnourishment on this island.

I would have been long gone but the maps were incredibly overpriced and if I boarded a ship as a stowaway and got thrown in the water I would sink like I had a thousand bricks chained to my leg. I waited for the receptionist to get back the desk so I could enroll in the military. After a few simple tests and questions like if I had a devil fruit or not, I was informed a ship would pick me up to take me to the legendary land of Marineford.

It was going to take a few months supposedly but once the ship arrived, I was ecstatic. This was the first step, the beginning of my journey to being the strongest marine ever!