
Baroque Works On Little Garden

//Techno POV//

"Why do they have to continue this stupid fight?" Nami said sighing.

"Don't say that this fight is stupid!" Ussop exclaimed.

"Anyway lets go back to the ship. The pose will take one year to set so lets talk with the others." Nami said.

" Why don't we go to the other giant's place? Broggy said Luffy was there." I said.

" That's a good idea Techno. Let's go." Nami said as we started making our way into the forest towards where Broggy went.

*Some Time Later*

""EEEEEKKKKK!!! It's a dinosaur!"" Nami and Ussop shouted as they ran at speeds which really should not be possible for them in my opinion.

I jumped from one tree to another till I was above the dino. When I was right above the dino's body I shifted into beast form and fell on the dino. Let's just say the dino didn't survive the landing.

"Really guys? We're pirates but you guys are scare-" I couldn't finish what I was saying as Ussop ran towards me with tears streaming down his face.

"TECHNO!! Nami's gone!" He said in between sobs. It seems even with my presence that Baroque Works had successfully taken Nami and I'm guessing also Zoro if my memory serves me right.

"Let's look around then get to Luffy to see if he's seen her." I inform him as I begin looking for any sign of Nami. We found nothing.

I consoled Ussop and made our way into the clearing where we ran into Luffy and Vivi. There Ussop and I told them of Nami's disappearance and they told us of the rum incident with Dorry and how it exploded inside his stomach.

//3rd Person POV//

"Gotcha Dorry! This fight has continued for one century!" Broggy declared as he struck Dorry with his axe and Dorry fell.

//Techno POV//

Luffy shouted "Who Did This!! Show Yourself!!" in anger.

//3rd Person POV/

"We've fought 73,467 times and I won once." Broggy said as he began sobbing in happiness and laughed.

"Are you crying because you are happy? You have easily one over that guy. Anyway, I should thank you." A voice said.

"Crying because of happiness? What do you know!? Who are you?" Broggy replied to it.

" My code name is Mr.3. Sorry, I'm just a sculptor. This is Ms. Goldenweek. She's a portrait artist. Anyway, you've been captured by me." The man, Mr.3 said.

"Wha- What is this!?" Broggy exclaimed.

//Techno POV//

As I was in thought Ussop and Vivi were talking about going to help Dorry and Broggy when a voice interrupted

" There won't be a need for that" the voice said.

" SO IT WAS YOU WHO DID IT!!" Luffy shouted pointing at the man, who from the number on his outfit seemed to be Mr.5.

"We'll be returning this back to you! He was utterly useless to us." Mr.5 said as he tossed Carue to the ground.

" Carue!" Vivi exclaimed.

"How could you! Carue has nothing to do with this!" she continued.

"Hey, who are these guys?" Ussop asked.

" They're the guys from the previous town." Luffy told him.

" Indeed that bird is the least of your concerns. The only one we deem as a threat is you strawhat boy. So, in order to separate the princess from you we tried to get the bird to call out for the princess but he proved to be extremely stubborn." He said with anger and annoyance in his voice.

" But now that the strawhat is unable to move, this bird's of no use." He continued.

"Carue!!" Vivi shouted as she ran to the duck while Mr.5 laughed.

"Was it you that put the explosives in the rum!?"Ussop asked the man.

"Hm? Yeah it was us. Who are you anyways? Was he on the list?" Mr.5 asked his partner.

"I don't think he was, but he must be a member of his crew so it'll be best to eliminate him." She replied.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." I said. I had stayed quiet the entire time deciding to look for a good course of action.

"Oh? And who might you be?" Mr.5 asked.

"Someone who you'd rather not face." I said with a grin forming on my face.


Hello there.

It's been a while. I had my GCSE's (still have two more papers left) so I couldn't update this as I was busy studying. Now with them mostly done I'll try to upload as frequently as possible.

To new viewers, welcome. To old viewers, welcome back. I hope you enjoy this chapter and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments.