
17 Set

A small castle of victorian design surrounded by a garden of flowers and fruit trees. The patio like roof keeping a variety of plant life was full of laughter yet an eerie feeling of unease passed over the seemingly otherwise silent island. As the laughter fell to silence, a boy stood and smiled toward the other group.

No words needed to be exchanged, the groups worry filled eyes easily noticed, but the boy kept a smiling face as to try to easy the worry. Seemingly gaining whatever courage he could find within himself, the boy turned and quickly fled the area.

Upon arrival on top of the red mountain that divides the seas, the boy stood atop the edge and peered down at the few meters above the clouds. Sighing softly, he brings a card out of his pocket and crumpled it upon itself as it turned to dust. The dust flowing into a singular point as it gathered all light and repelled it, causing a pure black form to compress and turn into that of a man.

This man stood with a hand on his sword, a maniacal grin plastered to his scarred face. The bells in his hair chimed silently as he opened his eyes and stared down the boy. No words given nor offered as both drew their swords.

The clash between both swords had sent such heavy pressure to the surrounding that the once majestic sea barrier was now nothing but dust in the great ocean. The clouds seemingly ripped apart and turned to dust as well as two streaks of light clashed throughout the sky.

One of pure darkness, the other a large assortment of colors. Neither gaining any significant edge over the other, they first to lose stamina would lose but neither showed any sign of exhaustion.

The fight lasting for two weeks before both used every bit of power to deliver the final attack. Evenly powered and injured, both dove forward towards the other. Appearing meter behind one another, both turned with crazed smiled on their faces before both dropped. The man made of pure darkness faded into dust while the child landed on a newly created island. The child stood shortly after and drank a vial of liquid before disappearing.

Stepping onto the silent patio like rooftop, the boy let a tear fall before wiping it quickly. Unable to completely restrain himself, the boy gave a small smile to the group before reaching a hand out in an attempt to touch his loved ones once more.

As his hand crumbled to dust, his voice rang in the minds of the crew, 'I love you and will be back with you soon.' His arm had crumbled. The group attempting to rush to him, panickedly as the crumbling quickened with each step closer they became.

-For failing to defeat Kenpachi Zaraki, host is sent back to the moment he awoke-

The mechanical voice rang through the groups ears as the last of the boy crumbled. The world cave in upon itself and none seemed to have felt pain from the implosion. Light gathered at the dust left and absorbed the once planet and all its inhabitants.

A large gate allowed the souls to escape total annihilation as a stickman carried a single soul in his hand, "Because of that little story you spun, I will have to make you live it. I'll tweak it a bit so you have a single family member from that island. So you dont reenact everything that you already did, the quests will change as well. Do you see issue with this?"

The soul seemingly shook side to side, as if agreeing to what the stickman said. Entering into the gate before a door opened again, the stickman spoke, "The items in your inventory will be kept. Your bloodline and abilities as well. But you cant hide your eyes this time, nor are you allowed use of your banki or deathnote before you defeat Zaraki."

The soul shivered a bit before the stickman smiled, "I'll give you my blessing, it wont be very useful to you persay but it's the little things that matter."

-Recieved Hangmans blessing. Host body will nullify pain quicker-

A quiet mechanical voice rang out. The stickman cursed slightly, "I hate being a hangman more than a gatekeeper.... Sigh, off you go."

Saying so, the stickman threw the soul into another door. The door slamming shut before another stickman appeared near the first, "Got another one for you. It chose some place called DxD. Whatever that is. Hey, want to grab drinks after this?"

The first stick man sighed, "DxD is that one with your favorite neko. They almost always choose that one or Potter. I could use a drink now honestly. Let me deal with this guy and we can check out that new pub down the street."

As the duo chatted a bit before one left and a soul was brought in, the stickman sighed, "I dont get paid enough for this."


Open his eyes slowly, a boy found himself in a childs body. Three large figures stood over him, two males and a female.

"Hes going to be killed if they find him," the woman spoke.

"We are going to be killed if they find us," a man spoke.

Neither man nor woman seemed to notice the third person or that the child had awoken. The child stared at the silent person before it simply grabbed the child and disappeared.

The child, having seen a blur before feeling a sharp pain of being dropped, tried to orientate himself. His eyes seemed to focus, his shaking stopped, and he sat up. The group of people surrounding him, stared harshly until one spoke, "Join us."

"I wont. I cant," the boy said, matching eyes with the being that spoke. Not even knowing what was going on, being unable to reply, the boy had chosen to sit up and look around but his body and mouth spoke without his consent. As if moving on autopilot, the boy stood and readied to fight, "I'll never join you! I'd rather die!"

An older mans voice sounded from the distance, "Fufufu, so you wish to die? That's too good for you. You shall be forced to live forever, unable to act or move until your entire family dies out. Will you break or will they die first?"

The boy stayed silent as an invisible pressure was placed on him. A shadow engulfed the boy before he seemingly disappeared once again. The boy could only watch as his body was silently put inside the tree of knowledge. That's when it happened.

The sky turned as pale as snow as the ancient voice, that placed the boy inside the tree, was hit by an object that ripped apart his very soul and with it the start of many massacres.

The boy could only watch as many died around his tree prison. One fateful day, a cheer rang out through the world as many voices yelled in pleasure, "We have defeated the invaders!"

The races that were left simply picked up and tried to go back to any semblance of normal they could find. The standing tree of knowledge brought hope to those who had seen it withstand every attack thrown near it. The tree was idolized and many spoke to it, as if a living being, spilling their secrets.

The years passed as the boy inside the tree had truely learned every possible thing the researchers had to offer. Funnily enough, the boy had no idea how many years really passed. Not until he saw the fire, starting in his own prison like home. He was unable to do anything as the island burned. Once no surviving members were on the island, the tree glowed and gained anyone who could sees attention.

The tree was froze as was a portion of the surrounding area before a group of people came to observe the tree. As the tree itself began to glow brighter, it slowly peeled apart until the base of it was left, a boys unharmed body laid unconscious.

None of the observers spoke. One tried to burn the body but it wouldnt even singe his hair. Another tried to freeze the body but not even a snowflake appeared. One cut the body in half but no blood spilled, dust simply fell before the body recollected together. Unsure of what to do, they placed seastone on the boy and tried again to no avail.

Instead they were greeted with the boy slowly sitting up and touching his head, his eyes closed. The man of lava simply frowned and punched the kids head to knock him back out. His fist missing by a hairs width as the boys head dipped to the side as if he was confused.

A soft tone rang in the boys head.

-System reboot established. New tab created. Host wish to look at new tab?- -Y/N?-

The boy stayed silent as he gathered his bearings and moved his body. A voice spoke nearby him as he slowly opened his eyes to the blinding light, "Boy, who are you and how did you come out of a tree?"

The boy stayed quiet as he kept him head down, blinking and trying to adjust to the light. The soft voice rang in his head again.

-Host is advised to wear sunglasses-

The boy slowly put his hand in his sleeve and took a pair of sunglasses out, slowly putting them on before raising his head and looking at the group. The boy shook his head, not speaking, before yawning silently and closing his eyes.


Opening his eyes again, the boy was in a room on a ship. Sitting up as he noticed someone in the room, watching him. The boy looked around before meeting eyes with the man. The man watched the boy with amused eyes before speaking, "You alright there kid?"

The boy didnt answer. A soft voice played in his mind.

-Mission: Find the last descendant-

-Clue 1: Descendant is a male, in the marines-

-Clue 2: Based in Marine HQ-

-You have 2 days upon arriving at the island to find 'him'-

The boy uncovered his body and began to undress. The man seemed confused but chose to continue observing the boy regardless. Finally naked, the boy started putting on clothes that simply appeared in his hands, one piece at a time.

The man squinted a bit, "Where did you get those clothes from boy? They look odd on you."

The boy glanced at the man before fixing his clothes and putting on his ragged looking sleeveless overcoat. Looking over his outfit, the boy grinned a bit and handed the man a note.

Raising an eyebrow, the man read the note; 'Burn after reading. I have no name, at least that I can remember. My last family member is at marine HQ. I wish to join the marines in hope of finding my family. As the three have confirmed, I'm unkillable.'

The man burned the note but shook his head, "Can you speak?"

The boy nodded then shook his head. Confused, the man spoke, "Do you know who you're looking for?"

The boy shook his head before writing, 'I'll know when I see him. One of my abilities.'

The man nodded, "What other abilities do you have?"

'Cant say until I meet the fleet admiral.'

"What can you tell me? I'm friends with the fleet admiral, you know."

'Are you going to tell anyone else?'

"No. I promise."

'Since I'm not human, I cant eat human food. I have 3 types of things I can 'eat'. One is tea. Would you like some?'

"No, I'm alright."

The boy nodded and sat at the table with the man, setting a glass saucer, fancy cup, and tea pot down. After pouring a cup, the boy sipped on the tea and wrote, 'Any more questions?'

"Yeah, where are you getting these things?" the man asked with a smile.

'One of my abilities I can tell you about. It's like a bottomless pocket, storing and preserving everything put inside it.'

"What all is in it?"

'Food, drinks, clothes, weapons, furniture, daily necessities, medicine, etc.'

"Oh? What weapons will a kid have?"

The boy didnt respond as he looked at his hands with a slight frown. Noticing the boys unamused mood, the man shook his head, "Forget it. Can you change into a more 'civilian' look?"

The boy sighed but nodded and wrote, 'Is a suit alright?'

"Yes that should be fine," the man said amusedly.

The boy sighed again and mentally thought, 'Can I use a ticket to get the 10th dr outfit?'

-Yes. Gained Outfit of the 10th Doctor-

The boy swiftly changed into his fancy suit, 'Better?'

"You look silly. Your hair makes it hilarious," the man laughed quietly.

The boy nodded and brought out a tablet, placing the kickstand out and opened selfie mode. Using the tablet as a mirror, the boy combed his hair and fixed it to be like 'Aizen' from bleach. With a slight smirk, the boys face shifted to look similar to Aizen himself.

"What is that thing? What happened to your face? What the fuck?" the man said as he watched.

'Secret.' the boy wrote.

The man seemed unamused, "We are...."

The boy tuned out, knowing what the man was going to say. The soft voice in his head was already informing him.

-2 hours until docking at the Marine HQ. Proximity has started the mission, Good Luck Host-