
In omniverse with abaility creation

Reincarnated into the vast Marvel multiverse, Jack adopts the appearance of Anos Voldigoad, a character from his own world. Armed with incredible abilities and a limitless potential, he embarks on a thrilling quest that takes him through the many dimensions of the Marvel universe. Jack's journey is filled with epic battles, unexpected alliances, and the discovery of secrets that could reshape entire realities.

Sandesh_Belbase · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Creation of my system and unlocking my powers

[Marvel Multiverse] [Milky Way Galaxy] [Planet Earth] [Unknown Location]


When I opened my eyes after what felt like an eternity, I found myself in a rather peculiar setting.

Naked and lying on the ground, I quickly assessed my new surroundings. The terrain was a vast desert with extreme temperatures.

"So, I'm in some kind of desert. Before anything else, let me establish my priorities," I contemplated.

"Let's start by test-driving the Ability Creation," I thought. The power of creation seemed fitting for my current predicament.

I sat cross-legged and focused on the ability I desired: Creation. I felt the rush of creative energy flowing through my entire being, imbuing every cell.

Next, I decided to create a basic system to keep track of my growing skills. Using my newfound power of Creation, I designed my own sentient AI to serve as the foundation of this system.


[System at your service, master,] I heard a cold, emotionless mechanical voice in my head. It was a sign of a successful creation.

"How does your complete model feel?" I inquired.

[The basic programming of my makeup is without any further problems, master,] the AI responded.

"Let's customize you a little bit; we can't have you speaking in that cold, genderless voice," I suggested.

[I am okay with any modifications you want, my creator,] it replied.

"Change your voice to a female," I commanded.

[Carrying out tasks... modifying voice to female... Task completed,] it responded. The new voice was more pleasing to my ears.

A sudden thought crossed my mind: why not give it a name? Calling it 'system' all the time was rather monotonous.

"Let me give you a name," I said.

[I would be honestly grateful for that, master,] it replied.

"From now on, your name shall be... Alice," I declared.

As if a switch had been flipped, Alice squealed happily, expressing unexpected emotion. It seemed that naming had a certain power over things or beings, as her emotional awareness had been heightened. This would help her better understand my needs.

"Do you like it?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

[Yeah, I love it very much. Master, giving me a name means so much to me. From now on, I will be Alice,] she replied.

"Okay, Alice, I know you will help me, and please stop calling me master; you can just call me Anos Voldigoad."


"I understand I am your creator and all that. Just Anos is fine, okay?" I interjected.

[Okay, Anos,] she said, somewhat defeated.

"Yes, that's better. Can you show me my current location?"

[Anos, you are currently in the southern part of the Sahara Desert,] Alice informed me.

"So that old man ROB dropped me in the Sahara Desert of all places," I muttered. "Okay, Alice, could you show me my current status?"

[Yes, Anos.]

[Showing status board]

[Name: Anos Voldigoad

Title: Traveler, Anomaly

Race: Human

Bloodline: Voldigoad Bloodline (Locked)

Age: 1 hour in current life (18 in former life)

Tier: 10-A

Ocular Power: {Magic Eyes of Destruction: Deconstruction, Mind Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Power Nullification These magic eyes are capable of "destroying" everything in user' sight, including a person's mind and power itself. They can automatically "destroy" powers attempting to affect user, making them the ultimate anti-power} (Locked)

{Magic Eyes of Purple Destruction: Existence Erasure, Regeneration Negation, Fate Manipulation, Greater Power Nullification, Law Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3) suppressed form of the Magic Eye of Chaotic Destruction)} (Locked)

{Magic Eye of Chaotic Destruction: Chaos Manipulation, Greater Existence Erasure, Greater Power Nullification, Logic Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Greater Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3). The power of this magic eye is the essence of destruction but in chaotic form. It can destroy even the indestructible, shattering order and reason.} (Locked)

Powers and Abilities:

Creation: can create anything

{Omniverse Travel: can travel between other multiverses and omnivores}(locked)

{Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Extrasensory Perception, Enhanced Senses, Immortality (Types 2, 3, 4, 5, 8), Godly Regeneration, Limited Abstract Existence, Transcendence of causality, Photographic memory, Power Mimicry, Absorption, Corrosion Inducement, Fear Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Telepathy, Creation, Illusion Creation, Invisibility, Forcefield Creation, Dimensional Travel, Teleportation, Curse Manipulation, Power Bestowal, Power Nullification, Existence Erasure, Immortality negation (Types 2, 3, 4, 8), Probability Manipulation, Abstract Existence, Immortality Negation, Cosmic Awareness, Time Manipulation} (Locked)


{Sword of Destruction Venuzdonoa:

This sword can destroy all things in creation, regardless of their toughness, eternality, or infiniteness. It obliterates all reason, rendering everything meaningless.

Powers and Abilities:

Existence Erasure, Logic Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3)} (Locked)

"Alice, why are all of my powers, besides 'Creation,' locked?" I asked.

[Anos, your powers, besides 'Creation,' are locked because you don't have enough energy to unlock them,] Alice explained.

"[But if I don't have the energy to unlock my powers, how was I able to create you?] I inquired.

[Anos, your Creation ability is different from other abilities; it uses the energy of origin for creation,] Alice clarified.

"Okay, I understand. Can you create a unique and powerful energy source for me and make it infinite?" I asked.

[Synthesizing, analyzing origin energy present in the host... Generating infinite energy...] Alice worked her magic.

[Host has acquired an origin energy breeder reactor,] Alice announced.

[Due to quintessence force, the host has acquired infinite stamina and infinite regeneration,] she continued.

[Host has unlocked all of his powers and bloodline,] Alice added.

[voldigoad bloodline reacting with origin energy.... the evolution of voldigoad bloodline detecting.... Evolving voldigod bloodline... successful] Alice added.

I was shocked to learn that my bloodline had evolved. "Increase my thought-processing capabilities, Alice."

[Operation commencing...] Alice responded.

[The skills 'Accelerated Thought Processing' and 'Parallel Processing' have been synthesized,] she reported.

With these skills in place, I felt my thoughts racing faster than ever, processing in parallel at an incredible speed.

(3rd Person POV)

While Anos was conversing with Alice, the world outside was in chaos. Anos' unlocking and bloodline evolution had released a shockwave of pure origin energy, alerting cosmic and abstract beings across the multiverse.


"Okay, Alice, create every nullification," I instructed.

Alice swiftly responded, [Pain nullification, physical attack nullification, instant death nullification, existential erasure nullification, power nullification, reality-warping nullification—synthesized.]

"Hey, Alice, could you create a fake identity and a bank account for me?" I asked.

[Creating a fake identity and bank account—completed,] Alice confirmed.

With my new identity established in this world, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Once more, I asked to see my updated status.