
In Office Hours

24 year-old college graduate Liv Spade enters the realm of journaling--what she's always dreamed of. When attractive men in business suits are thrown into the mix how will she ever focus on getting the editors job she wants? It's not everyday that every man in the office falls in love with you..who will she choose?

NoelleClarke · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Party Time

I looked down at my phone, locking and unlocking the screen with impatience that Sara would finally text me that she was here. I yearned for the night to be over with and deal with the many other problematic things in my life. Then again, I wanted to avoid those issues all together.

The past couple of weeks has forced me into a reclusive state to where I avoided Sam and Nolan at all costs. I felt the need to step back and take a look at the shit show unfolding in front of me. I had no intentions of thinking about those two tonight--at all. It was a party for my father, one he's had every year. It's more of a charitable event, and the proceeds go to I think orphan foundations and help raise funds for children. It's one of the largest events in NYC each year and my father and his wife were the spotlight. The auction is held in the lobby, circling back around to the main room where tables and food were set up in. Lastly, a stage sat at the far end of the room where my father would make most of his appearance tonight.

Even with all of this inherited money and fame, I wasn't center of attention thank goodness. All eyes were usually on my step mother, not that I'm complaining.

*Buzz buzz* I whip my phone back out and stare at the screen. Finally! Sara was waiting outside and so I rushed to the front doors where I ushered her inside around the valets.

"The only party I look forward to." Sara giggles and flicks her blonde curls to the side. This was the one night she absolutely dolls herself up for. She always says that she could find her soulmate at this event-- a rich one.

"You look amazing." I praise with a smile that made her blush.

"No dates for you tonight?" She teases and I shake my head in response.

"I have avoided those thoughts for too long! I can't imagine that happening. Tonight is all about my dad! And lucky for me that I won't see those two here tonight!" We walked, linked arms, and loitered over the items being auctioned for charity. We couldn't believe the amount of money people were actually putting out for this.

"Look at my best girls!" An older man called behind us that made Sara smile ear to ear. She had a thing for my dad, apparently he's a 'dilf'.

Sara broke arms with me and ran up to hug him, kissing his cheek as she did. "It's always good to see you Mr. Spade!"

Her dad smiled and returned the hug. "I'm glad you could make it as always, Sara. Liv, you're such a supportive daughter!"

I nod. "Of coarse dad." At the same moment, a woman slithered up the side of her father. Her elongated designer nails gripped the edge of his shoulder in a sensual way that made me baby barf in my throat.

Her father wrapped his arm around the woman's waist to hug her close.

"Hello Liv." She gave me a smirk then whispered something into my dads ear.

"Well we best being going." He said. "You two have fun."

Sara waved at my dad then shifted her gaze to me. "What a bitch." She mouthed.

I nodded and shrugged my shoulders, not really caring.

"Let's get a drink." I pressure and Sara happily agreed.

"Two champagne please." I pat the palms of my hands on the bar counter, waiting patiently. Sara had wandered off into the crowd, probably scoping out any newly rich endeavors.

"Now how did I not know you were the daughter of Mr. Spade?" A cool voice came for the left of me at the bar. I turned my head to see a man sipping from a bourbon glass. His hair was slick back and his tie was loosely tied.

At first I didn't realize who it was then I remember—Owen, one of the editors at the office.

"Mr. —"

"Owen." He gives a large grin.

"Owen." I breath out.

It was silent for a moment then the bar tender finally brought me the glasses of alcohol.

"Enjoy the party, Miss Spade." He tilts his short glass up and gives me a subtle wink.

I cringe and quickly walk away to find Sara.

What is it with these men?

I turned my head back to the bar and noticed Owen was speaking to someone else and not staring me, thank god.

I picked up the pace and turned back around but my walking speed collided into someone tall.

Unfortunately for me, the glasses spilt backwards onto my dress.

Great, I thought. The sudden coldness of liquid made me get goose bumps and I immediately shot my face upwards.

"Do you not have eyes?" I hissed.

Instant regret seeped into me as I was locked onto a set of caramel orbs.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

The corner of his puckered lips curled into a smile. "Hello, princess."

What the fuck was Nolan doing at this party? I've never seen him in all the years my father has held it. This was ridiculous and obvious the work of my step mom.

I forgot that I was standing in a sticky mess from the champagne and quickly ran away from Nolan and left the empty glasses on a near by tray.

"This isn't happening." I told myself. I was trying to avoid him and here he is. His appearance pulled me into an attraction for him. I couldn't help but absorb his features and boy were they good.

I immediately pushed myself into the nearest custodial closet and heaved with anxiety.

"Shit.." I murmured as I heard a knock at the door.

"Liv?" Nolan evidently followed me but before I could protest, he entered the small closet and closed the door behind him.

"Can't a girl get some privacy?" I say defensively.

I begin to find something to wipe myself with in hopes to fix it.

"Here let me help." His voice was calming and smooth. Typically Nolan is coarse and dominating, never gentle.

Nolan reached up and took some hand clothes to bring them to me. He pays one on my arm as I pat the other. I attempted to pull away from him but he gripped my arm firmly.

Gentleness didn't last long.

"What are you doing here?" I finally blurt out as he continues across my collarbone and to the nape of my neck.

"Charity of coarse." He speaks with a blank expression that was hard for me to read.

"You need to leave." I state.

The sudden defiance peaked his interest, forcing his eyes to lift up to look at me.

"And let you get scooped up by a rich asshole? No thanks."

I roll my eyes and mutter under my breath that made him chuckle.

"My love life is none of your concern."

Nolan smiles and works the towel to the back of my neck, making me unaware of his next actions. He wraps his warm fingers around the back of my neck, pulling me forward with force and pressing his lips against my ear.

"It is my concern. You listened so well when I told you to stop seeing Sam."

I grimace and internally yell at myself. He's right. I stopping getting involved with the two them. I didn't even realize that I complied with his demands.

His breath was cool and minty against my skin, leaving a stinging pleasurable sensation behind. I almost couldn't take it.

"Good girl." He lowers his voice, rubbing my bare skin with his thumb.

I immediately melted, feeling a sweet tingling jolt between my thighs as if this behavior turns me on. I didn't want to submit.

"You're a dick." I manage to say.

"And you're mine." He hissed with such assurance before releasing my neck.

"Turn around." He commands.

I shake my head in defiance but immediately felt Nolan turn me around himself.

"Hey!" I protest but Nolan quickly unzipped the dress I was wearing, letting it fall to the floor.

I could feel a cold breeze whip against my skin. I was only wearing underwear as I didn't need a bra under the strapless dress I wore. I was completely exposed.

Nolan stared down my back, taking in the curves and spine lining down to my underwear.

"I need clothes!" I squeal in annoyance, attempting to cover my breasts with my arms. This was insane. I hadn't spoken to Nolan in weeks. He's hot and cold, but tonight he was on fire.

"You think I'm going to let someone else see this?" He steps closer to me, forcing me forward into the wall. He pressed into my backside, trailing his fingers across my shoulder blade.

"Touch this?" His breath fanned my hair as his hands made their way to the front of my body and to my breast.


My words were cut short when Nolan took my jaw and turned it to the side to look at him. His eyes were staring down at me, unable to break contact. My breathing hitched in my throat as I grew nervous.

"You think I'd let someone else bring you pleasure?" His voice was seductive, reeling me in with such force that I almost fell to the bite.

His hand placed itself on my breast, kneading it gently that made me gasp. I could feel a warmth rise within my face but his touch made me wet.

"Let someone else fuck you?" Raspy now, his voice rose in dominate anger. I could feel the grip on my breast become tighter, leaving a whitened ring around my nipple as he did.

"Nolan.." I couldn't believe his actions right now. From the first time we had sex to the time he was in my apartment, I'm starting to realize that this was who he is.

And I think I like it.