
In Nica's Shadow

NOTE: This story is discontinued and completed. It was written at a time I was very sick and thought. It would not turn out well. I have shifted the energy of writing to a new story that is a more intense form of BDSM and romance but doesn't delve as deeply in pending death and doom. In the realm where mortals tread, I observe their frantic scurrying, stumbling from grace, and bowing before false deities. They sacrifice kin and companions, seeking fleeting solace. The art of traversing known realms and conquering fear eludes them. I have allowed them to wander aimlessly for far too long. The foul scent of hope pollutes the world as they yield to fear, devoid of valor and pride. I dispatched my begotten sons, time and again, to seduce and ravage the sins of the masses, heralding an era of death and desire. Plagues and wars unfurled as my sons painted the world in chaos. A sly grin emerges upon my lips, for I delight in the spectacle. It reminds me of a nursery rhyme from a bygone era, whispered at a child's bedside. The darkness weaves strange reminiscences of the bittersweet. A child afflicted by plague's boils and the mother's dread realization of transmitting her malady. Through the ages, naught has changed since their first steps upon the earth. Agony and despair linger in the air, the essence and longing of existence. Amidst the apparent serenity, a subtle note of turmoil wafts—a melody of corrupted souls. For even in their docility, these creations can wield ruthlessness. Alas, they revere strength, unaware that the mightiest often shatter, crying like infants as their bones snap between my fingers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Should you seek a tale of systematic oppression, generational torment, vile assault, and the macabre, I extend an invitation to the narrative of innocence's demise—the beauty found within life's darkest corners. The battle yet wages, and perchance, as my final thoughts manifest, redemption shall unfold its melodic strains. Or perchance, I shall pen their ultimate sentence—an exquisite requiem, unbridling my vengeance in the shadows cast by Nica.

DerekJPerna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

CH 34 - Olivia's Return

Olivia growls as she enters the cave systems. Anger drips from her body as she moves through the caverns. Deep within the depths, creatures scurry to hide from her wrath as she knows a new creature exists.

A new monster who has escaped the clutches of normalcy. Raising to the point of prominence in defiance of everything that they stand for. These creatures have no understanding of the way the world works. The dire account is that balance is the key to everything.

A deep guttural growl escapes her lips as she has to find another creature. Some other girl to entertain the deviant that is, the Oracle.

His kind are the terrible, disgusting monsters that exist in the world. The defilers of the weaker enslaving such creatures are rather sickening. If proper power is obtained, that power should be used to conquer the Gods. Spitting her dark venom on the ground.

Turning down the cavern towards the prisoner's chambers, Olivia passes through the rooms of the Seers and the Outliers, who are waiting to serve the Oracle. They are kept waiting through purification rituals until the Oracle grows tired of his current desire. The monsters have an unquenchable thirst, and when they are not appropriately fed, their hunger gets the best of them, and they hunt the villagers.

A strange sound comes behind the door as Olivia passes the Oracle's cell. As she looks into the cell, she sees blood dripping from the girl's mouth. She twists her fingers across the handle and wonders what the creature is doing. He is so incredibly vicious that he causes her to bite off her tongue.

The violence of the act is almost indescribable, the way he is moving against the girl. The pleading in her eyes almost seems different, as if her eyes are as black as the Oracles once were. The room has a stench of discomfort and death almost.

Shaking her head at the despicable nature of these weak creatures. Moving further into the cave systems, the tiny hairs on the back of Olivia's neck rise. There is the sense of something different, almost wrong.

Stepping down the caverns, a cold wind blows across her face sending shivers down her spine. As a soft gasp escapes her lips, she is flung violently to the cave's wall.

A large dark hand holds grasps her neck as a demonic creature holds her up quickly. The creature's dark glowing eyes are foreboding as if something has happened. The fact that it even attempted to gain entry into the tunnels that it is far too large for is terrifying. Looking into the horned face of the demon, Olivia tries to look anywhere but its eyes.

"Where were you?" the God of Deception commands.

"I was in the villages..."

"How long...."

"Weeks, my Lord."

Olivia struggles for her breath as the clawed hand grasps her neck tightly. Her eyes dim as darkness seeps into the edges of her mind. Feeling at the edge of her lightheadedness, she struggles to breathe. Grasping at the clawed hands feasibly, she works to catch her breath as the dead red eyes stare at her lacking all emotions.

"You weren't here a few days ago?" God commands.

"No, I wasn't."

The demon slams her head against the wall as she feels herself fading. The darkness enters her eyes as she feels her body losing its strength. As her last gasping breath leaves her, God's grip loosens as he takes her head quickly within his hand. As she tries to resist with every fiber of her strength, she screams in terror as her memories are ripped violently from her mind. Searching her eyes and his memories as he recalls the last few weeks.

His anger intensifies as he is not finding what he wants. She doesn't know what he wants, what he is hoping to find, but his grip is tightening upon her skull. Blood seeps out of her ears as she begs for her life, hating herself for how pitiful she is. The memories are searched as she loses all her senses of time and everything that harasses her mind. Her body trembles as she feels warmth drip down her leg as the pain is overwhelming.

"Sera," the Demon growls.

"Wh...what?" Olivia stammers.

The demon throws her across the cave to the ground, his mind viciously dismissing her as her ribs crack upon impact. Growling, the God moves forward, "That creature, that curse upon the world, you know her."

"Yes, I know her. I don't remember the last time..."

"You spoke to her earlier this week. You sent her to kill the Outlier and the Seer who escaped. What possessed you to do such a thing!?"

"They were meant for the Oracle; he needs his prizes. He never stopped talking about them."

"The Oracle is dead..."

"Dead? I just saw him..." Olivia stammers... "Let me show you. I promise he is just in his room."

"That thing has no memories; it doesn't exist. It merely fucks and devours. Its brain snapped when you... when you killed its prize. But then again, I can see in your memories that you didn't kill that piece of meat. Something else did, and I feel that something you did insult the shapeshifter. Do you remember what that was and where you can find her?"

"I forget, you took it from me..."

The demon walks up to her and grips her head once more, and as a loud growl escapes its lips, the memories flood her mind. She pushed the terror off the creature's mind and saw the oracle as the demon tried to read her. The hate, loathing fear of the prophet's prey and her memories are flooding back.

The anger, the hatred, the hurt, the feeling of being nothing but a game. The feeling of hunger and desire, all the emotions of every torture, enter her mind as the Demon unleashes the weight of the defining sorrow upon her, sharing the memories without any rhyme or reasons behind them.

As Olivia grasps the last resemblance of hope, she hears a cackling in her mind as she sends Sera on her mission. She was warned to be careful about who she insults, for the real monsters don't care who they destroy. Revenge is the sweetest when it is given without mercy.

The cackling of Sera's voice reverberates in her mind as the darkness of the emotions sent to her mind overwhelms her. The pain of everything torn from her shoved back without thought of where it goes... brings the night. As her mind shuts down in defense, she struggles, spasming in utter defiance as her body accepts memories long after she has lost consciousness. Entirely at the Gods' will, Olivia weeps in the depths of her nightmares.