
the end of the rescue temarie's turn in bed.

they arrived a short time later only to find that sakura was pinned to a wall by a steak while kakashi was wounded in his left arm.

naru was fighting sasori and doing pretty well but sasori had managed to pinpoint the exact location of her giant rasengan's weakness

ian managed to stop the steak sasori launched using a two figer sword catch.

he turned to naru and said. "you best tend to your sensei and let me handle this bastard."

"so you want to die first." said sasori stepping up.

"i was saving this technique for your leader but i guess it won't hurt to give you a sample." said ian as he stepped forward to fast sasori he shifted into a stance his legs bent towards one another his arms pulled up in what appeared to be a low boxing guard.

"heh fine then i will ablige your death wish." said saasori he then rushed ian launching a steak towards ian ian deflected it towards a wall.

but sasori pulled a kunai from his wrist and he went to slash ian only to find ian dodged it leaving an after image sasori's sensess where telling him to avoid being hit by this boy and he did so dodging ian's punch saasori launched a blast of kunai at him but ian simply deflected them.

sasori then launched a chained steak that would have killed him but ian caught it and tugged him straight towards him sasori managed to sever the chain before standing on the roof he bombarded ian with a multitude of blades when ian suddenly teleported.

"no way a hiraishiin no jutsu." said naru.

but it wasn't that as ian was channeling his sage chakra into his legs and running at speeds beyond even naru's eye's and naru was one fast girl.

ian appeared before sasori and before he knew it sasori was blitzed with a multitude of punches before two hooks hit his temples and an elbow hit his skull the punch blows reverted sasori's body to normal clay witch ian speirced his left temple with one finger.

"the moment i remove my finger you die." ian said.

"no you can't be serious he struck his tokettsu points." said anko.

"what i struck is not a tokketsu point but is one of the three hundred and seven tsudo points of his body these are different as tokketsu points are merradians that channel chakra but tsudo are merradians that channel life force as such tsudo are by far the more deadlier." ian stated as he suddeny removed his finger.

"ni'i chin shura." ian said. (simplified chinese dialect you're already dead.) said the boy as he walked towards sakura and gently removed the steak from her shoulder before healing her with his evergreen palm technique.

ian smiled as sasori's body expanded from the inside out and exploded.

the two akatsuki members met with a grim fate.


nagato was speechless that ian boy had killed sasori and daedara both of witch were on sanin level and he did it with his barehands albiet he did use summoning and some sort of fire release jutsu to deal with daedara's bombs.

"this boy is as about as dangerous as naru and minako are to my plans." said nagato.

(meanwhile back at the village sunagakure.)

with granny chiyo's sacrafice garrei lived but the team realized they needed to train harder than before meanwhile ian was relaxing ontop of the kazekage's office enjoying the sunset thanks to his constent use of nature chakra ian had a serine veiw of the world like everything was as it should be.

"hey ian kun." said a voice.

it was temarei and she reeked of alcohol.

"heh heh you know your pretty cute." she said as she placed a deep kiss into ian's mouth.

"temarei your intoxicated we shouldnt do this or you'll regret it." said ian.

"but all the guys in my village are old farts and i want a boyfriend to hold me to kiss me to love me and to keep me warm at night."

true in the desert the nights could go from being cold to down right tundra level freezing.

"fine just don't hate me later." said ian he picked temarei up princess style and took her to his exclusive room since after all he was the only boy.

(is it really a clan restoration act if i didn't even have a clan shouldnt it be the clan foundation act.) ian thought as he lay her down he removed her black kimona then her under shirt then her mail then finally her bra and her thong.

he also undid her hair he then kissed her while fingering her sacred crack

he massaged both her walls and her tongue with his administrations before he pulled back placing a chaste kiss on her nose he lifted her into his lap holding her hand he slipped inside her tearing her hymen.

ian then proceeded to make love to her gently kissing fondling and hugging her well into the night

before they knew it the two reached their orgasm as cum filled temarei's womb and he lay their holding her her face burried in his chests and her hand still held in his grasp.

minato and baki woke up early to get there teams ready however when baki could not find temarei he asked her siblings to find her until he realized where she was.

"oh shit." said baki

the siblings found temarei laying with ian curled up she opened her eyes finding her siblings and best friends seeing her with ian.

her face turned beet red and she fled the room in tears.

ian heard crying and he sat up to see temarei fleeing.

"ian i know you have the rights to the clan foundation act but seriously." said minato.

anko gave ian a thumbs up.

minako sighed.

sakura blushed

while naru just stood there confused

Yoshiko had a smirk on her face

while the two suna siblings tried to comfort their sibling.

ian and his crew left but not before temarei ran upto ian and hugged him.

"i'll come see you next time i go to konoha." she said.

"same here.' ian said with a smile.

he kissed her on the cheek and they left.