
In naruto world with kof martial arts.

I died fighting my childhood bully now god resurrects me in the naruto. World with the martial arts skills of kyo terry Andy ryo Robert geese and regal.where Hinata Sakura tamari Ino and the lead male Genin now female are my concubines.

ian_brooks · Anime & Comics
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living with tsunade (rated r-18 for some limes)

When i arrived at the house belonging to the senju clan i was greeted by the two women living there one was Tsunade and the other was a women with black hair Shizune.

"Welcome to your new home ian kun," said Shizune "i hear you're a taijutsu expert may i see what you know?"

i pulled into my stance and prepaired to spar with shizune.

I was using kusunagi no ken and shizune came at him with a peircing hand i rolled across the ground and came up going for style 100: burning demon the rising spining back fist combined with the flames of the style use'd the power of fire to knock her flying then i jumped up preforming a flaming circle kick and a axe kick in style 101: hazey wheel.

shizune couldn't help but be impressed but she wanted to see him fight without his magic styles.

"show me what you can do normaly?" she asked

I nodded i assumed a stance of a forward horse with my palms held out she came at me going for a rush of punches but i carefully timed my palms using them to parry her punches then countered with a step in elbow thrust called shimon chouchu.

then i used a swift rush of punches and back knuckles to force her into defense then broke through her defense with a move called byakko soushoha witch in english means white tiger double palm wave. the blow knocked her back she rushed me going for a slash with her scalpel but i stepped into her blindside and preformed a moukoh kouhazan this move is a shifting arm thrust with a stomp that puts one's entire mass into their fist simular to how one would do a one inch punch combined with a step in straight and karate thrust.

she was knocked into a tree and i moved faster than she could see shifting my weight as i preformed a roundhouse fist aimed at her temple but shizune simply caught it and laughed.

'that's enough Ian-kun." she said you have a unique taijutsu style whatever it is called it can clearly be cultivated with tsunade's guidence.

shizune lead me to one room where i could stay she told me that if i ever needed anything i should knock on her or tsunade's door.

"why don't you go take a bath!" she offered.

little did shizune know that tsunade was in the bath at the time.

after removing his clothes Ian opened the door only to find tsunade naked.

she turned towards him.

then a smile broke out on her face.

"You want to share a bath with me?' she asked

ian sat in the tub with tsunade's two huge melons pressed against his back

"ian-kun relax," she said "just enjoy the bath."

she began washing ian's back and then she began washing his chest witch felt great her hand's were so soft hard to belive from a woman who was reknowned for her super strength.

as she soon reached and grabbed ian's member she gently washed it then she helped him dry off.

surprised when she noticed the unique scar on his neck.

as the day grew later tsunade had ian practice the art of meditation surprising her ian had actually managed to grasp the fundamental method's of nature chakra.

shizune wooped.

tsunade decided it was best if she had a little talk with ian later.

ian was resting in his room when there came a knock.

"hey ian sweetie can i come in." she asked.

"it's okay." i said

tsunade came in ian didn't notice she was wearing a firm fitting night gown that left little to his imagination she lay down by his side. "now ian sweetie please understand i have only loved one man in my lifetime and that was my dan."

she wrapped her arm's around his head and pulled him into her breast.

"But if i were to love another man it would be you." she said smiling

'guh her breath reeks of alchohal' ian thought.

"so you can always come to me if you want to mess around."