
Chapter 8: Using Modern Martial Art in Sparring?

While he was thinking and resting suddenly someone called him.

"Hey," a voice called from nearby.

Itsuki looked up to see Shikamaru, hands in his pockets as usual, standing a few feet away. "Mind if I sit?"

"Go ahead," Itsuki replied, shifting slightly to make room.

Shikamaru plopped down next to him, leaning back against the tree with a sigh. "Man, this whole thing's such a drag, isn't it?"

Itsuki raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"This academy stuff," Shikamaru continued, staring up at the clouds. "It's not like we're really learning anything new. Not for people like you and me, anyway."

Itsuki didn't respond immediately, sensing that Shikamaru was one of the few students who might have already seen through his calm exterior. "What makes you think that?"

Shikamaru shrugged. "I dunno. You're different. You don't act like the other kids, and you don't seem like someone who's just starting out with this ninja stuff."

Itsuki chuckled softly. "I guess I just pick things up quickly."

Shikamaru gave him a sidelong glance. "Maybe. But I think there's more to it than that."

*This guy is Dangerously smart and sharp. He really lives up to his Reputation being the Smartest In the Hidden Leaf and having over 200 Iq.

Before Itsuki could respond, the sound of approaching footsteps caught their attention. It was Ino and Choji, the rest of Shikamaru's team.

"There you are, Shikamaru!" Ino called, her tone both exasperated and amused. "We've been looking for you. You're always disappearing during lunch."

"Yeah," Choji added between bites of chips. "We're supposed to be training together, remember?"

Shikamaru sighed. "Such a drag…"

Ino rolled her eyes and fell on Itsuki. "Oh, you're the new kid, right? Itsuki Tanaka?"

"That's right. Am I that handsome for you to remember me?" I can't believe I'm saying that to a kid! Am I pedophile!? This isn't right, I should focus and think that this isn't right.

Ino flashed him a bright smile and blush. "You're quite handsome and your hair made you look more appealing and your weird eyes. Anyway You're pretty quiet, aren't you? I was starting to wonder if you were just shy or something."

"Just… focused," Itsuki said, choosing his words carefully.

"Well, don't be too serious all the time," Ino said, waving a hand dismissively. "We're all in this together, right? You'll fit in soon enough."

"Thanks," Itsuki replied with a small nod.

As the group settled around him, Itsuki felt a strange sense of ease. These were people he had watched through a screen, but now they were his classmates, his potential allies. It was still surreal, but slowly, the lines between his old life and this one were beginning to blur. He was no longer just an observer and he was no longer Itsuki Tanaka on Earth but Itsuki Tanak in this new world and he was part of their world now. I hope my Family will Move on on me sooner.

As the afternoon passed and training resumed, Itsuki found himself in a sparring session with Naruto and Kiba, the two of them exchanging playful banter as they prepared to test their taijutsu skills. Naruto, ever the energetic one, bounced on his feet, while Kiba grinned with eager anticipation.

"Don't hold back, Itsuki!" Naruto shouted, raising his fists. "I wanna see what you've got!"

"Naruto is right, Itsuki, Don't hold back on us! Kiba shouted and agreeing with Naruto.

Itsuki smirked, positioning himself in a ready stance. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you or I'm being unfair."

As Itsuki is thinking what Kind of move he should use on both of them "should I use taekwondo or Muay thai but I don't know those moves if I only watched them when I was on earth I would be able to use them using my infinite mirror eyes by watching them on my mind and copy it, I guess I should use a Boxing arts, should I use Muhammad or Tyson but then again, I never seen or watched their match I only watched a boxing match one time and it was a fight between Mayweather and Pacquiao. I guess I should pick one of those two which moves and the style I would use."

While he was thinking Naruto suddenly charged forward, throwing a punch, Itsuki sidestepped easily, his body moving with fluid precision. Kiba followed up with a sweeping kick, but Itsuki ducked just in time, using his agility and eyes to avoid the hit.

The sparring continued, and though Naruto and Kiba were fast and strong but in Itsuki their move is too slow, his movements are too smooth and calculated.

Kiba shouted and stop "Hey Itsuki! How can you Dodge our attacks like you're predicting them? It's like you can see our movements and attacks!"

"Kiba is right, Itsuki! Stop dodging and fight back, Itsuki."

Itsuki smirk and think "well I could really predict your movements since my eyes is a mix sharingan and six eyes and my eyes isn't just an eyes, unlike sharingan having only three tomoe while mine having six tomoes. Hehe" since you ask for it then I will fight back.

Itsuki began to prepare and Stance and started jumping and throwing a punch in the air.

"Itsuki, what are you doing and what is that?" Naruto asked.

Oh this? I call this "ShadowBoxing"

Shadow wha- before Naruto could finish his word, Kiba interrupted him. "Enough talk, Naruto and let's begin and ignore his weird posts." Kiba Rush to Itsuki with an Amazing speed. Before Kiba could lunch an Attack to Itsuki, Iruka Sensei interrupted them. Then Kiba Look what Infront of him, he saw a Fist and Freaking fist being one centimeter on his face.

"If not for Iruka Sensei this Fist would land on my face. I didn't even saw it nor how he did that." Kiba Looked at Itsuki smiling at him he began to sweat.

"What did I say that there's no Sparring match today?! Didn't I say no one would spar today? Who's idea is this?!

Nevermind, I'll let this slide today and no more in the future! Go back to your home and rest!

As Iruka Sensei Left. Kiba Started walking and leaving both me and Naruto Behind.