
In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

Transmigrated during Nine Tails Attack, as a heroic dying ANBU. Became sole survivor due to Attribute Collection SYSTEM. Post 2 year of hospitalization, now I am finally free...

ZEN1ST6 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs


A deep red light streaked across the battlefield. The source was the rampaging Fourth Mizukage, Yagura, who charged toward Kazuya with murderous intent. But in an instant, Yagura was sent flying like a beaten dog.

The earth-shattering impact stopped all the ninjas in their tracks.

Fuguki Suikazan: "..."

Mist Shinobi Ninjas: "..."

Rebels: "..."

Terumi Mei: "..."

Uchiha Shisui, who had just arrived: "..."

What just happened? That rampaging Fourth Mizukage was punched away by a Konoha Anbu?

How was this possible?

The minds of all the ninjas present echoed a single thought: Ridiculous!

It was absurd! The crazy Jinchūriki, who should have been invincible, was hammered by a Konoha Anbu in a single blow. Had Yagura thrown the fight?


From the collapsed mountains, the dark red form of the Three-Tails beast stood again. Yagura's chakra exploded, shattering the rocks around him. His beastly eyes locked onto Kazuya with a mix of fury and confusion.

[You picked up 800 Chakra points]

[You picked up 1000 Chakra points]

[You picked up 1000 points of Tailed Beast Chakra]

[You picked up 2000 points of Tailed Beast Chakra]

[You picked up 1800 points of Tailed Beast Chakra]

Golden light continuously flowed into Kazuya's body. He was reaping great rewards.

Kazuya couldn't help but wonder why Yagura was suddenly fixated on him. But this was a good thing. The head of the Kaguya clan, he thought, has given underwhelming gains, the assassination attempt on the Mizukage had promised much but delivered little. Now, Kazuya himself would have to step in to take on Yagura and gain experience.

"I've worked hard all my life," Kazuya thought with a sigh. "It would be great if Jiraiya were here. His level is more than enough to handle a Jinchūriki."

At that moment, the half-transformed Yagura charged at Kazuya, a terrifying chakra erupting around him, sending shockwaves through the water.

"The only thing to be careful about is Coral Palm," Kazuya reminded himself. He didn't take Yagura lightly. A perfect Jinchūriki like Yagura had formidable Kage-level combat power. After all, Akatsuki had deployed Obito, Pain, and Konan to control Yagura.

Clapping his hands, Kazuya shouted, "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

A massive fireball, over 20 meters in diameter, rolled towards Yagura.

The surrounding Mist Shinobi were stunned by the terrifying fire jutsu.

"Scary Fire Style Ninjutsu!"

"He's Anbu Kazuya! I recognize him!"

"Incredible! The rumors were true—he really did defeat the Cloud Shinobi Village's Jinchūriki!"

"And... did he not use hand seals?"

Seeing Kazuya release such a powerful jutsu without hand seals shocked and frightened the surrounding ninjas.

"Amazing..." Terumi Mei muttered, her eyes wide with awe. She couldn't believe this was the same man who had let her go during their encounter in the Land of Fire.

Yagura, sensing the danger, stopped his charge. His intuition warned him that if he continued, he would truly die.

"Awoooo!!!" he roared, forming a dark Tailed Beast Bomb in his mouth. The air buzzed with its immense chakra.

The Tailed Beast Bomb collided with the Great Fireball. The ensuing explosion evaporated the water in the area instantly. A dazzling white light filled the battlefield, blowing some ninjas away with its force. A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, making the scene look apocalyptic.

"Senior Kazuya's strength is terrifying!" Uchiha Shisui exclaimed, awestruck. He had missed the latter part of the battle against the Cloud Shinobi but had heard of Kazuya's prowess. Now he witnessed it firsthand—a terrifying Fire Style ninjutsu far beyond the common ninja.

The explosion created a dense mist of hot water vapor, obscuring vision.

Kazuya seized the moment, dashing through the mist to reach Yagura. He swung a kunai, but Yagura countered with his Coral Palm. The perfect technique to counter melee attackers, Coral Palm would grow coral on the victim's body, rendering them unable to fight.

A solid slap landed, but under the dark red tailed beast cloak, Yagura's expression shifted, regaining some sanity.

"Anbu Kazuya... Since the fight has already started, I will show you the true strength of Kirigakure!" Yagura declared.

But before he could continue, Kazuya launched another attack. Flames burst forth, engulfing Yagura.

A hundred meters away, the Fuguki Suikazan waved his Samehada frantically, looking distressed. Beside him, several Mist Shinobi Anbu exchanged strange looks.

After the smoke cleared, Yagura, clad in his dark red tailed beast cloak, reappeared, looking battered. His chakra coat was riddled with gaps, exposing his true form.

Clapping his hands again, Kazuya summoned dark clouds and thunder. In an instant, a massive Kirin lightning bolt formed in the sky. Smiling, Kazuya locked onto Yagura.

The surrounding Mist Shinobi raised their heads, staring at the terrifying display of power.

"That's Senior Kazuya, using chakra to guide the lightning," Uchiha Shisui explained, his Sharingan glowing. "This Lightning Style ninjutsu is too difficult. Isn't this the move he used to severely damage the Cloud Shinobi Jinchūriki?"

The thunder roared, and all eyes turned to Yagura, hoping their Mizukage could counter the terrifying attack.

But then, Yagura, having lifted his half-tailed beast state, raised his hands in surrender.

"Stop! Please stop!" he pleaded. "For the peace of Konoha and Mist Shinobi, I apologize for losing control. Please accept my sincerest apologies!"

He bowed deeply.

The Mist Shinobi were dumbfounded. Faced with such a terrifying Lightning Style ninjutsu, their Mizukage had conceded.

What was happening?