
In Naruto with More More Devil Fruit

Reborn in Naruto world with the More More Devil Fruit ability.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

26.Sasuke’s Change

(A/N- Sorry guys. Was busy yesterday. Couldn't update. Sorry for the delay. So an extra long chapter.)

Kakashi took some time to digest the information. Then with an unbelievable expression he said "So, why did the Hokage make Sensei Hokage then?" Naruto started speaking again "Actually, it was a great plot orchestrated by Danzo even before the incident. Danzo wanted to get rid of the Uchiha clan since the second Hokage died. He also wanted to become Hokage, wage wars and finally rule over the world. So he planned with Orochimaru providing him with test subjects and orphans to get another wood style user under his control.

After Orochimaru was past his usefulness by creating a wood user, Danzo reported his deeds to the Old man successfully getting rid of him from the village. After that, his plans were disturbed by my father not giving him any power. Also my father found out that the attack on Uzumaki village happened because Danzo leaked the information on how to bypass the seals and enter their village and also many shady deals done by him and also supported the Uchiha clan. So Danzo took upon himself to get rid of my father and also the Uchiha clan.

So he collaborated with the Akatsuki organisation and helped them attack the village. At the time of the attack, the Uchiha went to evacuate the citizens and this led to Danzo accuse them that they didn't help against the attack. Also as it was confirmed that the Ninetails was controlled, Danzo took this chance and declared that the Uchiha were responsible for the attack and also spread rumours among the citizens and isolated the clan. The Uchiha clan couldn't take it anymore and planned the coup against the village.

This was what Danzo and the elders were expecting. But there were two Uchiha's who were against the attack. Itachi And Shisui Uchiha. Shisui had an ability to put someone in a Genjutsu without them realising it. He planned on using the ability on Uchiha clan head and elders to stop the coup and revealed this ability to Hiruzen & Danzo. But Danzo took this chance and poisoned Shisui and stole one of his Sharingan. He and Hiruzen then made Uchiha Itachi kill everyone on the clan as to spare Sasuke. Then join the Akatsuki as a spy for the village. Shisui's sharingan is in Danzo's right eye now. That's why he has his eye patched always for others not to notice it."

Kakashi gulped hearing all this information. He didn't know if it were true or not, but he believed Naruto as the facts were also before him. He didn't even think that the village elders could do such things and the village was so much corrupt. Naruto then continued "Kakashi sensei, that's not all. It was Danzo who spread the rumours that I was a demon among the villagers and Hiruzen played as the good guy hoping me to rely on him so that I can be controlled because I'm a Jinchuriki. Another matter is about your Father's death.

Kakashi surprised again asked "What about my father?" Naruto answered "Your father was Sakumo Hatake known as the white fang. In the war, he fought against sand village and made a name as a very strong Shinobi and was praised by everyone and had a great chance to become Hokage. Danzo couldn't control your father as he was smart and strong. So he worked with other villages giving out the details of your fathers mission making him fail the mission. Then he also forced his teammates to blame your father and spread a bad rumour in the village condemning him and finally he committed suicide.

That was all planned by Danzo and the elders as they didn't want to lose their privileges by electing someone as Hokage who might notice their doings and finally take action on them. They let my father become Hokage thinking that he is young and be controlled easily, but as it failed, they killed him. Now tell me Kakashi sensei, whose side are you on? Now you can tell me that I'm against the Hokage and the council". Kakashi started contemplating for a long time and asked "Naruto, what do you plan to do to the village?"

Kakashi knew that Naruto was stronger than him and he won't be able to hold Naruto if he wants to leave. He also knew that if Naruto wants to destroy the village, it's also possible as he is strong and also as he said he is in control of Ninetails. So he wanted to know Naruto's opinion. Naruto shook his head and turned to the side and shouted "You can come out now. It's better if you answered Kakashi sensei's question. Now that you know the truth, what do you plan to do Sasuke?" Kakashi stunned as he looked at that direction. He was too engrossed in the things Naruto told him to notice Sasuke hiding listening to their conversation.

Sasuke then appeared from above a tree and jumped down near them and asked "Is what you said about the Uchiha clan true?" Naruto replied "100% truth Sasuke. I have no reason to lie. You can find out if you check Danzo's eye. Now what have you decided?" Sasuke punched a nearby tree in anger and said "I'll get my revenge. I'll destroy the village". Hearing this Kakashi frowned "Sasuke that.... the village had nothing to do with it Sasuke. It was just the higher ups. There are a lot of innocent people in the village who knows nothing about it".

Sasuke gritted his teeth and shouted "There were a lot of innocent people in the Uchiha clan as well. In fact, my whole clan was innocent. They were just framed and killed off. And you say that I shouldn't get revenge?" Kakashi didn't know what to say. He too was thinking of words to calm Sasuke, but what Sasuke said was also true. Naruto shook his head "Sasuke, Your brother killed off his own clan to protect you and the village. Don't make his sacrifice be in vain. If you want your revenge, train hard and Kill Danzo and the stupid council." Naruto didn't want to make Kakashi his enemy and he also didn't want to destroy the village yet as the village didn't go against him, but if they manage to piss him off, that's their doom.

Sasuke started contemplating hearing about his brother and asked "Why did my brother spare me then?" Naruto answered "Because he loves you more than the whole clan and Probably he wanted an Uchiha to judge him for his sins. Who better than his own brother? But it's just my speculation. You have to learn the truth of his feelings by asking him yourself." Sasuke's anger then started dropping and said "I'll kill Danzo" with blood red eyes with two tomoe.Naruto nodded "Oh! You unlocked your sharingan....Right. I was also planning to kill Danzo, the advisors and also Hiruzen if he stands in my way. I promised my father that I'll not destroy the village and only kill the old people off, so I support in killing Danzo, but you have to get stronger if you want your revenge Sasuke".

Sasuke nodded and reluctantly spoke "Train me Naruto. I want to become stronger than you. I understand that you are the only one who can help me get stronger." Naruto surprised asked "Why me?" Sasuke answered without delay "I was angry at first because you were stronger than me, Naruto, but after seeing you fight at the bridge, I acknowledged your strength. After witnessing your strength, I'm sure that you are stronger than Kakashi and from your conversation, I learnt that you are as strong as the Hokage, or even stronger. I also want that power and you are only person I can go to."

Naruto nodded in understanding and thought 'Isn't he Indra's reincarnation and I'm Ashura's reincarnation? Aren't we supposed to fight each other and him getting jelous of my powers and grow rivalry or enemity? I'm surprised he asked for my help. Might be because I took over this body, I might not even be Ashura's reincarnation anymore. Sasuke's changes might also be due to not meeting Orochimaru and the most powerful person he saw till date is me. Might also be because he learnt of the truth regarding the Uchiha Massacre. Anyway, I don't care about any village or anything, but as I have the Ninetails, I might need him in the future if I were to face the Otsutsuki clan. I don't think I can handle them alone. Better help him train and build a relationship'.