
In Naruto With Minato Template (Complete)

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Chapter 34 : Hyper Speed (Rewrite)

[Ding. Congratulations host for creating a new Technique]

[Lightning Speed]

[Congratulations Host on Mastering the Lightning Speed Technique]

[Lightning Speed Upgraded to Hyper Speed]

Kirito was excited by all these kinds of system messages the moment he saved Naruto and Ino.

"Yes, It is finally completed," shouted Kirito. The excitement which he was feeling right now was not something which he could explain to anyone.

For more than 2 years he has practised this technique and finally, he has completed this technique.

His very own Technique Hyper Speed.

Almost sounds like Thunder Clap and Flash. But he doesn't mind, the technique itself is very similar to Raikage's Lightning Armour.

A few minutes earlier he saw his brother and Ino was about to be hit by a deadly attack and the only thing he could do to save them was to use this Technique.

Maybe the god listens to him. He finally completed the technique. It was like his whole body was getting jabbed by lightning, no doubt the technique still needs mastering but his speed really did increase in time and he was able to save both Ino and Naruto.

Naruto and Ino did not even see what happened.

The speed was just like a flash of lightning.

Only some root members were able to see what Kirito did and now they were frightened by what happened next.

Everyone in the Konoha knew how devastating the Flying Thunder God Technique was to the enemy.

Of course, these root members mistook the technique but Kirito is not gonna correct them.

They did not think anything more and started running towards the forest. Kirito saw that but did not go after them directly.

He first put down his brother then Ino who he was practically a princess carrying.

Ino might not know what happened but she does know that Kirito saved her and was now a princess carrying him. This brought a huge blush to Ino's face.

Haku who also saw this understood the feeling and blushed a little while no one was looking.

Kirito though was immersed in his new technique and all the updates that the system did to the technique.

The minute he got the mastery thanks to the system he felt like someone gave him access to the speed force.

"Ino, Naruto you two wait here for me. I will take care of those guys and will be back soon" Kirito said in a calm tone and immediately flashed from there.

Naruto and Ino once again could not see Kirito moving. But they saw a flash like a real flash of light.

This happens because of the lightning crackling around Kirito.

A total of 6 root chunin ran away. Nothing too much that Kirito can't handle.

Kirito directly used his Hyper Speed which now was completely under his control after he got the mastery from the system and dashed towards the nearest root ninja.

His Hyper Focus have already spotted all the runaway shinobi.

In fact, Hyper Focus was kind of necessary at this speed.

He immediately sends a kunai at amazing speed towards the first shinobi. The chunin did evade the kunai but was not expecting what happened next. Kirito just appeared right in front of him and directly cut that chunin's neck.

Kirito just replaced himself with a kunai. Thanks to his mastery of that technique. It very much acts like Hiraishin as long as he can see the Kunai. He can replace his position with the Kunai.

Then he went after the second chunin who he directly used a miniature rasen shuriken on.

Third, fourth, fifth and sixth were running at the same speed. Kirito directly appears in front of them and impales them with Kobikiribocho.

"I knew that this blade would come in handy," Kirito smiled.

All the roots were now already killed except the one which was captured by Kakashi and Asuma.

Thankfully Jonin has not seen Kirito using any of his powers and thus his information won't be leaked.

Kirito finally sighed in relief and was ready to return to his team.

Kakashi and Asuma too were done with their fights by this time. But the problem was not solved because that idiot Gato also found this exact day to attack the bridge.

Kirito once again had to rush towards the bridge when he got this information from his clone.

No one was near the bridge to save guard the bridge and maybe exactly this is why Gato dared to attack the bridge.

Gato might have already sent his goons to capture Tazuna's family but Kirito does not worry about them. His whole team is there with them.

Kirito suddenly had the urge to recreate what his father did in the Third World War.

Maybe he doesn't have the Hiraishin but he wanted to test out the Hyper Speed.

No one was there to see what he was about to do anyway and thus he let the flash be seen by the world once against.

By the time Kirito was done and came back to Tazuna's house. He saw an awkward situation there.

Everyone was looking at Haku. It was almost like she was their captive.

The Jonin who was captured by Kakashi has already killed himself and everyone was super tired by this fight.

All of them were looking at Kirito as if they wanted an answer. Mainly who is Haku and how is he so fast?


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