
Chapter 274 : Viola

Kirito just went along with the beautiful woman until she stopped herself. He looked at the woman, she was young but still Kirito couldn't call her a girl, she by no means looked like she was a hold hag but not like a girl either. Just like Robin.

Robin looks mature, unlike pre-time skip Nami. Though now Nami looked way too mature she still had that girlish charm, this woman was like Robin. The charm of a mature woman.

After dragging him for another few minutes, she finally stopped. They finally lost the people trailing her. 

Leaving his hand, just said a quick thank you in a strange interesting accent and then ran off. 

Kirito's eyes twitch a little, at least a little "hi- hello", "my is my name is ..." would be nice. 

The woman ran out and entered a small alley between two buildings only to hear this. 

"Hello, I am Kirito Namikaze." 

"Ah," She gasped, clearly surprised. 

"You but...but you were." She almost stutters. 

"Was back there. Yes. 

But don't worry about something like that. Anyways. I am Kirito Namikaze, it's common sense to tell your name back when someone introduces to you, especially when that person just helps you avoid those goons you are trying to run away from." Kirito asked with a grim. 

"Ah. Hmm yes, I'm sorry. 

I am Viola." 




Viola wasn't having a good day, running away from those goons, she was running out of time. And then she met him. 

A blonde man, more like a boy when her own age is considered. Though she herself is not that old. Only 29, even younger than Robin by one year. 

The boy was handsome with two bangs and strange clothes. He calls it Ninja Clothing. At first, she thought that he was from Wano country but that wasn't the case. 

Whatever it was though, Kirito was helping her hide herself and that was beneficial for her so she play along.

Kirito and Viola found a quiet spot in a small alley, away from the prying eyes of the goons that had been chasing her. They sat down, and Viola handed him a bottle of water she had grabbed from a nearby stand.

"Thanks," Kirito said, taking a sip, though that was acting, what kind of Ninja would take anything to drink or eat from a complete stranger? "So, what's going on here? Why were those guys after you?"

Kirito asked but that was just to start the conversation. His frank tone made that clear that the question was just that a curiosity. She doesn't have to answer.

Viola sighed, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "Those men are working for Donquixote Doflamingo, the one who controls Dressrosa. They were after me because I tried to gather information against him. He's got this island under his thumb, and anyone who opposes him is in danger." She said, though there was much more that she omitted. And of course, Kirito was taking everything she was saying with a grain of salt. 

"Are you here for the fighting contest? Many outsiders have arrived here for that." Viola asked, as she saw many foreigners coming to Dressrosa to take participate in the fighting contest. 

Kirito was confused but he just nodded to play along. 

"Yes, but there was more as well. I also to fine someone to be more exact I also came here to get information on someone. Maybe some broker here can give me something useful." Kirito said as he sighed.

"Tell me more about Dressrosa. What's happening here? And what's with all those animated toys? I mean seriously, why and how ?"

Viola leaned back, looking weary. "Dressrosa is a beautiful place, but it's got a dark secret. You are not from here are you, you should go away while you have time. I am not aware of all the information myself but those toys exist because someone in the Doflamingo group has a devil fruit which can make them, though I don't know anything more.

Kirito's eyes narrowed. "I see, well devil fruit or not, it's pretty suspicious that any fruit can give intelligence and emotion to an inanimate object. It usually should cost something. But whatever, nothing to do with me. Tell me more about Doflamingo?"

Viola looked down, her face filled with sorrow. "He's a tyrant, he makes those toys work tirelessly while he maintains control over everyone through fear and manipulation. Many families are torn apart without even realizing it because they can't remember their loved ones who've been turned into toys."

Kirito purses his lips. It almost felt like Viola knew more than she was showing but Kirito didn't ask, there will be time for that.

"I see, anyways. I am not planning on staying here for long either. I am not done with registering myself for the tournament yet. 

But before I need to find someplace where I can get some information. Say, you don't happen to know anything about it, Do You?

Viola hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "I think I can help. Follow me."

They moved through the narrow streets of Dressrosa, avoiding the goons and making their way to a secluded area. Viola led Kirito to a small, run-down building. "This place should be it," she said, pushing open the door.

Kirito stepped inside, but as soon as he did, he realized something was wrong. The room was filled with thugs, all looking at him with malicious grins. Viola stepped back, her expression conflicted.

She said, her voice different than before. "Sorry darling, but you shouldn't trust people who easily. Especially girls here in Dressrosa."

Kirito just wanted to roll his eyes. He saw a trap coming from miles away. Just he fact how trusting and helping this woman was being. It was inevitable. 

He just go along just to get to the darker side of the society here. That is where he can really get the information he wants.

The thugs lunged at Kirito, but he was ready. He moved with lightning speed, wasn't even planning on using Ninjutsu here he just used Taijutsu.

One punch here, one kick there and overall he effortlessly took care of more than 12 thugs in under 1 minute.

Viola watched in awe as Kirito fought with unparalleled skill. Despite the ambush, he remained calm and focused, taking down the thugs one by one.

Viola seeing this pursed her lips. Knowing those thugs can't handle Kirito, she decided to use her own devil fruit. 

Tears suddenly appear on those beautiful eyes of her, turning into giant whales made of glass. Launching at Kirito. 

Kirito saw the attack with amusement. That was one of the most peculiar attacks he has ever seen. And he saw Naruto turning his fart into an attack.


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