
In Naruto With Minato Template (Complete)

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Chapter 25 : Kirito Vs Zabuza (Rewrite)

While Kirito was griming, Zabuza already acted and rushed towards Kirito with his Kobikiribocho.

In the blink of an eye, Zabuza was near Kirito and he swung his large executioner blade.

For Kirito, time was going in slow motion. Not because he was afraid and having a hard time catching Zabuza's attack.

It was because of Hyper Focus which he has developed to a very impressive degree.

The moment the blade came near Kirito. He just bends his kneel and avoids the attack just like how Saitama avoided Geno's kick when they fought.

Kirito too is a swordsman but he just started practicing swords. And is not very good at it.

So it was interesting to see Zabuza swinging around the large sword with ease.

Zabuza saw Kirito doing that and was stunned at how fast he was able to move just now.

Currently, Kirito has Chunin-level power (Near Kage if Nine Tail is included) but when it comes to his speed it is already at Jonin level and maybe even better.

Thanks to his Hyper Focus he can perceive things faster than most people.

Zabuza was wondering how fast Kirito was doing but then Rasengan directly hit him on his stomach.

It should be impossible because both of Kirito's hand was pretty far away from Zabuza when he bent over to dodge his attack.

But Zabuza did not know that Kirito did not even need his hands to attack him with Rasegan as he could launch the ball of chakra like Boruto. Kirito just launched a Rasengan when Zabuza almost attacked him and directly aimed it at his stomach.

Zabuza was of course thrown aback.

Kirito though did not have time to think before multiple senbons came towards him. Haku also was there and joined the battle when he saw Kirito blasting Zabuza out.

There was no concern in his eyes. Kirito on the other hand easily dodge the attack with his speed and appears behind Haku.

Not only does this speed much faster than both of them but he also used the special gas to damage their nervous system.

It's temporary but, that much time is enough for Kirito to kill both of them.

Haku notices that Kirito appear behind him and immediately shoots ice shards towards Kirito.

Zabuza at this point was trying to get back to his feeds. That hidden Rasengan messed him up.

On the other side, Haku immediately falls into a disadvantageous situation. He had to use her trump card early to stop Kirito's fast and deadly assault.

The ice dome finally came to life and Kirito was trapped inside. Or that's what Haku thought.

Kirito replaced himself with a Shadow clone and let Haku waste his chakra maintaining that dome until he took care of Zabuza.

In a real fight, a person should use all the advantage he has. Wasting Haku's chakra like this is just plain better than fighting both Jonin and Chunin-level shinobi at the same time.

It does not matter whether he can take them both together or not. He knows that if he gives it a try then handling both of them in their condition is not that hard but why do something so foolish?

While the Kirito clone was distracting Haku, The original rushed towards Zabuza to complete the fight.


[Zabuza POV]

The young boy was incredibly fast, dodging my attacks with ease. I swung my massive sword, but he was already out of range, his speed allowing him to move and dodge every attack I threw at him.

I growled in frustration, lunging forward with a series of quick strikes. He ducked and weaved, dodging each attack effortlessly. He countered with a swift kick to my chest, sending me stumbling back.

I regained my balance and charged forward, sword slashing through the air. But he was ready, his own hands flashing out to block the attack. The two fighters were evenly matched, their attacks and defences coming in quick succession.

The fight raged on for several minutes, but I knew that I wouldn't last long, the attack that the kid performed in the beginning was so strong that I was starting to lose control over my body. I feel pain on moving and he is much faster than me.

Now, that Zabuza thinks about this he might know who this person is. A kid with blonde hair and blue eyes with this kind of speed. Also only 12 to 13 years old. There is no mistaking whose kid this is.

"Namikaze" shouted Zabuza when the realization struck him. This made Kirito smirk.



Finally, Zabuza made a mistake. He left himself open for just a moment, and Kirito seized the opportunity. With lightning-fast reflexes, Kirito landed a punch squarely in Zabuza's jaw. Kirito's fast fist was making all of his already strong power even stronger. The older ninja stumbled backwards, his eyes rolling up into his head as he fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Damn, who needs a Rasengan when you can punch your opponent to dead". Kirito said to himself.

He knew that Zabuza was not dead and this was not just because of his punch but rather the special gas and the Rasengan that he used on Zabuza earlier.

But he also barely felt that his hand's colour had changed back then. Like the power increase all of a sudden. But for the time being, he decided to focus on the matter at hand.

Kirito stood over his fallen opponent. And with a simple flick of his moment, he ended Zabuza's life by throwing a kunai at his skull.

He quickly took out a scroll to put Zabuza's body inside it. And of course, he took his sword, being a swordsman, there is no reason not to. He might be able to use it when he learns the Edo Tensei technique. Or he will use it himself.

"Wasting things is a bad habit" Kirito happily mutter to himself and stores Zabuza's dead body inside a special scroll.


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Hahaaha, fist ever cliff hanger. Expect more from now on.

kamidemondcreators' thoughts