
In Naruto With Gamer System

A man that never found his purpose in life even at his last moments in his deathbed with his family surrounding him, he still felt an emptiness in his heart, and with deep regrets, he finally closed his eyes for one last time.. or so he thought. ---------------------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ---------------------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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299 Chs

Box of memories

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As some people were perplexed by the huge amount of fresh killing intent in Bakorio's heart that Kurama felt thanks to his gift in sensing negative emotions.

Bakorio on the other hand finally felt reassured when Naruto was back to his usual cheerful personality so he said "Naruto, I have a suggestion"

Naruto had a puzzled look on his face as he replied " Hum … what is it?"

"I want you to come live with me," I said with a smile as I looked at this lonely kid...

Naruto froze for a second not knowing how to respond to such a suggestion that was a dream come true to him.

However, sometimes what the mind can't fathom is easily understood by the heart, and this was very evident as his big blue eyes suddenly started becoming watery, and before long, tears starting falling down from them…

"R-really? Can I come live with you? *sniff* *sniff*" replied Naruto.

Naruto's reaction didn't surprise me. After all, imagine being shunned by the people around you all the time and be forced to live alone at a young age...

Of course, his situation is infinitely better now where he can at least communicate with his parents from time to time so the loneliness in his heart was slowly vanishing.

However, in the end, when he leaves that seal space, he would still find himself in his house alone with no one to talk to and this always left an empty spot in his heart.

This is why this suggestion was so meaningful to him, and it brought him both joy and disbelief. Joy at the thought of living with who he considers his best friend, and disbelief at just how great his life was changing to the point that it all seemed like a dream…

I looked at Naruto and gently nodded as I said "Yes, once this situation is settled, you will start living with me in the new Uchiha compound"

"GREAT!!!" Naruto jumped from his seat in happiness and couldn't wait for the situation to quickly be solved and for a new chapter in his life to start. Hopefully one without loneliness…

Meanwhile, inside the seal space, Kushina looked at Minato worriedly wanting to say something but kept holding back…

Minato of course noticed her and understood the emotional dilemma she was facing and he could only console her by saying " We can decide once we talk with Bakorio-kun"

"Okay…" Nodded Kushina worriedly showing a part of her personality no one would believe this fiery and aggressive woman could have in her…


-2 hours later-

A huge announcement was spread throughout Konoha that brought great joy to the Uchiha clan.

It was the announcing of the retirement of Hiruzen Sarutobi from his position as Hokage and being replaced by none other than Wicked Eye Fugaku Uchiha becoming Konoha's fifth Hokage as well as the first Uchiha Hokage in the history of the village!

And soon after, an order was sent to all the Uchiha members living in the outskirts of the village to start packing their belongings for they were going to move to the center of the village which left them feeling surreal...

"I never thought I would live this long to see the Uchiha clan getting its former glory back and more" said an old man from the Uchiha clan with deep emotions in his eyes.

"Indeed, Fugaku-sa- no Fifth Hokage-sama really didn't let us down and we can finally be treated as part of the village without getting the short end of the stick all the time" said another member also emotionally.

Gratefulness and praises were all the Uchiha members felt for Fugaku who actually managed to not only recover the clan's position in Konoha but also becoming a Hokage!

All the sacrifices the Uchiha clan was forced to make, all the trickeries and mistrust they had to face from the rulers of the village other than Hashirama since the time Madara betrayed the village.

They were all finally over, and hopefully, they won't happen again…


After the announcement was made, I went back to the Uchiha compound to get whatever valuables I had in my old house and Naruto wanted to tag along so I brought him with me.

After we arrived at this ruined apartment I picked up a huge bag and started packing it with my clothes and filling it with the money I earned from my pastry shop before it was closed.

Then, I suddenly stopped in front of my closet and Naruto noticed that I had a weird expression on my face as I looked at a simple wooden box inside of it so he looked at it curiously before he innocently asked me

"What's inside that box?"

I had a complicated expression on my face as I looked at this simple box that was here since the first day I transmigrated to this world.

Thanks to the memories I gained from the previous owner of this body I understood that this wooden box contained some momentos left by the kid's dead parents and out of respect I decided not to touch them as they are not meant for me.

This's the least I could do for the kid and his parents as I'm now using his body…

At first, I didn't care much about it, but now seeing this unchanged wooden box made me realize just how much this world forced me to change which made me feel much more complicated about it right now…

Noticing that I was spacing out, Naruto become worried and decided to nudge me a little so I don't keep ignoring him while saying "Is everything okay?"

This worked because I finally escaped from my thought and replied to him

"I'm fine, This is the only thing left to me by my parents, it contains a momento from both of them and it brought some memories back that's all"

'That's right, Bakorio's parents aren't alive huh? And he can't even meet them like I do so he must be very lonely. Yet, he never complains about it' Naruto felt sad for his friend as he thought of this.

What he didn't realize was that he misunderstood what Bakorio's experiencing and this misunderstanding was also shared by Minato, Kushina, and Kurama who were creepily watching through Naruto's senses…

"Maybe it's not a bad idea for him and Naruto to live together after all" said Minato to Kushina who was feeling her motherly instincts screaming telling her to hug this pitiful kid.

While in truth, loneliness was never Bakorio's concern.

He lived for a long time with only loneliness and despair keeping him company and what truly always concerned him was what happened to his heart.

It made him realize that the only thing worse than a heart drowning in darkness is a heart that gets used to it.

And this was his biggest mistake and downfall because the moment he got used to it, the feeling of happiness was ripped from his heart and the people around him only made it worse…

However, the light of Hope will always shine through any obstacle. The irony however is that it led him to ask for death to release him from his misery…

"What did your parents leave you?" asked Naruto who couldn't handle the silence that filled the room curiously…

I broke away from my thoughts and looked at the nervous Naruto which made me regain my cool and asked with a smile

"You want to see?"

Naruto's curiosity ignited because his parent's identity was always hidden from him so, sadly he wasn't left with anything from them other than a huge monster sealed inside him…

"Yes, please please" said Naruto while nodding repeatedly

"Fine" I replied with a smile to this kid as I slowly opened this box for the first time …

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