
In Naruto: Pursuit of Truth

The soul of a Researcher, because of his work in his previous life gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of Naruto with some treasures of his choice. Follow him as he climbs from the bottom in Pursuit of the Truth and Immortality. ------------------------------------------------ Some things may not be according to canon. ------------------------------------------------ This is my first time writing, please be forgiving. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). PS: I do not own the cover image. If it is yours and you want it taken down, please send me a message.

SilverFlame · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter – 69: Anchor

[Rei POV]

"You lose!" says Inoichi, "Although, your teamwork wasn't all that bad for a newly formed team…"

"So what sensei? we still lost… and it was all my fault…" says Yuri dejectedly.

"Well, I wasn't expecting you guys to win…" smiles Inoichi, "Anyway, you don't have to feel dejected as it is not entirely your fault…"

"Sensei is right, it's not entirely your fault… I overestimated my genjutsu abilities too… I thought I could distract sensei and not let him use his sensor abilities for some time so that you can sneak attack, but…"


"Don't be hard on yourselves, you guys already pretty good. From what I have seen today, you can definitely take on an experienced Genin or even a new Chunin if you three work together…" says Inoichi, "Okay, we still have time, so how about we practice for some time and then head to Yakiniku Q? It will be my treat tonight…"

Later that evening.

All three of us are sitting on the ground, dead tired from all the practice. Inochi first told us about our shortcomings and started to train us in what we lack the most. As for me, Inoichi was able to point it right away that what I lack is experience. Although I limited myself during the fight today from using all abilities of this already weak clone, I still have to admit he is correct when he said that I lack experience.

Also, I have found one more interesting use for this combat practice. With the three uses of my parasites, I have gathered all the memories of a Sannin and a Jonin; we can leave the other for now. But these experiences are just in my head. However, with these combat exercises, I can make them into a sort of muscle memory. Because I was in control of both bodies when I was practicing with my clones, I didn't notice this effect, but now that I am actually fighting someone, I finally realized it…

"Let's end it here for today, from tomorrow, we will meet here every day at dawn and practice for three to four hours. After that, we will do some missions inside the village as it's getting dangerous outside… but that's for tomorrow… now, let's party…"

While one of my clones is undergoing training under Inoichi, another one has already reached the outskirts of Konoha; near one of Orochimaru's labs!

'I have kept him waiting for a long time… hope he won't mind it…' I chuckle.

A few minutes later, I am standing in front of what looks like a normal cave, but how can such a simple illusion formation affect me; especially after awakening the eye of Truth!

'The whole place is booby-trapped!' I think while walking down the dimly lit pathway, 'So, the lab is actually underground… if by any chance these traps are triggered, it will cause a major collapse burying everything underneath… clever...'

Finally, after walking for around ten minutes, I reach a big hallway. I look around to see tens of nutrition tanks filled with expensive nutrition fluids. That's not the most important thing, the thing that grabbed my attention are the children who are floating in each of them!

"So, you came… hiss" I hear the same creepy voice from a small opening at the other end of the hallway.

"Yes, hope you won't mind the wait…"

As I walk in, I see an operation chamber; well sort of anyway. At the center of the room is an experimentation table, on which is the body of a child whose entire body is covered in seals. I couldn't see his face as both his face and his lower body is covered in white cloth.

I see Orochimaru standing next to the child performing some kind of surgery.

'God! he is placing the tissue he cultivated from Hashirama cells into the child's body directly…' I think with apprehension, 'Even for me this is too much… this is a person without a bottom line…'

As I am saying this to myself, something clicks inside me, 'What is my bottom line?'

Even after thinking for a while, I couldn't come up with anything, 'I don't have a bottom line too… am I going to turn into this kind of monster?'

'No, mine is not an obsession like him…'

No matter how hard I try to deny it, there is no value to it. That's why there is a saying in my old world, 'It is easy to tell lies to others, but you can never lie to yourself…'

'Instead of denying it and failing myself, why not accept I have been close to losing my way and try to find a solution for it…'

Now that I think about it, I always thought morals and by extension, laws were created just so weak people can be protected. However, now I know that it's is not entirely true. Morals also protect the strong from losing themselves in power and going insane!

Kind of like an anchor. You may believe the anchor is robbing the boat's freedom, but when a storm comes, it is what protects the boat too. Morals are the anchors for one's humanity!

'I don't need to be the knight in shining armor who is going around town saving people… but I need my own bottom line… or a set of rules that I will abide by at all costs…'

'Also, it cannot be something like love or friendship, etc… as I know multiple examples of what happens when one loses that kind of thing… For example, consider Madara, after losing his brother and clan, he went completely insane. Similarly, Obito or Nagato… so, that's not something I am going anywhere near for now... how about I limit myself from doing what Orochimaru is doing...'

'Okay, from now on, I am not going to sacrifice innocent people to gain power… that will be my bottom-line…'