
In Naruto: Pursuit of Truth

The soul of a Researcher, because of his work in his previous life gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of Naruto with some treasures of his choice. Follow him as he climbs from the bottom in Pursuit of the Truth and Immortality. ------------------------------------------------ Some things may not be according to canon. ------------------------------------------------ This is my first time writing, please be forgiving. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). PS: I do not own the cover image. If it is yours and you want it taken down, please send me a message.

SilverFlame · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter – 46: Entering the Land of Bloodlines

[Rei Clone POV]

It's been a week since I started my travel and I have reached the Land of Noodles. There is something that's been on my mind ever since I started this plan for Kiri. How should I enter the hidden village?

If it was just a secret mission, I could have tried to sneak in, but I plan to stay and work there for a period of time. So, sneaking in is neither a good idea with my current strength nor a viable, long-term solution for I have a lot to do in Kiri. In addition, I don't want to look desperate to join Kiri too, that would be counterproductive.

Therefore, I decided that If I can't walk to the mountain, I will have the mountain come to me!

Because, I have something that only one other person in this world is capable of matching, the knowledge of Medical ninjutsu! Of course, I am not saying I am as good as Tsunade at treating people, no, all I am saying is, everything she knows, I know too. All I am lacking are some guinea pigs to, mmm… sorry… some patients to practice on.

Hence the reason for stopping in the Land of Noodles. I intend to become a famous doc here and attract Mizukage's attention and no village would mind having more medics; especially in times of war.

They will however try to find my background but they can try all they want because they will not be able to find anything. When this body was created, it looked exactly like the main body. It would have been risky for the main body if this clone is spotted in Kiri working for the Mizukage. So, before coming out of Konoha, this body was surgically modified to look completely different. This is not a transformation jutsu, it's a physical surgery the main body was able to do with help of the A.I chip and Tsunade's knowledge! Now, not one bit of similarity remains, and unless I activate my Sharingan no one will be able to link me to Konoha. Also, since this is a clone created inside the Origin space, there will be no history of it in any of the hidden villages. Like it was born just yesterday!

I just arrived here this morning. With some money and a few threats, I was easily able to snatch a place on the commercial street where I have set up a clinic. I have named it The God's Hand!

If I want to become famous, I will do it all the way. Anyway, when I decided to send this clone to Kiri, I already gave up on getting it back. Therefore, I am not worried about its safety at all.

Let's see if I can make the Mizukage beg me to join Kiri.

** Two months later **

In these two months, I have done nothing but treat people; people from all walks of life, from kids to old people, male to female, poor to rich, civilians to shinobi. I have never shown any preferential treatment to anyone. I have one motto, once you enter the God's Hand clinic, you have only one identity, a Patient! And a patient should listen to his doctor, not the other way round just because of money or power.

This is me without displaying any fighting prowess myself. There were some who wanted to stir trouble here, but they just vanished into thin air somehow; no one was able to find them again. Since then, there was no one else who dared to act rashly here.

Also in these two months, I have achieved my initial goal, 'to become famous!' I should be getting invitations from the Mizukage soon. One reason for it to be Mizukage is that Kirigakure is the one closest to the Land of Noodles; even if the news has reached the other villages that a good medic is in the Land of Noodles, it will take time for them to respond. The other reason is that I have let slip once that I was born in Kirigakure. Hence, the Mizukage should plan on using that against me, 'poor old man!' I chuckle.

It happened exactly as I predicted. A few days later, some uninvited guests showed up at my place. Obviously, they were Kiri anbus.

"You are The God's Hand, Shiro Mashashi? You don't look all that special to me…" says one of those anbus condescendingly after seeing me.

"You are?" I ask with a squint. I know what they are trying to do, using these low-class tricks to put pressure on me, fat chance!

"It doesn't matter who I am; if you know what's good for you, you will obediently come with us!"

I laugh out loud at his threat and say, "Let me give you a piece of advice; this one is free, you can kill a doctor, but never ever try to threaten them! Who knows you might get poisoned tomorrow and that doctor you just threatened might be the only one who can save you!"

"I know I can't win against all of you if we fight, so you have two options. You can either kill me right now or tell me what do you want from me." I look right into his eyes without the slightest hint of fear.

The anbu starts to wipe his nonexistent sweat, he still remembers Mizukage's order, "I want him working for me, and you don't need to come back if not with him!" They had already investigated him and found that the fame he had accumulated was all based on his achievements in medical ninjutsu; although he isn't at Tsunade's level, it's still way higher than what Kiri has currently. If because of their mistake, they let him go to some other hidden village, Mizukage will surely have their heads for it. Initially, they thought that they would scare the medic just a little bit and make him come along. But it seems they had overestimated themselves or rather they underestimated the doctor's resolve.

They discuss between themselves for a bit and "Mizukage-sama wants to see you!" the one who just threatened says in a low voice.

"Oh, and what would Mizukage-sama want from this lowly me?"

"We don't know, his orders were to bring you to Kirigakure to meet him."

"You come to my house, you threaten me and now without even saying why you want me to come with you to Kiri?"

"We are really sorry for our inappropriate behavior, but we never had any intention of harming you. Too many of our comrades were injured recently and we urgently need men of your expertise, can you please at least come to Kirigakure once and take a look?" asks another anbu.

"Well, well, well… You should have said so since the beginning! I have my code you know; I never say no to any patients. Although rare for me to go to the patient's place to treat them, since you say that there are many injured people, I will feel guilty if I reject you. Let's go, even if I can save only one life, that one life is worth it for me to make the trip!" I say with a smile.

And with that, I leave with the Anbus to Kirigakure.